Peculiarities of training taekwondo athletes of the highest qualification (on the example of the ITF Regional Taekwondo Federation). Special physical training in taekwondo Features of general physical training in taekwondo

Methodology for developing flexibility

In childhood and adolescence, greater flexibility is manifested in all joints and greater mobility of the joints. Therefore, one of the main sports and pedagogical tasks of the teacher is the systematic work to develop the flexibility of those involved in the first years of classes.

Good flexibility contributes to the correct execution of technical actions, and systematic exercises in the implementation of techniques contribute to the specific improvement of flexibility.

To develop flexibility, the following special exercises and methodological techniques are used:

1. Exercises without objects with gradually increasing amplitude.

2. Stretching exercises; repeated springy movements (tilts forward, to the side, backbends and various squats).

3. Exercises that imitate taekwondo techniques with as much amplitude as possible.

4. Exercises using active and passive flexibility (with the help of shells, with the help of a partner, etc.).

Special exercises for the development of flexibility are necessarily included in the preparatory part of any taekwondo lesson, in morning exercises and other taekwondo activities.

Complex technical-tactical, physical and psychological training in direct methodological connection with competitions at certain stages becomes competitive training. It contributes to a better solution of the tasks of tactical and moral-volitional training of those involved.

Participation in competitions is an effective means of improving the sportsmanship of fighters. However, it must be remembered that frequent starts tire the nervous system, the athlete loses the desire to compete. Therefore, competitive training must be planned in the interests of all training process and is aimed at the main competition of the season.

When organizing training, one should keep in mind the effect of supercompensation during the recovery period after physical activity. On this basis, load and rest cycles are built during the training period.

Among the methods of organizing such cycles during training session there are:

● rigid intervals of rest with small loads and short periods of rest with the expectation of under-recovery;

● Relatively complete rest intervals that ensure the restoration of working capacity;

● extreme rest intervals, designed to impose a load in the phase of hypercompensation of functional qualities;

● full rest interval, calculated for the imposition of the load after the reduction of the hypercompensation curve to the background level.

9.5. Special physical training in taekwondo

The physical fitness of a taekwondo fighter should become more and more specialized as his qualifications and fitness grow, so that, on the one hand, contributing to the most complete education of special physical qualities and skills, and on the other hand, supplementing special training, ensure the alignment of all sides in the preparation and development of an athlete.

Level physical fitness taekwondo player changes with the growth of his sportsmanship, so the education of the athlete's physical qualities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the specifics of the sport.

Below we will consider the issues of improving functional qualities in the context of the tasks of taekwondo as a sport with high loads on the sensorimotor apparatus. Therefore, the development of physical qualities should be aimed specifically at providing motor actions that are characteristic of taekwondo. Nevertheless, the methods of their development have their own specifics, and therefore the terms relating to the principles and methods of improving physical qualities will be repeated.

9.5.1. Taekwondo special strength as speed strength

The conditions and nature of the efforts developed during the fight are too diverse to be able to speak of a single manifestation of strength in taekwondo.

The dynamic power of a taekwondoist is manifested in movement, that is, in the so-called dynamic mode. This, for example, is the strength developed in strikes, defenses, movements, etc.

According to the nature of the efforts, dynamic strength in taekwondo is divided into explosive, fast and slow.

Explosive force refers to the manifestation of force with maximum acceleration. Such strength, for example, develops in the accented strikes of a taekwondoist.

Fast force is manifested in movements in which the speed of movement plays a predominant role, and relatively small inert resistances are inherent in it.

Slow force is manifested in relatively slow movements performed with little or no acceleration. A typical case of the manifestation of slow force in taekwondo is the direct forceful overcoming of the enemy's resistance in close combat at the time of captures, holding, etc.

Different modes of work and fighting styles of athletes require different manifestations of strength, especially when they perform shock actions.

Thus, a “tempo” fighter needs a force that allows him to inflict a series of rapidly alternating relatively weak blows, overcoming his inertial efforts and the resistance of the enemy. Such a taekwondoist seeks to strike the next one as quickly as possible after each blow. This means that he does not need to deliver strong accented blows, since in this case he will inevitably “stagnate” and he will have less favorable conditions for continuous suppression of the opponent.

In a taekwondo “knockout”, on the contrary, the main feature is the ability to inflict a strong accented blow with maximum and near-limit force of an “explosive” nature. The "explosive" effect is achieved by involving the maximum number of functional units of each individual working muscle, rational use for this particular stroke muscle groups, their high intermuscular coordination and the ability of an athlete to strike in an extremely short time microinterval. The “knockout” fighter is characterized by a relatively low combat density, since he usually delivers strong single or double blows (less often series) with relatively long pauses between attacks. This is due to a number of reasons, in particular, the physiological capabilities of the muscles, whose work is based on alternate contraction and relaxation, and it takes more time to relax the muscles than to contract. In this regard, in a high-density fight, a taekwondo “knockout” has less favorable conditions for a strong accented strike, since the relaxation time of his muscles will be shorter.

The manifestation of slow strength, especially in direct contact with the enemy at the time of the power struggle and during his physical "suppression", is characteristic of the "silovik" fighter. Usually, his strikes have poorly differentiated efforts - they are applied with the same force and at a low speed, they lack an “explosive” accent. Insufficient level of speed with good physical preparation leads to the formation of a power fighting style in such a taekwondo player with the aim of achieving victory through physical suppression of the enemy.

The taekwondo player assumes a protective position before and after striking, and therefore has a reduced ability to carry out the maximum hard hit. He achieves the effect in percussion actions due to fast and accurate strikes with the development of an “explosive” impulse at the beginning of the strike.

Since the nature of the manifestations of strength in taekwondo is different (explosive, fast, slow strength), in practice, the coach must use the appropriate means and methods to develop each type of strength, focusing on those that correspond to the style of a particular fighter.

In addition, it must be remembered that the magnitude of the displayed force depends on the level of training of the athlete - in a state of high fitness, the number of muscle fibers involved in the work increases and the synchronization of muscle work improves.

Features of training taekwondo

The goal of training athletes is the highest possible result in the competition. To achieve this goal, physical exercises are used as the main means of improving various physical qualities, abilities and other aspects of preparedness, teaching and training methods are determined, the intensity and intensity of physical activity and the level of sports training.

The main sections of taekwondo training, content sports training taekwondo is determined by the following sections of training: physical, technical, psychological, tactical and theoretical. The content of these sections of training depends on the contingent of those involved, their age, length of service, level of preparedness and the period of sports training. General and Special Physical Training Taekwondo practitioners need to be well physically prepared and have a high level of development of such physical qualities as speed, strength, flexibility and agility. In addition, in order to be able to endure large training loads aimed at the formation correct technique movements and successful performance in competitions, it is necessary to have a high level of special endurance. The physical training of a taekwondoist is mainly aimed at educating his physical qualities, which contribute to improving the technique of the movements performed.

The need to conduct separate physical training classes is dictated by the specifics of the activities of taekwondo practitioners.

The main training provides for the repeated execution of technical elements in order to improve the technique of strikes. During such a training, an athlete mainly uses the stock of physical qualities he has, and their growth does not occur under these conditions, because. the efforts developed during the exercise, although very intense, are short-lived. Therefore, taekwondo practitioners conduct separate classes for general and special physical training, the volume of which sometimes reaches more than 50% of the total training time.

General physical training (GPP) is aimed at a comprehensive physical development of all systems and functions of the body of athletes and is the basis for training special physical qualities and skills.

Common physical training taekwondoists are: combatant and general developmental gymnastic exercises, outdoor and sports games, walking, running, jumping, swimming, throwing, exercises with weights (weights, dumbbells, barbells) and other exercises aimed at developing strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

General physical training occupies an important place in the system many years of preparation taekwondo, being the basis motor activity taekwondo. OFP is of particular importance at the stage initial training young taekwondo athletes, when the foundations are laid for many years of sports training. Athletes of older age and high qualification exercises of general physical training are especially widely used in the preparatory and transitional-preparatory period. OFP exercises are also a means active rest and are used to relieve active nervous tension and fatigue from monotonous daily work.

Special physical training is aimed at cultivating those physical qualities that ensure the successful mastery and performance of both simple and complex exercises at a high quality level.

Special physical qualities for taekwondo fighters are the power and speed-strength qualities of the leg muscles, which provide good jumping ability, the muscles of the torso and arms, the static and dynamic strength of the muscles of the arms and legs. Since, when performing jumps, athletes have to overcome mainly their own weight, of all the strength indicators for taekwondo fighters, the most important indicators are the absolute strength of the leg muscles and the relative strength of the muscles of the trunk and arms.

The flexibility of a taekwondoist is considered as the ability to perform strikes and jumps with a large range of motion and is determined by the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Most important is good mobility in the hips, ankles and shoulder joints, which contributes to the correct execution of technical actions.

The endurance of a taekwondoist is considered as the ability to perform complex coordination movements for a long time without reducing efficiency.

The dexterity and coordination of a taekwondoist are of a pronounced specific nature. It is known that the manifestation of dexterity, for example, in sports games does not guarantee success in gymnastics or taekwondo. For taekwondo fighters, a specific manifestation of dexterity is the ability to maintain a stable balance, to finely differentiate the spatial and temporal parameters of movements.

The means of special physical training include physical exercises aimed at developing the special physical qualities of a taekwondo player. They are conditionally divided into:

Exercises for the development of muscle groups that carry the main load when performing technical actions;

Exercises that are similar in structure to taekwondo techniques, but performed in changed conditions that contribute to the development of one or another quality.

Methods of education of power and speed-strength qualities

When conducting strength training, it should be remembered that for taekwondo, its most important manifestation is combined with speed and does not require an excessive increase. muscle mass, which can adversely affect the speed qualities of an athlete. Therefore, in the process of strength training, exercises aimed at developing the strength of muscle groups alternate with exercises aimed at developing speed, and the whole process is called speed-strength training.

It is known that the manifestation of speed is limited by the corresponding coordinating mechanisms, therefore, the method of educating speed provides for the performance of exercises at maximum speeds that are coordinatively similar to competitive ones, while the exercises must be well mastered so that all attention during their performance is directed to speed.

If the lack of strength does not make it possible to perform the movement at maximum speed, then it is necessary, by changing the position, to facilitate the execution of movements in this coordination, which will contribute to the increase in the speed capabilities of the athlete. When performing exercises that do not correspond to the athlete’s strength capabilities, a “speed barrier” may arise for a while, which is very difficult to overcome. Therefore, in parallel with the development of speed, it is necessary to work on the development of the strength of this muscle group.

To increase the strength of the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs, physical exercises of a dynamic and static nature are used without weights and with weights.

To develop strength, the following exercises are used:

With overcoming their own weight to failure;

With limit or near-limit weights;

Static leg holds with short rest intervals.

Holding strength exercises should alternate with stretching and speed exercises. The development of speed-strength qualities is facilitated by the use of exercises performed with weights for short time periods (15-20 s), after which exercises without weights are performed. This combination of exercises gives great increases in speed capabilities.

A special place in the speed-strength training of taekwondo fighters is occupied by the development of jumping ability, for which weight jumps, “multi-hops”, jumps up and “in depth” with a rebound are used. It should be remembered that speed-strength training should be carried out with athletes who are able to mobilize to perform speed exercises at the limit or near-limit levels, and they should be carried out for a short time (from 5 to 15 s) with rest intervals until almost complete recovery. Exercises should be performed before the first signs of fatigue (decrease in speed) appear.

Methods of education of flexibility.

The flexibility of an athlete is determined mainly by the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, which, in turn, depend on a number of factors:

Ambient temperature (the higher the temperature, the higher the elasticity of the muscles);

Daily periodicity (in the morning, flexibility is slightly lower than in the evening);

States of the central nervous system(in an excited state, the elasticity of the muscles increases, which manifests itself during the competition);

Joint structures.

Flexibility is easier to develop childhood However, athletes reach the greatest mobility in the joints by the age of 10-16, at an older age, the indicators of joint mobility decrease. Women are more flexible than men, which is due to the fact that there is a negative relationship between indicators of flexibility and strength.

Excessive enthusiasm for the development of flexibility affects the strength and speed-strength capabilities of athletes, therefore, it is reasonable to combine flexibility exercises with strength exercises and develop it to the required level, which ensures the free execution of movements.

Exercises aimed at developing flexibility are included in the warm-up of each training session and can make up special training programs, however, given the specifics of the activities of taekwondo fighters, it is more rational to combine the development of flexibility with strength and speed-strength training, which will allow maintaining the muscle tone necessary for taekwondo fighters and speed qualities while improving plasticity and mobility in the joints.

Before carrying out classes on the development of flexibility, be sure to warm up before the appearance of sweat. The appearance of pain in the muscles is a signal to stop their implementation. Methods of education of special endurance Endurance is considered by theory and methodology physical culture as the ability to resist fatigue that develops in the process of repeated repetition of exercises during training and competition. In the process of repeated exercise, in addition to physical, sensory and emotional fatigue develops.

Taekwondo endurance education is considered as an increase, firstly, in general endurance, which provides for an increase in the functionality of muscles and the heart; secondly, special endurance, i.e. the ability to perform exercises repeatedly without compromising quality.

The means of educating general endurance are exercises of general physical training, mainly cyclical(running, walking, swimming, sports games).

The means of developing special endurance are exercises with shells, exercises performed to failure with a partner in pairs, conditional and freestyle 1 fights.

When cultivating endurance, it is necessary to ensure that classes do not lead to persistent nervous overwork, which is expressed in deterioration and loss of sleep, emotional declines, etc. To do this, at the first signs of excessive fatigue and sleep disturbances, it is necessary to reduce the special load and apply restorative means.

In the process of physical training of children, it is necessary to remember about the sensitive periods of development of individual physical qualities. The most intensive development of speed-strength qualities in girls is observed up to 13-14 years (depending on the biological age of athletes), and in boys - up to 17 years.

The relative strength of boys develops most intensively until the age of 13-14, then the growth rate decreases slightly, and after reaching biological maturity, with directed training, a noticeable increase is again observed. In girls, the indicators of relative strength noticeably increase in the prepubertal period, with the entry into puberty they decrease significantly.

Flexibility develops most easily in childhood, when the muscles and ligaments are most elastic, with an increase in muscle mass, mobility indicators in the joints deteriorate. Flexibility develops better in girls than in boys. Motor coordination is well developed in younger children school age which allows them to master complex movements. During puberty, there is often a deterioration in coordination of movements and a decrease in sports results, which is temporary and is associated with the characteristics of the biological maturation of the body of athletes.

Psychological preparation. The importance of the state of mind for achieving success in sports practice cannot be overestimated. It determines both the process of learning and improvement, and the success of competitive activity.

Process psychological preparation solves the following tasks:

1. Education of sports character.

2. Development of perception processes.

3. Development of attention and ability to concentrate (i.e. stability, concentration, the ability to switch from one object to another, the speed of mobilization, the ability to resist distracting factors).

4. Development muscle memory and imagination necessary for ideomotor training.

The process of psychological preparation can be conditionally divided into two interrelated areas:

Education of moral and volitional qualities;

Improvement of mental abilities.

The development of moral and volitional qualities affects the issues of personality education and the formation of the sports character of the student.

Improving mental capabilities is aimed at improving mental qualities in order to actively influence the athlete's condition and muscle-motor sensations that arise during training and competition.

The mental qualities of athletes are determined, on the one hand, by heredity, and on the other hand, by the specifics of the sport.

The state of the psyche is decisive in the process of training and competition. During the training period, it is not uncommon for physical state the athlete allows him to perform any exercise, but the lack of psychological readiness slows down the training process. The reason for this, as a rule, is excessive nervous tension and a feeling of fear that arises before performing certain actions. In such cases, everything depends on the personal characteristics of the athlete, the state of his psyche and the level of moral and volitional preparedness.

From personal qualities, the need for achievements, the need for communication, the orientation of the personality, self-esteem, anxiety-anxiety are distinguished.

The need for achievements is seen as a constant desire to improve sports results - a character trait inherent in the best athletes all sports without exception.

The need for communication is manifested as a desire of a person to joint activities, stimulates and directs communication between people, encourages the rejection of selfish inclinations, maintaining harmony and friendly relations.

The orientation of the personality implies the consideration of three types of attitude of the personality to the world around, namely: orientation towards oneself; focus on mutual action and communication; task orientation.

Self-orientation is seen as a desire for personal well-being. Such people are busy with themselves, their feelings and experiences, it is typical for them: to make hasty conclusions and assumptions about other people and their work, to try to impose their will on others, often inability to listen to the interlocutor.

The focus on mutual action and communication reflects the desire of a person to maintain good relations with comrades in joint activities. High-class taekwondo fighters are characterized by an average level of focus on mutual action.

Orientation to the task (business orientation) reflects the passion for the process of activity to achieve a useful result, the desire to master new knowledge and skills. Orientation to the task is the key to achieving high sports results in taekwondo.

In the process of life and interaction of people, each person develops his own attitude towards himself, i.e. self-assessment of one's personality and abilities. Self-esteem does not always coincide with the real capabilities of a person and can be overestimated or underestimated.

The reason for low self-esteem is self-doubt. This leads to an inability to realize the available opportunities. When working with such people, you need to instill confidence in them, support them when they fail, and do not skimp on praise.

Athletes with high self-esteem are characterized by an excessively high idea of ​​themselves and their capabilities, ignoring everything that violates a high idea of ​​their own personality. Any task is perceived as a result of the prevailing circumstances, and any remark is perceived as a nitpick. Such athletes are not inclined to look for the cause of their failures in themselves, but look for it in biased refereeing, bad opponents, etc.

Adequate self-esteem is characterized by its increase with success and decrease with failure. For the formation of an adequate self-esteem among taekwondo practitioners, a fair (truthful) attitude to the actions and successes of students, the cultivation of interest in this species sports, setting realistic tasks for the athlete.

The feeling of anxiety and anxiety (BT) is a component of the personality structure, and therefore it takes a certain amount of time and focused work to overcome this feeling. The elimination of BT is helped by psycho-regulatory training, having mastered the methods of which the athlete will be able to create an optimal combat state for himself in any competitive situation.

The essence of psycho-regulatory training is as follows: an athlete, using certain formulas, creates an optimal combat state (OBS), which is characterized by individual data on the severity of vegetative processes (heart rate and respiration, sweating, muscle tone, etc.). The creation of OBS contributes to successful performance during competitions.

Psychological preparation implies the impact on the athlete by the methods of verbal persuasion and the formation of certain motor images in him, which provide correct execution movement in both training and competition.

The process of psychological preparation proceeds in close connection with technical, physical and tactical preparation. A trainer-teacher should be interested in new developments in the field of psychology and strive to apply in his work that which will contribute to the success of the training process. The main methods of influencing an athlete are persuasion, clarification and suggestion. Content, logic, evidence and expressiveness of speech have a positive effect on the athlete and help to master new exercises more successfully, as well as compete in competitions.

Influencing the athlete with a word, the coach corrects the process of training and competition, forcing him to recreate the correct images of tactical actions in his head, form a state of combat readiness, and overcome physical fatigue. The word can also serve as a confusing factor: said at the wrong time can cause loss of coordination and OPS. Therefore, the coach-psychologist should, based on the knowledge of the mental characteristics of his student, address him with words that would stimulate the athlete's activity in the conditions of training and competition, and not oppress him.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Let's summarize the above. The history of taekwondo begins about two thousand years ago, which is confirmed by ancient drawings and images. Taekwondo today - modern look sports and martial arts, which has spiritual and philosophical roots and adapted for the mass physical education. The starting point in the history of modern taekwondo can be considered May 26, 1973, when a founding conference was held in Seoul, at which 35 representatives from different countries decided to organize the World Taekwondo Federation. The number of taekwondo fans exceeds 50 million people. The reason this martial art is so popular is that Korean masters were able to combine ancient principles and training methods with trends. modern sports which made taekwondo a unique system of self-development and physical education, as well as a very spectacular and dynamic sport.

The process of training taekwondo practitioners is a multifactorial system of using a variety of means, methods, organizational forms and material and technical conditions aimed at developing an athlete in order to ensure his readiness for sports achievements. The training process for taekwondo practitioners includes education, training, competition and out-of-competition factors that increase the effectiveness of training and competition.

taekwondo flexibility equipment psyche

Special physical training in taekwondo

The physical fitness of a taekwondo player, as his qualifications and fitness grow, should become more and more specialized, so that, on the one hand, contributing to the most complete education of special physical qualities and skills, and on the other hand, supplementing special training, to ensure the alignment of all aspects in the preparation and development of an athlete.

The level of physical fitness of a taekwondoist changes with the growth of his sportsmanship, so the education of the athlete's physical qualities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the specifics of the sport.

Below we will consider the issues of improving functional qualities in the context of the tasks of taekwondo as a sport with high loads on the sensorimotor apparatus. Therefore, the development of physical qualities should be aimed specifically at providing motor actions that are characteristic of taekwondo. Nevertheless, the methods of their development have their own specifics, and therefore the terms relating to the principles and methods of improving physical qualities will be repeated.

Taekwondo special strength as speed strength

The conditions and nature of the efforts developed during the fight are too diverse to be able to speak of a single manifestation of strength in taekwondo.

The dynamic power of a taekwondoist is manifested in movement, that is, in the so-called dynamic mode. This, for example, is the strength developed in strikes, defenses, movements, etc.

According to the nature of the efforts, dynamic strength in taekwondo is divided into explosive, fast and slow.

Explosive force refers to the manifestation of force with maximum acceleration. Such strength, for example, develops in the accented strikes of a taekwondoist.

Fast force is manifested in movements in which the speed of movement plays a predominant role, and relatively small inert resistances are inherent in it.

Slow force is manifested in relatively slow movements performed with little or no acceleration. A typical case of the manifestation of slow force in taekwondo is the direct forceful overcoming of the enemy's resistance in close combat at the time of captures, holding, etc.

Different modes of work and fighting styles of athletes require different manifestations of strength, especially when they perform shock actions.

Thus, a “tempo” fighter needs a force that allows him to inflict a series of rapidly alternating relatively weak blows, overcoming his inertial efforts and the resistance of the enemy. Such a taekwondoist seeks to strike the next one as quickly as possible after each blow. This means that he does not need to deliver strong accented blows, since in this case he will inevitably “stagnate” and he will have less favorable conditions for continuous suppression of the opponent.

In a taekwondo “knockout”, on the contrary, the main feature is the ability to inflict a strong accented blow with maximum and near-limit force of an “explosive” nature. The "explosive" effect is achieved due to the involvement of the maximum number of functional units of each individual working muscle, the rational use of muscle groups for this particular strike, their high intermuscular coordination and the athlete's ability to strike in an extremely short time interval. The “knockout” fighter is characterized by a relatively low combat density, since he usually delivers strong single or double blows (less often series) with relatively long pauses between attacks. This is due to a number of reasons, in particular, the physiological capabilities of the muscles, whose work is based on alternate contraction and relaxation, and it takes more time to relax the muscles than to contract. In this regard, in a high-density fight, a taekwondo “knockout” has less favorable conditions for a strong accented strike, since the relaxation time of his muscles will be shorter.

The manifestation of slow strength, especially in direct contact with the enemy at the time of the power struggle and during his physical "suppression", is characteristic of the "silovik" fighter. Usually, his strikes have poorly differentiated efforts - they are applied with the same force and at a low speed, they lack an “explosive” accent. Insufficient level of speed with good physical preparation leads to the formation of a power fighting style in such a taekwondo player with the aim of achieving victory through physical suppression of the enemy.

The player-taekwondo player assumes a protective position before and after striking, and therefore he has a reduced ability to deliver the most powerful blow. He achieves the effect in percussion actions due to fast and accurate strikes with the development of an “explosive” impulse at the beginning of the strike.

Since the nature of the manifestations of strength in taekwondo is different (explosive, fast, slow strength), in practice, the coach must use the appropriate means and methods to develop each type of strength, focusing on those that correspond to the style of a particular fighter.

In addition, it must be remembered that the magnitude of the displayed force depends on the level of training of the athlete - in a state of high fitness, the number of muscle fibers involved in the work increases and the synchronization of muscle work improves.

Strength Development taekwondo must go in two directions.

1. The use of general developmental strength exercises on gymnastic apparatus and without them, exercises with weights, in resistance with a partner, etc.

2. Education of strength by means of special preparatory and special exercises. Special preparatory exercises should be selected in such a way that the nature of neuromuscular efforts and structural similarity with the special exercises of a taekwondoist are preserved. These include exercises in directly overcoming the resistance of the enemy in the form of repulsion (“push-push” wrestling), elements of the opponent’s force retention, wrestling, etc.; overcoming the inertia of one's own body during defenses and during the transition from defenses to strikes and vice versa; education of impact force on bags, paws, paired with an opponent, etc.

To develop the ability of the main muscles of a fighter to quickly (instantly) develop efforts up to maximum, quickly switch and repeatedly change efforts from minimum to maximum and vice versa, repeatedly produce the so-called "muscle explosion" followed by instant muscle relaxation, exercises with dumbbells, expanders can be used. , barbell exercises, etc.

There are two methods of developing the strength of a taekwondoist: analytical and holistic.

The analytical method of exercises allows you to selectively bring up the strength of individual muscle groups that carry the main load. Exercises in the analytical method are performed under conditions of adequate power stress regimes for these groups. For example, an effective means of developing the strength of the extensor muscles of the arm, which carry the main load during impacts, are speed-strength exercises with weights of various weights (dumbbells, metal sticks, stuffed balls etc.), gymnastic exercises in quick push-ups in emphasis, exercises for stretching mechanical and rubber shock absorbers, jerk and jerk exercises with a barbell, power blocks, etc.

Each sport has its own level of strength development, which depends on the specifics of the sport and the conditions for the manifestation of strength. So, the maximum strength of the extensors and flexors of the forearm in taekwondoists is at a sufficient high level, while the maximum strength of the back muscles lags behind other sports in terms of performance.

The holistic method is fundamental in cultivating the special strength of a taekwondoist. It is characterized by the simultaneous improvement of both the power capabilities of the fighter and his special skills.

Among the exercises aimed at improving the special strength of a taekwondo taekwondoist with a holistic method within the framework of the mastered skill, there are special preparatory and special exercises with weights (lead weights, light weight dumbbells, etc.): “shadow boxing”, exercises on bags, paws and other implements, complicated performance of imitation exercises in water, etc. In addition, purposeful specially-preparatory and special exercises without weights with a partner, exercises on the paws and other implements that help develop explosive and fast strength, and also a set of exercises in the fight against the enemy in close combat, which is used to cultivate slow strength.

The most effective means of developing explosive and fast strength in a taekwondoist, both holistically and analytically, are exercises with optimal weights, which should be performed with the highest possible acceleration. The trainer must select the amount of weight, taking into account weight category athlete and his level of preparedness.

When cultivating strength with the help of weight training, a taekwondo practitioner should repeat the task until the speed of movement begins to noticeably decrease, the movement structure is not disturbed, and the movement becomes dull. muscle feeling in managing this movement. After that, the taekwondo practitioner needs to do exercises to relax and actively stretch the muscles involved in the previous movement. Then, repeatedly repeat the same movements with maximum speed and structural accuracy, characteristic of a special movement, using the effect of force aftereffect.

In order to prevent adaptive consequences that may occur after a taekwondo player performs the same exercises for a long time, the coach needs to periodically change the complexes:

1. Preliminary application of weights in movements similar in their coordination structure to taekwondo strikes creates conditions for reproducing subsequent strikes in shorter periods of time.

2. The use of weights in the process of training in order to improve the speed of single strikes has a positive effect on the speed of serial strikes.

3. When developing the speed of special movements of a taekwondoist, exercises with weights should be performed in series of 4-5 exercises each, after which it is necessary to do the same number of exercises, but without weights.

4. Exercises, both with weights and without it, should be performed as quickly as possible.

5. It is most expedient to use exercises with weights at the beginning of a training session.

6. Need to pay Special attention for preliminary relaxation of the working muscles, instant "explosive" start of movement and maximum muscle relaxation after the movement is completed.

7. To develop the speed of strikes among young taekwondo athletes, it is most advisable to use exercises with heavy weights (weights, dumbbells), which have a positive effect on increasing the speed (“explosive”) of the initial and speed of the main part of the shock movement, in combination with light ones (dumbbells, weights 1.5–2 kg), contributing to an increase in the sharpness of the completion of strikes.

Senior taekwondo practitioners need to use heavy weights weighing 10 kg in combination with light ones - 2-4 kg.

Note that in fact, with the help of these means, taekwondo athletes form “fast” strength, and not speed.

It should be remembered that after exercises with weights, it is necessary to carry out several shock and protective actions on top speed(especially with the return to the starting position after the impact).

Rubber and spring shock absorbers should not be used to develop the speed strength of a taekwondoist, since when organizing a real strike, the coordination of muscle activation should be designed to increase the speed of the foot and fist (as the final link in the chain). Rubber or spring contributes to the formation of an incorrect coordination of muscle effort, designed to increase the force at the end of the movement, and, accordingly, to reduce the speed of the shock part.

Applying efforts in the horizontal direction during the strike, the attacker must first overcome the rest inertia of the shock foot or fist. In this case, at the beginning, the speed of movement of the foot or fist will be relatively low. As the effort is applied, the stop (fist) moves towards the goal with a certain acceleration. With the continuation of the effort, the rest inertia of the foot (fist) decreases and turns into the inertia of movement (Fig. Now it is necessary to apply an effort to the foot (fist) to stop it.

Rice. Graph of the dependence "force - speed" when exposed to an object in a state of rest, in the conditions of gravity and possible static resistance of the opponent

When using rubber bands (spring shock absorbers), a completely different, unconscious interaction occurs. Initially, with little rubber resistance, the attacker applies little force at high speed. As the rubber stretches, its resistance increases, and the speed of the foot (fist) decreases (Fig.

Rice. Graph of the dependence "force - speed" when exposed to a stretching object attached to a fixed support

Therefore, for the development of speed force, the use of shock-absorbing counterweights is contraindicated.


1.1. The value of special physical training in martial arts.

1.2. Specific features of the development of special physical qualities in martial arts.

1.3. Formation of a hypothesis, goals and objectives of the study.

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  • Speed-strength training in martial arts using local weights 2001, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Rezinkin, Vladimir Valerievich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Development of special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men"

Relevance of the topic and research problems. Over the past decades, there has been a significant increase in interest in various types eastern and western martial arts. Taekwondo, due to its accessibility, dynamism and entertainment, is one of the most popular types of martial arts born in the East. The inclusion of taekwondo in the program of the Olympic Games sets the task for specialists to scientifically substantiate the system of sports training of Russian taekwondo athletes for successful performances at the European, World and Olympic Games. However, the scientific and methodological support of the training process in this sport is not sufficiently disclosed. One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of the process of training athletes is to improve the organization, content, means and methods of the training process (27).

The constantly growing competition in taekwondo indicates the need to develop new means and methods of sports training that could best meet the requirements determined by the specifics of the sport. At the same time, the question of special physical training, the development of such special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters, the manifestation of which would give highest score in competitive fights and, ultimately, determined the success of competitive activity in general. The issues of training athletes specializing in taekwondo are covered in the works of a number of authors (7, 58, 72, 94, 156). However, theoretical research, as well as the practice of taekwondo, indicate insufficient coverage of the issue of special physical training in this sport. The study of the features of the development of physical qualities in the age aspect is undoubtedly important, since in adolescence the foundation of sportsmanship is laid and the basic motor abilities are formed (22, 138). At present, there is a need to define in each age group and at various stages of sports training of the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo wrestlers in order to develop them purposefully, which will increase the effectiveness of the training and competitive processes.

On the basis of the foregoing, it is necessary to state the contradictions between: a) the need to achieve high sports results and the insufficient effectiveness of the implementation of special physical qualities in competitive fights of taekwondo youths; b) the need to increase the level of special physical fitness and the lack of recommendations on the organization, content, means and methods of developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo-boys.

These contradictions made it possible to formulate a problem related to the need to search for and develop new forms of organization, content, means and methods for developing the special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes. On the basis of the identified contradictions, the specified research problem, the topic of the dissertation research was determined: "The development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes."

The purpose of the study: to develop and test a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes.

Object of study: special physical training of young taekwondo athletes.

Subject of research: the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes.

Hypothesis of the study - it was assumed that the process of developing the special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes would be more effective if:

Leading special physical qualities will be determined that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among taekwondo fighters;

The methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters will include elements of technical actions, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, adequate to the specific features of the competitive activity of taekwondo fighters; texts of pedagogical suggestion; special exercises aimed at developing the individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo fighters;

In the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes, the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities will be used.

Research objectives:

1. To study the state of the problem of development of special physical qualities in the theory and practice of martial arts.

2. To identify the leading special physical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among taekwondo fighters.

3. To substantiate the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters and experimentally test its effectiveness in the educational, training and competitive processes.

The theoretical foundations of the study are: the principles of scientific character, the connection between theory and practice; sports theory (V.N. Platonov, 2004; L.P. Matveev, 1991; Zh.K. Kholodov, 2004); methodology for modeling texts of pedagogical suggestion aimed at developing physical qualities (T.V. Bondarchuk, 2000); scientific and methodological foundations, principles and methods of physical training in martial arts (V.I. Filimonov, 2000; E.I. Glebov, 2002; S.V. Pavlov, 2004; Sagat Noy Koklam, 2003; Choi Sung Mo, 2002).

Scientific novelty of the research.

1. For the first time, the leading special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters were determined: speed endurance of leg muscles; "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs, manifested in shock actions; speed of movement (the ability to perform kicks at a maximum pace); mobility in hip joint; motor-coordination abilities.

2. A methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters has been developed, which includes: a) elements of effective and often used technical actions in sports duels, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the peculiarities of taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; b) texts of pedagogical suggestion used in the process of development of a specific special physical quality; c) special tasks aimed at developing individual psychological characteristics associated with the special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters.

3. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes was determined.

The theoretical significance of the study is:

In identifying the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men;

In addition to the theory of sports training of combatants with data aimed at developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters;

In solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of the process of special physical training of young taekwondo wrestlers using the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions and conclusions contained in it, the results of the pedagogical experiment made it possible to increase the efficiency of the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes. A positive result of using the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters in the educational, training and competitive processes has been revealed. The set of provisions and conclusions obtained in the dissertation can be used in the work of the combined teams of the subjects of the federations, taekwondo sections, children's youth sports schools, aimed at improving the process of special physical training of taekwondo youths.

Research base. The research was carried out on the basis of a specialized children's and youth sports school Olympic reserve No. 15 in Ufa, they were attended by taekwondo fighters 11-13 years of training groups of the second year of study.

Theoretical basis, the tasks set and the hypothesis put forward determined the logic and methods of the theoretical and experimental research, which was carried out in three stages during 2003-2006.

At the first stage (2003 - 2004) of experimental work, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of the development of special physical qualities in martial arts was carried out, specific features of the development of special physical qualities in taekwondo were determined. With the help of a questionnaire, the method of paired comparisons, the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters-young men of the second year of study were determined. Research was conducted to determine the level of special physical fitness and individual psychological characteristics of athletes. The relationship between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics was studied. characteristics of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13. Competitive fights of taekwondo fighters of this age were analyzed.A mathematical model of indicators of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters was built.The study involved 58 athletes specializing in taekwondo, aged 11-13 years.

Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the results of studies of the relationship between the special physical qualities of taekwondoists and individual psychological characteristics, as well as the analysis of competitive fights, a methodology was developed for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondoists 11-13 years old. Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, testing, pedagogical observation, questioning, paired comparison method, methods of mathematical statistics.

At the second stage of the study (2004 - 2005), a formative pedagogical experiment was carried out, the content of which included: measuring the background indicators of the special physical qualities of the subjects; study of the dynamics of indicators of special physical qualities after the first, second and third months of the pedagogical experiment. The degree of influence of the developed methodology on the indicators of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters was determined. The coefficients of special physical qualities were calculated in competitive fights in the control and experimental groups at the beginning and at the end of the pedagogical experiment. A comparative analysis of the arithmetic mean indicators of the number of fights won in competitions by athletes of both groups was carried out before and after the experiment. Methods: pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics.

At the third stage of experimental work (2005 - 2006), the results of the pedagogical experiment were processed, analysis and systematization were carried out, general conclusions and conclusions were formulated, a dissertation research was drawn up, testing and implementation of the research results into practice were carried out. Methods: analysis of the results of the study, statistical processing and interpretation of the results of experimental work.

The following provisions are put forward.

1. Leading special physical qualities that predetermine the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among young taekwondo fighters are: speed endurance of leg muscles; "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs, manifested in shock actions; the ability to perform kicks at the maximum pace (speed of movement); mobility in the hip joint; motor-coordination abilities.

2. The content of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of male taekwondo wrestlers is based on the result of the analysis of their competitive fights (the volume and versatility of technical actions in competitive fights, the time spent on active technical actions and preparatory technical actions, the effectiveness of attacking and counterattacking actions); relationships between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes.

3. The main structural components of the developed methodology are: elements of effective and frequently used technical actions in sports fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the characteristics of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; texts of pedagogical suggestion; special tasks in the phases of active rest between sets for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes, designed in the form of a circuit training.

The validity and reliability of scientific results and conclusions are determined by a deep theoretical analysis of the state of the issues under study, the adequacy of the complex of methods to the goals and objectives of the study, a sufficient sample size, and correct statistical processing of experimental data.

Testing and implementation of research results. Twelve publications have been published on the research topic. The main provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at the international scientific-practical conference "Cooperation and innovation in physical culture and sports: problems and prospects" (Chelyabinsk, 2006); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: "Physical culture, sports, tourism: science, education, technology" (Tchaikovsky, 2004), "Physical culture and sports in the XXI century: experience, modern approach, problems and prospects” (Sterlitamak, 2006); the all-Ural scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of physical culture, sports, tourism and the Olympic movement” (Ufa, 2005); regional scientific-practical conference "Health care, theory of health and healthy lifestyle life” (Chelyabinsk, 2005); interuniversity scientific and practical conferences: “Man. Society. Education” (Ufa, 2005), “Physical culture, sports, tourism and health” (Ufa, 2005); intrauniversity scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of the theory and practice of physical culture and sports" (Ufa, 2004). The results of the dissertation research are introduced into the educational process of the Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture in the discipline "Theory and Methods chosen kind sports." The materials of the dissertation, the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men are used in the system of sports training in national teams Russian Federation, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Astrakhan region and Perm region.

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation is presented on 161 pages of computer text and consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, conclusions, a list of references, applications and implementation acts. The list of references includes 168 sources, including foreign language-eleven. The work is illustrated with 11 tables and 14 figures.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture", Mavletkulova, Aigul Sabitovna


1. Analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem of sports training of taekwondo fighters made it possible to determine that the basics of building special physical training in taekwondo are not sufficiently disclosed. The available researches are mostly devoted to technical and tactical training, methods of initial training in taekwondo, individualization of the educational and training process of taekwondoists, control of the state sports preparedness in the process of competitive activity of taekwondo fighters.

2. As a result of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on taekwondo, competitive fights of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13, a questionnaire survey of leading coaches and athletes, the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo youth were revealed by the method of paired comparisons: speed endurance of leg muscles; speed of movement (the ability to perform kicks at a maximum pace); "explosive" strength of the leg muscles, active mobility in the hip joint and motor-coordination abilities.

3. In the process of developing a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters, it is necessary to take into account the leading special physical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive duels of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13; features of the structure of their competitive fights; the results of the correlation analysis between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo fighters.

4. The methodology used for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 should include elements of effective and often used technical actions in competitive fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the peculiarities of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; texts of pedagogical suggestion spoken before and during execution exercise different orientation; special tasks "steps" (for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo players).

5. A methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 years has been developed, which allows to achieve significant changes in almost all indicators of special physical qualities. young athletes experimental group compared with the control group, except for motor-coordinating abilities (p<0,05-0,01).

6. It was determined that taekwondo athletes of the experimental group most effectively implement special physical qualities in competitive fights than athletes of the control group:

The athletes of the experimental group significantly improved the coefficients of "explosive" strength, speed endurance of leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint and speed of movements (p<0,05). Достоверных различий в показателях коэффициентов двигательно-координационных способностей между контрольной и экспериментальной группами не обнаружено (р>0,05);


7. The application of the developed methodology in the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes will improve the efficiency of the development of special physical qualities of young athletes specializing in taekwondo.


The theoretical analysis showed that physical training is one of the leading in the system of sports training of martial artists, the level of physical fitness largely determines the success of technical training, the content of an athlete's tactics, the realization of personal properties in the process of training and competition. The analysis of the research material, carried out in different years by specialists in the field of martial arts, showed that the issues of building special physical training were not sufficiently disclosed. Despite the fact that recently a large amount of scientific and methodological literature has appeared on various types of martial arts: kickboxing, boxing, judo, wushu, and so on, in taekwondo, the issues of physical training and the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters are not sufficiently disclosed. The need to develop means and methods of taekwondo sports training is based on the contradiction between the increasing competition in this sport and the insufficient development of the organization, means and methods of the section of special physical training in taekwondo. Specific theoretical and practical recommendations on the construction of special physical training and the development of special physical qualities in taekwondo have not been found.

A retrospective analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem showed the possibility of improving the process of special physical training, taking into account the peculiarities of competitive activity in the chosen sport. In addition, in physical training and in the development of physical qualities, various methods of verbal hetero- and auto-influences are used.

As a result of the analysis of the available literature on taekwondo and competitive fights of young taekwondo fighters, it was determined that the special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive taekwondo fights include: explosive strength of the muscles of the legs and arms, absolute strength of the muscles of the arms and legs, mobility in hip, ankle and shoulder joints, coordination endurance of the leg muscles, speed endurance of the leg muscles, motor-coordination abilities, the ability to maintain a stable balance in combination movements, the speed of movements, which manifests itself in the ability to perform kicks and punches at a maximum pace. Experts as the leading special physical qualities of young taekwondo practitioners identified by pairwise comparisons: speed endurance of the leg muscles (7.87), speed of movements as the ability to perform kicks at the maximum pace (7.3), "explosive" strength of the leg muscles (6 .77), active mobility in the hip joint (5.47) and motor-coordination abilities (5.4). Significant special physical qualities, according to experts, were: the coordination endurance of the leg muscles (4.1) and the ability to maintain a stable balance in combination movements (4.0).

As a result of the analysis of competitive fights of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13, it was revealed:

The level of special physical fitness of taekwondo fighters of this age is quite low, as evidenced by a comparative analysis of the ideal model with indicators of special physical qualities in competitive fights of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13;

Athletes carry out 95% of strikes in a fight with four technical actions - these are “pit-chagi”, “dwid-chagi”, “dolio-chagi” and “nerio-chagi”. These blows are used by taekwondoists, basically, in all attacking and counterattacking actions, as they are the most productive (often evaluated by judges) in taekwondo competitions;

The range of time spent by athletes on active technical actions in one minute of the round is from 10 to 35 seconds. A decrease in the number and speed of strikes by the fifth and sixth minutes of the third round of the fight indicates an insufficient level of manifestation of special endurance among taekwondo athletes aged 11-13.

As a result of the study of the relationship between individual psychological characteristics and physical qualities, significant statistical relationships were established between all special physical qualities and operational thinking, simple reaction, anticipatory reaction, personal anxiety and situational anxiety (r = 0.64-0.87).

The developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 includes:

Circular training, the content of which is substantiated by the features revealed as a result of the analysis of competitive fights: a) the exercises included in the content of the developed methodology are adequate to the features, specificity and effectiveness of the main competitive exercise; b) the time of loading at each station and the intervals of rest between them are predetermined by the time of active and preparatory technical actions in fights; c) rest interval between sets - 10 minutes (the minimum period of time between fights, provided for by the WTF taekwondo rules);

Texts of pedagogical suggestion spoken before and during the performance of physical exercises aimed at the development of a specific special physical quality. The results of the correlation analysis between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 predetermined the use of pedagogical suggestion in the directed development of a special physical quality.

Special tasks - "steps" for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo players. The choice and necessity of such tasks is substantiated by the analysis of competitive fights and the relationship between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo fighters. Tasks are aimed at developing operational thinking, simple and anticipatory reactions.

Intragroup differences were determined in the experimental group, where the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 was used. Positive changes occurred in the following indicators of special physical qualities: after the first month of training - in the speed of movements and mobility in the hip joint (p<0,05), после второго и третьего месяцев - в скоростной выносливости мышц ног, быстроте движений, подвижности в тазобедренном суставе и ударной силе мышц ног (р<0,01). В контрольной группе значимые изменения обнаружены лишь после второго месяца педагогического эксперимента в быстроте движений и «взрывной» силе мышц ног и после третьего месяца эксперимента - в показателях скоростной выносливости мышц ног, «взрывной» силы и подвижности в тазобедренном суставе (р<0,05). Выявлены межгрупповые различия в показателях специальных физических качеств тхэквондистов-юношей учебно-тренировочной группы второго года обучения уже после второго месяца педагогического эксперимента, а после третьего месяца произошли более значимые изменения во всех показателях специальных физических качеств, кроме двигательно-координационных способностей.

It has been established that the developed technique has the greatest impact on the development of speed endurance of leg muscles (42.5%), "explosive" strength of leg muscles (28.3%>) and mobility in the hip joint (34.9%). A lesser influence of the technique was determined on the development of speed of movements (18.7%) and motor-coordinating abilities (7.4%), as evidenced by the data of one-way ANOVA.

It was revealed that taekwondo athletes of the experimental group most effectively implement special physical qualities in competitive fights than athletes of the control group:

Significant differences occurred between the control and experimental groups after the pedagogical experiment in the coefficients of "explosive" strength of the leg muscles, speed endurance of the leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint and speed of movement (p<0,05). Достоверных различий в показателях коэффициентов двигательно-координационных способностей между контрольной и экспериментальной группами не обнаружено (р>0,05);

Significant differences were found in the indicator of the number of competitive fights won between the control and experimental groups after the pedagogical experiment (p<0,01).

It can be stated that the conducted study confirmed the originally put forward hypothesis. An experimental study made it possible to verify the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities. In the experiment, statistically significant data were obtained, indicating that the implementation of the developed methodology provided more intensive changes in the indicators of the special physical qualities of the taekwondo fighters of the experimental group, compared with the indicators of the control group. The use of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 years of the training group allows coaches to increase the efficiency of the process of developing special physical qualities of taekwondo boys, which will improve the educational and training and competitive processes.

The study does not fully exhaust the problem of developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters. The issues of using the methodology in groups of initial training, sports improvement, as well as the issue of developing motor-coordinating abilities in taekwondo players require further development.

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In modern sports, the limited time allotted for training and preparing for competitions requires solving the problems of increasing the level of working capacity and minimizing energy costs in order to form the necessary level of physical fitness. Despite the fact that at the stage of initial training there is practically no competitive activity, this problem should not be left without attention, since it is within the framework of this stage that the so-called functional base of the preparedness of an athlete, in general, and a taekwondoist, in particular, is laid.

In the course of studying the problem of functional fitness of athletes, the authors found that in taekwondo the degree of aerobic provision is lower than in representatives of other types of martial arts (boxing, wrestling). Highly trained taekwondo athletes are distinguished by great anaerobic capabilities - the duration of breath holding on inhalation and exhalation. Characterizing the degree of muscle development in terms of the circumference of the body segments, it can be seen that the development of the lower extremities (the thigh and especially the lower leg) predominates in taekwondo athletes. In addition, taekwondo athletes are characterized by resistance to shock, they are less adapted to static loads. The rotation of the pelvis, which is carried out when performing kicks, as well as balancing movements with the hands, develops the abdominal muscles well. Most kicks in taekwondo involve high leg raises, which develop the lateral muscles of the torso and inner thighs. The standard training regime is associated with the active work of the whole body. The consequence of such work is an increase in heart rate, a long-term increase in the intensity of oxygen metabolism in the heart and lungs. A similar aerobic effect (K.H. Cooper Aerobics. - M. Evants & Co., New York, 1968) is characterized by the following manifestations: an increase in the efficiency of the lungs; improvement of the blood flow system by increasing blood vessels, their elasticity, reducing dystonia; improvement of blood composition, in particular an increase in the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin; increasing the viability of body tissues due to increased metabolic processes; improvement of the work of the heart (it acquires the ability to work with heavy loads); sleep improvement, etc.

Accordingly, when planning the training of young taekwondo athletes, it is necessary to create a base specifically for the above functional indicators. Obviously, at the stage of initial training, this can be achieved, to a greater extent, within the framework of physical training. This assumption is confirmed by the well-known rule - the initial learning of techniques should not occur against the background of fatigue. That is, when solving the problems of technical training, the magnitude of the load will be insufficient for the occurrence of the immediate and, accordingly, delayed effect.

In the theory of sports, it is customary to distinguish between general and special physical training. General physical training is a process of comprehensive development of physical abilities that are not specific to the chosen sport, but in one way or another determine the success of sports activities. With regard to taekwondo, this is general endurance in the zone of high and moderate power, the means of development of which can be running, swimming, skiing, i.e. motor actions from cyclic sports.

Of much greater interest is the special physical training of young taekwondo athletes, which is aimed at developing physical abilities that meet the specifics of the chosen sport.

Due to the fact that at the stage of initial training the level of technical readiness is relatively low, this makes it difficult to use special preparatory and competitive exercises, which are the main means of developing special physical fitness.

To overcome this difficulty, it seems appropriate to use modified outdoor games that simulate the competitive activity of taekwondo fighters. In this case, physical abilities that make up the model of taekwondo fighters' physical fitness will manifest, and, consequently, develop under sufficient load.

The need for physical training in accordance with the model of physical fitness is confirmed by the widespread use of various models in the theory of sports - characterizing the structure of competitive activity, the structure of various aspects of preparedness, the structure of the morphological and functional characteristics of the body, ensuring the achievement of a given level of sportsmanship, etc. So, effective management of the training process, according to V.N. Platonov, is associated with the use of various models, that is, samples (mental or conditional) of an object, process or phenomenon. In particular, the preparedness models, according to the author, allow revealing the reserves for achieving the planned indicators of competitive activity, determining the main directions for improving preparedness, establishing the optimal levels of development of its various aspects among athletes, as well as the connections and relationships between them. The use of these models makes it possible to determine the general directions of sports improvement in accordance with the significance of various characteristics of technical and tactical actions, functional readiness parameters for achieving high performance in a particular sport.

Under the model of physical fitness of a young taekwondo player, we mean the level of development of physical abilities that determine the success of competitive activity.

Based on the structure of technical readiness, in the structure of physical readiness of taekwondo fighters, the following physical abilities and forms of their manifestation are distinguished: power abilities - the maximum strength of the trunk muscles; depreciation force of the leg muscles; explosive strength of the muscles of the arms and legs; reactive force of the muscles of the arms, legs and torso; speed abilities - the ability to quickly respond to a signal (complex reaction); the ability to perform single local movements at maximum speed; the ability to quickly start moving; coordination abilities - the ability to reproduce, measure, differentiate and evaluate the parameters of movements; sensory abilities - the ability to respond to acceleration, to the influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces, to a change in the direction of gravity, to the effects of static and dynamic forces; the ability to kinesthetic analysis, to regulate muscle tone, to determine the position of the body and its parts in space; the ability to distinguish sounds by height, strength, timbre, direction and distance to their source; the ability to distinguish the shape, size, color of an object, to determine the location of objects in space; the ability to differentiate stimuli in place, strength, frequency and direction of exposure; endurance - special power, speed and coordination endurance to work in the zone of maximum and submaximal power; flexibility - the ability to achieve maximum amplitude in the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints.

One of the objectives of the study was to determine the quantitative indicators of the level of development of the above physical abilities, which made it possible to dose the training loads in order to eliminate the disproportion in the level of development. At the stage of initial training, in our opinion, this is quite justified. Although at the subsequent stages of a long-term training process, one should focus, to a greater extent, not on a generalized model of physical fitness, but on individual models compiled in accordance with the morphofunctional and psychological characteristics of athletes.


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