Useful kegel exercises during pregnancy. Home exercises for pregnant women. Kegel exercises for pregnant women. Fitball exercises for pregnant women. What exercises can be done during pregnancy. Gymnastics for Achilles tendons

Gymnastics for pregnant women is very popular with expectant mothers who want to stay active and alert for all nine months. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up moderate exercise. On the contrary, thanks to simple exercises designed specifically for pregnant women, a woman can ease the course of pregnancy and prepare her body for childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women are easily performed at home, they are aimed at strengthening and maintaining muscle tone, fighting swelling, overweight, teaching relaxation and proper breathing. What exercises can be done by pregnant women at home in trimesters, read in this article.

Everyone knows about the benefits of physical activity. It has long been proven that regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the body, relieves stress, improves mood, gives a feeling of joy and confidence. Some pregnant women refuse physical activity, mistakenly believing that by loading their body, they can harm the baby. This is wrong. Regular physical exercises, well-chosen for each trimester, help a woman feel beautiful, cheerful, as well as relieve toxicosis, normalize weight and prepare the body for labor.

pregnant women who interesting position engaged in gymnastics, it is easier and faster to restore their former shape after childbirth. Moderate physical activity will benefit both the mother and her baby. Those women who chose a passive lifestyle during pregnancy and refused physical activities are more likely to suffer from overweight, hormonal surges, accompanied by bad mood and depression. A sedentary lifestyle leads to sleep disturbance, dizziness, chronic fatigue, back pain. It is more difficult for a future mother to move around, shortness of breath, swelling and varicose veins appear. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, pregnant women should take time for regular and moderate exercise, the benefits of which are invaluable:

  1. Physical activity makes not only the body toned, the skin smooth, but also helps to strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to stress, infectious diseases.
  2. With the help of available and effective exercises the muscles are strengthened, the clamps in the back muscles are removed, the spinal column and lower back are unloaded, the correct beautiful posture is formed.
  3. Performing a set of physical exercises for pregnant women for all 9 months, a woman will quickly return harmony after the baby appears.
  4. Gymnastics has a positive effect on the emotional and psychological health of the expectant mother. Scientists have proven that after exercise, the body produces adrenaline and the hormone of happiness in the blood, which effectively fights depression and bad mood. Active future mothers are not afraid of postpartum depression.
  5. Exercises for pregnant women perfectly prepare for childbirth, help you learn how to breathe properly and control your own body. Strong, trained muscles, combined with rhythmic breathing, are the key to easy childbirth, reducing discomfort and pain during labor.
  6. By doing gymnastics, calories are quickly burned and weight is normalized during pregnancy. Training for the buttocks, thighs, legs during pregnancy will help to avoid the accumulation of body fat in problem areas.
  7. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation improves, which is an excellent prevention of edema - frequent companions of pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The acceleration of blood flow leads to the supply of sufficient oxygen to the pelvic organs.
  8. Regular exercise normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and is the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for exercise during pregnancy

However, not in all cases, physical activity is useful, there are a number of contraindications in which expectant mothers should refrain from exercising and be sure to be under the supervision of a doctor. These contraindications include:

  • Miscarriage, the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, especially if self-abortion was observed in the past.
  • The presence of toxicosis, gestosis.
  • Pregnancy pathology: low fetal presentation, placental abruption, bleeding, uterine hypertonicity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases or the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, fever, general weakness and well-being.
  • Jumps in blood pressure.
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • If a woman is carrying twins or triplets.

What exercises can be done during pregnancy: rules and recommendations

All exercises should bring only pleasure to the pregnant woman. The first rule of any activity during pregnancy, whether it be yoga, exercise with a fitball or a set of physical exercises, is to stop the activity if pain, discomfort and discomfort appear in the body. Alarms include:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, especially if there is a discharge.
  • Dizziness, weakness in the body, blackout in the eyes.
  • Difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by increased pressure or increased heart rate.
  • Excessive activity or prolonged calming of the child during classes.

There are sports activities and gymnastic complexes, which contain elements prohibited for pregnant women and are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Pregnant women are prohibited:

  • Game and contact sports, as well as roller skating, skating, which can lead to injury to a woman.
  • You can not include exercises for the press in classes, exercise on simulators, perform jumps and somersaults.

Recommendations for exercising at home during pregnancy

Before you start exercising, ask your doctor for advice. He must choose a suitable set of exercises that matches the duration and course of pregnancy.

  1. The room where the classes will be held should be well ventilated, physical exercises are also useful. fresh air, depending on the season.
  2. You should not perform gymnastics immediately after eating, on a full stomach. It is better to start classes an hour or two before meals.
  3. choose optimal amount time to complete a set of exercises and the number of repetitions, taking into account your physical fitness. Do not overstrain, watch your breath, do not make sudden jerks.
  4. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics for classes that do not restrict movement.

Exercises for pregnant women at home by trimester

Since, depending on the duration of pregnancy, a woman feels differently, a set of home exercises should be selected, focusing on the trimester of pregnancy. All exercises, regardless of trimester, should begin with a warm-up, which includes circular rotations shoulders and head, head tilts to the sides. After light warm-up you can start exercising.

Exercises for pregnant women 1 trimester, photo

The first trimester, as a rule, is accompanied by toxicosis and poor health. When performing any load, you should be especially careful. An illiterate set of exercises can lead to unpleasant consequences and harm the fetus. Before starting sports, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, who, after tests and examinations, will give his permission for classes.

First trimester exercises are designed to relieve fatigue, strengthen muscles and keep the body in good shape. Breathing exercises are also helpful. A set of home exercises in the first trimester should include:

  • Walking in place for a minute, first on a full foot, then on toes.
  • Body rotation. Standing still, make smooth circular rotations of the pelvis - in a circle in different directions.
  • Deep squats. The back is straight. For balance, you can use the back of the chair.

  • Strengthening exercises pectoral muscles. Spread your arms at chest level, alternately spread them, joining your palms.
  • The cat is one of the most useful exercises helps to strengthen the back. Get on all fours. When inhaling, it is necessary to smoothly and slowly arch your back, like a cat, tucking your stomach in, head down. When exhaling, bend a little, raising your head up.

  • Bridge with hip lift. Lying on your back, bending your knees, lift your hips up, while keeping your shoulder blades off the floor. Stay in this position for 1 minute.

Yoga exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: video

In addition to the complex gymnastic exercises, in the first months of pregnancy, you can do yoga, which will not only strengthen the body, but also energize, normalize blood pressure.

Exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester

The second trimester is the quietest period of pregnancy, favorable for gymnastics. The complex of physical exercises during this period is aimed at toning and stretching the muscles. pelvic floor, thighs and legs.

  1. Turns from a seated position. Sit on the floor with a straight back, legs crossed. On exhalation, you need to turn the body, while trying to touch the shoulder with the chin, first to the left, then to the right.
  2. Reach your hands to your feet. Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs straight and extended forward. Try to reach your feet with your palms.
  3. Perform side bends from a standing position.
  4. Raising the leg from a position on all fours, make springy swings with a straight leg.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, fitball exercises are useful. Classes with the ball relieve discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, strengthen the back muscles. Some exercises you can do at home:

  1. Rocking the pelvis to the side while sitting on the ball.
  2. Sit on the ball, turning the torso, reach for the opposite leg.
  3. Sliding the ball while standing against the wall. Hold the ball between the wall and your back. Do shallow squats, the ball should slide along the wall.
  4. Get into a comfortable position by sitting on the floor. Extend your knees to the sides. Hold the ball with your knees, tighten your muscles.
  5. Lean on the ball with your chest, arms crossed under the chin. Do alternate leg swings.
  6. Lean on the ball with your shoulder blades, bend your knees at a right angle, place your hands behind your head. Perform non-sharp torso lifts.

Exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester

Physical activity before childbirth should be the most gentle. Do not perform sudden movements or make heavy loads. The set of exercises includes exercises on the fitball, as well as exercises for the intimate muscles, thanks to which the intimate and pelvic muscles are trained.

The complex for the 3rd trimester may include the following exercises:

  1. Shallow slow squats.
  2. Butterfly. Sitting position, hips wide apart, and feet connected. Perform a springy hip extension, imitating the flight of butterfly wings. Ideally, your knees should touch the floor.
  3. Twisting. Position - sitting. Spread your hips, feet together. Slowly turn the body first to the left, then to the right.
  4. Rotation of the pelvis, sitting on the ball.
  5. Turns on the ball. Sit on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn around and touch your right knee with your left hand and vice versa.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

The purpose of the exercises is to train and prepare the intimate muscles for labor.

Basic exercises:

  1. Sit on bent legs, legs slightly to the sides, hands on your knees. Inhaling, draw in the lower abdomen, straining intimate muscles. Inhale - relax.
  2. Position - standing with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Make circular smooth movements with your hips to the sides, as in a belly dance.
  3. Sit us a chair, relax completely. Inhale and gradually draw in the intimate muscles, simulating the lifting of the elevator up. As you exhale, relax your vaginal muscles.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

Exercises for correct breathing pregnant women can practice already from the first trimester with the permission of the gynecologist, and in the 3rd trimester it is a wonderful relaxation and relaxation. Right Rhythm breathing is the most natural and in a simple way weaken the contractions during the birth of the crumbs. Performing in just 10 minutes a day simple breathing exercises you can learn how to breathe properly.

There are several breathing exercises for pregnant women:

  1. Abdominal breathing. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Start breathing smoothly and slowly. When breathing, the right hand should be motionless. This breathing technique will allow you to relax between contractions.
  2. Chest breathing. Hands are located on the ribs. It is necessary to inhale as much as possible through the nose, filling the lungs with the chest. As soon as the chest is completely filled with air, exhale slowly, while the stomach should be motionless.
  3. Irregular breathing (dog breathing). Open your mouth with your tongue sticking out a little. We breathe through the mouth - often and quickly. This breathing technique will allow the body to prepare during attempts, when it is too early to push and strength is required.
  4. Four-phase breathing. Inhale through your nose and hold the air for 4-6 seconds, exhale and hold your breath for 4-6 seconds. Repeat again. The duration of four-phase breathing is 2-3 minutes.

What exercises can pregnant women to strengthen the buttocks, legs and back

Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy

  • Squats help strengthen weak muscles in the thighs and buttocks. Squats are performed with a straight back. You can add load by performing squats with a straight leg exposed.
  • Thanks to the side lunges to the sides, not only the buttocks, but also the legs will be strengthened. To perform the exercise, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and take a step to the side while crouching. Repeat the lunge on the other side.
  • Lateral leg swings. Position - lying on the left side with outstretched legs. Raise your leg in springy swings for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

leg exercises during pregnancy

The load directed to the legs helps to relieve fatigue, heaviness, and prevent cramps.

  • Lie on your side, rest your head on your hand, one leg is bent, the other should be even. Raise your straight leg up and rotate your foot in a circle.
  • To work out the arch of the foot, squeezing the toes is useful, as if holding a pencil.
  • To strengthen the calves, lifting on toes is useful, resting on the back of a chair.

Exercises for the back and spine during pregnancy

Perfect posture is the dream of every woman. During pregnancy, with a growing load on the back and spine, the center of gravity shifts and the posture does not look the best.

  • The “cat” exercise is useful for the back, as well as the “yoga pose” - sit in the lotus position, lower the body down, trying to reach the heels.
  • Head rotations, tilts in different directions help to relax the vertebral section.
  • You can strengthen the back muscles by bringing straight arms to the sides over the line of the shoulders, holding a stick or towel.

Pregnancy is a great time for gymnastics, which will only benefit mom and baby. Easy exercises should not tire or cause discomfort, but only bring joy and pleasure. Regular classes keep muscles in good shape, will not allow fat deposits to accumulate in problem areas, which are sometimes so difficult to get rid of after the birth of a baby, will strengthen the immune system, give strength, activity and vigor throughout pregnancy.

The more attention future mom time to devote to their health, the better. It turns out that with the help of Kegel exercises, you can avoid facilitating childbirth and avoiding many troubles.

How Kegel exercises can help make childbirth easier?

One of the main problems that mothers face after the birth of a baby is injuries (ruptures) of the vagina, perineum and anus, as well as rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids.

Such consequences in most cases develop because a woman approaches childbirth unprepared, with a weak ligamentous apparatus and pelvic floor muscles. But that's why pregnancy lasts for 9 whole months: every expectant mother can work during this time vulnerabilities so that after the birth of the baby, enjoy motherhood, not overshadowed by health problems.

To tone the muscles of the perineum, vagina and anus, Kegel exercises for pregnant women have been developed. You can start their implementation from the very beginning, and at the stage of pregnancy planning - unlike conventional training, such a complex will not harm the baby.

“With the help of Kegel exercises, you can avoid facilitating childbirth and avoid such an unpleasant problem as tears”

When is the best time to start doing Kegel exercises?

But usually in the 1st trimester, the expectant mother only realizes her new position, and does not think about childbirth. In addition, during this period, her well-being often leaves much to be desired, because as a result of hormonal changes, toxicosis and borderline conditions develop. Therefore, the most best time to start mastering Kegel exercises for pregnant women - 2nd trimester. The state of health during this period usually returns to normal, and there is still enough time left.

All the exercises that the expectant mother should master are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vagina
  • anus or perineum
  • pelvic floor

They can be performed in any position - like lying on your side, standing there, and even sitting. The main thing is that this position helps to feel the desired muscle group.

Kegel exercises - full complex:

Training usually begins with the study of the muscles of the vagina.

"Elevator ride". The first exercise that a woman has to master is “lift riding”. In the process of its implementation, you need to gradually strain the muscles of the vagina, starting from the lowest and ending with the highest, that is, following vertically upwards. In this case, you do not need to hold or interrupt your breathing - it remains even, but deeper than usual.

After the “last floor” is reached, the muscles are held tight for as long as possible and gradually relax. Relaxation also occurs alternately, from top to bottom. Having reached the very "lower floor", the woman takes a deep breath.

"Tension-Relaxation". After a short rest, the second exercise is performed on this group muscles. In this case, they do not contract gradually, but immediately, as if clenched into a fist. On inhalation, the “fist” contracts, on exhalation, it relaxes.

"Muscles of the Anus". Then you can move on to the easier part of the workout - working out the muscles of the anus. They usually feel better than the muscles of the vagina, so there is no problem with their contraction and relaxation. In one workout, you need to perform 30 - 50 contractions, followed by relaxation.

"Muscles of the pelvic floor". The final chord of the lesson is the study of the muscles of the pelvic floor. For this purpose, an exercise will be performed during which all lower muscles pelvis - perineum, vagina and anus, at the same time. A few dozen repetitions are enough to get the result.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women on video:

It is important to perform the complex daily, especially if only at the very end of pregnancy it was decided to master Kegel exercises. The 3rd trimester often flies by unnoticed, in the hassle and worries associated with childbirth.

Not all women know the benefits of doing Arnold Kegel exercises, but they are very important for women's health. By exercising regularly, you can solve many women's problems, for example, facilitate childbirth, improve sex life.

Arnold Kegel was an American obstetrician and gynecologist practicing in the mid-20th century. He struggled with such a female problem as incontinence. To solve this problem, he developed a whole range of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

It has also been found that these exercises facilitate the process of childbirth, since during pregnancy the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened due to the growing uterus, usually a woman begins to feel this weakening before childbirth.

This is especially noticed by girls who did not go in for sports before pregnancy. Also, as a nice bonus, a woman's sensitivity begins to grow, she begins to get excited faster, gets more vivid orgasms than before training.

The technique made Kegel famous all over the world.

The essence of gymnastics is very simple, and consists in tension and relaxation of intimate muscles, which leads to their pumping.

Benefits of exercise:

  • the muscles and organs of the small pelvis are strengthened;
  • improves mood, well-being, appearance;
  • reduces the risk of hemorrhoids, which may appear before or after pregnancy.
  • women recover faster after childbirth;
  • the risk of tissue rupture during childbirth is reduced;
  • discomfort and pain, if present, disappears;
  • the body is felt better, the lady learns to manage it.

Research shows that exercise makes childbirth easier and safer for the newborn baby.

After childbirth, the body will recover faster. In addition, gymnastics warns against hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence and other problems.

You can train not only during pregnancy, but also at any other time, gymnastics will help prolong female youth.

Also, training is shown to men, for the prevention of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, and to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Why Do Pregnant Women Need Kegel Exercises?

Childbirth is a complex physical process. During childbirth, the girl participates in those muscle groups that are not used in ordinary life. Therefore, childbirth requires preliminary preparation and muscle training.

Doing Kegel exercises during the entire pregnancy, a woman, during childbirth, connects already trained muscles, this makes it easier for the baby to move along the genital tract.

Particular attention should be paid to gymnastics for women who give birth after 30 years, as well as for women who have already given birth, undergoing episiotomy or ruptures. These factors negatively affect the state of intimate muscles and often complicate childbirth.

Warnings and contraindications

Although training is shown to most women, there are exceptions:

  • the possibility of a miscarriage;
  • discomfort and pain during exercise;
  • risk of preterm birth;
  • some diseases of the spine;
  • toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • occurrence of uterine bleeding.

In the supine position, the training should be carried out up to 16-18 weeks, since after that the lower pudendal vein can be compressed. You can continue to do the exercises standing or sitting.

How to do Kegel exercises for pregnancy at home

In addition to the great benefits for the body, the advantages of exercise also lie in the accessibility for everyone, both financially and in the location of the person.

Training should begin after emptying Bladder and intestines.

If you have never practiced this complex before conception, do not try to do all the exercises to the fullest.

Start small, so as not to overload the muscles of the small pelvis. Remember that the goal of training is to learn to control muscle tissue rather than squeezing it as hard as possible.

Classes can be carried out in any position of the body, but it is better to start from a lying position. Then gradually approach the standing and sitting position.

A common problem for ladies is that they cannot determine which muscles need to be strained. You can determine them in a simple way, in the process of urination, hold the flow of urine.

Those muscles that you have involved in this matter will be needed for subsequent work. Urinary retention is, by the way, also an exercise with which doctors recommend starting training.

The specifics of gymnastics in different trimesters of pregnancy

The first trimester is the laying of the organs of the future baby, the most dangerous period. Loads must be distributed so as not to interfere with the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Classes should be very simple, do not need to strain much. Start training in a lying position, gradually moving to a sitting position.

The second trimester is favorable for gymnastics, as it is the most calm. You can train in any position.

The third trimester is the finish line. At this time, expectant mothers relax, but this is wrong, you need to carefully prepare the body for childbirth. The fetus is already large, which means that it becomes more difficult to train. We perform gymnastics only while standing.

Any workout should start with a warm-up:

  1. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean against the wall with your hands, slowly sit down, spreading your knees in different directions, freeze for a few seconds, keep your back straight. Slowly rise, stand on your toes;
  2. Take the previous starting pose. Close your palms in front of your chest. Inhale, squeeze your palms, relax as you exhale;
  3. We do not change the position. Hands on the waist. With the pelvis, and not with the body, we move first in one direction, then in the other;
  4. Stand up straight with your feet together. Rest on a support with one hand. Standing on one leg, stretch the other forward and backward. Do this for each leg;
  5. Walk on toes, heels, outer and inside feet;
  6. Sit on the floor, cross your legs, stretch your arms, reach for the floor and lean on them. Raise one arm up, it should form one straight line with your back. Stretch. Repeat with the other hand.

With the help of such a warm-up, you will improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest, back, and waist.

A set of Kegel exercises during pregnancy

After the warm-up, we begin to perform the exercises:

Do not forget to breathe properly, you need to do it naturally and evenly. The total amount of compressions should be at least 200 times per day.

You need to train regularly to get results. Make a schedule for yourself so that you manage your time properly and do not miss classes.

The first results will appear after a month of training. Over time, the muscles will develop and the exercises will be easier to do.

Doctors say that training intimate muscles is important and necessary. They recommend following these guidelines:

  • before starting, consult with a specialist leading your pregnancy;
  • strain only the necessary muscles, otherwise, classes can harm you and the child;
  • practice only in a comfortable position;
  • breathe correctly;
  • if you are overtired, take a break, do not exercise through force;
  • If discomfort or pain occurs during exercise, you should stop exercising and inform your doctor immediately.

Following all the advice, a woman will receive only positive impressions and benefits from Kegel gymnastics.


Kegel exercises perform several functions at once:

  1. A woman learns to feel the vaginal and anal muscles, trains the muscles of the small pelvis;
  2. Exercise prevents many diseases such as hemorrhoids, incontinence, and so on;
  3. If you exercise regularly, you will not only make childbirth easier for yourself, but also improve your health and sex life in the future.

You can talk about the pros and cons of training endlessly, but you will only know the truth when you try it in practice.

For more information on the topic of the article, see the following video.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus begins to grow rapidly, and the tummy reaches an impressive size. During this period, it becomes difficult to carry out certain movements, some women experience discomfort and pain in the lower back, heaviness in the legs. They often refuse to play sports, intending to continue such activity after childbirth. Consider what physical exercises will bring in the third trimester of pregnancy, what are their rules and what complexes should be chosen.

Benefits of exercise for pregnant women

Women in position should not ignore physical activity throughout pregnancy.

The use of certain exercises at this time will have such a beneficial effect:

  • will be the prevention of excess weight;
  • prepare the female body for childbirth;
  • serve as a preventive measure varicose veins veins and thrombosis, improve metabolism;
  • saturate the blood with oxygen, which is so important for a developing baby;
  • maintain good physical shape;
  • improve mood and emotional background;
  • reduce the load on the body, spine;
  • will prevent the appearance of gaps during the upcoming birth;
  • will train the breath and body before the efforts during childbirth;
  • improve the elasticity of the skin, tendons and muscles;
  • will help you recover faster in the postpartum period and bring yourself back to normal.

When is the best time to quit?

It is undesirable for a pregnant woman to engage in physical activity with the following factors:

  • with vomiting, gestosis;
  • if you have had miscarriages before;
  • with uterine tone;
  • with the omission of the placenta;
  • with colds (SARS, influenza, and others) and exacerbation of chronic (gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, and others);
  • with pain in the abdomen;
  • at risk of preterm birth.

Important! It is undesirable for pregnant women to cross their legs in a sitting position, as this contributes to the appearance of varicose veins. It is also not recommended to be in the sun for a long time and carry out thermal procedures.

There is a list sports activities, which should be excluded during the period of bearing a child. Usually in such sports there is a possibility of falling. Exercises aimed at stretching the abdominal muscles are also prohibited.
Unwanted physical activity includes:

  • horseback riding;
  • skiing;
  • martial arts;
  • group sports - basketball, volleyball, football and others;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • any kind of jumps (from a parachute, into the water, on the surface of the earth and others);
  • water skiing;
  • All extreme views sports activities.
A future woman in labor should definitely consult with a gynecologist observing her pregnancy about physical activity, and also be attentive to her body. She must always remember that she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for her unborn child.

For women who are expecting a baby, exercises have been developed that are not only allowed, but very useful. Of course, if a woman did not go in for intense sports before conception, then she should not be zealous further, but this does not mean that physical activities should be abandoned. In the absence of contraindications, breathing exercises and a light set of exercises below will help her prepare herself for childbirth.
Pregnant women who have previously kept themselves in shape are also not recommended to unnecessarily load or tire themselves even useful activities. Choose the one that suits you best from the list below.

Important! If during the period you feel pain, discomfort, dizziness and other ailments, then the exercises should be stopped. And with threatening symptoms (bleeding, severe prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, etc.), seek medical help.

Morning work-out

Lovers of physical education in the morning can not give up their usual lifestyle. Only in morning exercises you need to include exercises that help improve well-being and prepare well for the birth process.

Did you know? Women in recent months before childbirth, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, as this releases the inferior vena cava, located under the ribs on the right. This will help prevent swelling.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing during childbirth facilitates their flow and reduces pain, and during the bearing of the baby, it supplies the unborn child with oxygen. Pregnant women are recommended to use the following breathing exercises:

  1. Working out. It is necessary to breathe deeply, taking a free breath and exhaling, controlling the process with the palms, placing one on the chest and the other on the stomach. The chest does not move at all, only the stomach is involved in breathing.
  2. Practicing chest breathing. Its implementation is similar to the previous exercise, but the stomach should remain motionless, and breathing should be done with the chest.
  3. Breathe like a dog. Rapid breathing, like a dog, with shallow breaths. Then, at the end of the exercise, a series of deep breathing cycles should be taken to calm the pulse.
  4. Push breathing. Here, on the contrary, deep breaths are taken with a delay in breathing and unhurried exhalations. It is permissible to alternate a slow exhalation with several (2-3) quick breaths.
Breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester: video

Positional gymnastics

These exercises help strengthen the muscles that are primarily stressed during childbirth.

Such a complex can include the following items:

Fitball exercises

Fitball is a sports device that is used in many sports centers and at home. Outwardly, it looks like a large inflatable ball. Classes on such a ball are good because they reduce the load on the spinal column, and all exercises are done in comfortable conditions for women.

Did you know? This ball will also come in handy after childbirth in order to quickly return to its shape. There are also classes for babies performed on a fitball. They help relieve their hypertonicity and prevent colic, massage and promote the development of the vestibular apparatus and better job baby's organs.

  1. Sitting on a fitball, take dumbbells and do lifts on straightened arms. You can spread your bent arms to the sides. Repeat several times.
  2. Sit in front of the fitball with your legs crossed. Then squeeze and unclench the ball with your hands. Perform 10 repetitions.
  3. Lie on your back with your feet on the ball. Straighten and bend them in turn, rolling the fitball.
Such an activity in the 3rd trimester will be an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester: video

Kegel exercises

This physical activity is based on alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscle group. When performing them, you need to include the muscles of the perineum.

The following complex is suitable for pregnant women:

  1. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and spread them apart. Breathing should be deep and even. Squeeze the muscles of the vagina for 10 seconds, and then relax.
  2. Lie down again and relax all the muscles. Place your legs on a chair, sofa or fitball. Tighten and relax your muscles at a fast pace. You need to start with the muscle groups of the vagina, and then gradually move on to the muscle fibers of the anus. Do everything smoothly, without sharpness.
  3. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed as in the lotus yoga asana. If it doesn’t work out, then simply bend them and spread them apart. Hold your breath and push. The muscles of the vagina protrude outwards. When inhaling, the muscle contracts. For control, you can put your palm at the perineum to feel the tension with your fingers. This will allow you to learn how to push during labor.
  4. Sit on the floor and slightly spread your legs bent at the knees. Place your hands behind, focusing on them. Squeeze the muscles of the lower part of the vagina and fix it for 2-3 seconds. Then, without reducing the tension, gradually move to the top. In this case, slowly turn on all the muscles of the vagina. Start to relax the muscles of the vagina, but not all at once, but gradually, in the reverse order as they strained.
All exercises should be repeated 7-10 times. Gradually, their number is brought up to 30.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women: video


Pregnant women benefit from doing certain types of stretching. They strengthen muscles, increase blood circulation in the joints, make them elastic, which helps a lot with increasing stress on the back and joints. And it also makes the skin elastic, which is an excellent prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen.

  1. Stretching the muscles of the back. Stand in the doorway and rest your hands on its sides at the level chest. Put your feet a little wider from shoulder level, relax your knees. Gradually lower the chin down, at the same time bend the back and lean forward, the pelvis moves back. Inhale, pulling in the stomach and arching the back. Hold your breath, and then exhale, keeping your back arched. Straighten up and go to the starting position.
  2. Stretching the muscles in the sides. Bend your right arm and rest your palm on the door frame at shoulder level. Try to turn your torso to the left. Then make a right turn.
  3. Stretching the chest muscles. Lean your hands on the sides of the doorway and lunge with your foot forward. Inhale, and then, exhaling, bring the shoulder blades together and raise the chest. Relaxing, return to the starting position. Repeat by lunging with the other leg.
  4. Stretching the muscles of the leg. Rest your palms against the wall and perform a lunge with your foot. Move the knee of the leg forward, feeling how the muscles stretch. Return to the starting position and repeat the lunge with the other leg.
  5. Stretching the thigh muscles. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Then left leg bend and place it with the foot on the knee of the other leg. Right hand move the left thigh to the right, while turning the head to the left side. Fix this position for about a minute. Return to the beginning of the exercise. Repeat by changing legs.
  6. Leg stretch. Lie on your side, bend your upper leg at the knee, resting your palm on the floor. Raise lower leg up and pull it for a few seconds. Then put it on the floor and repeat, changing side and leg.

Important! No need to engage in physical activity if you feel unwell.

Stretching for pregnant women: video

Rules for fitness during pregnancy

There are certain rules for physical activities for pregnant women who are recommended to perform:

  • no need to abruptly take any load if you have not been involved in this sport before;
  • always listen to yourself. If you experience the slightest discomfort, you should stop exercising;
  • if before pregnancy a woman was actively involved in sports, then it is impossible to abruptly quit physical activity. Reasonable exercise stress must be. Indeed, some negative phenomena during pregnancy arise due to an inactive and sedentary lifestyle - pain in the lumbar region, swelling, and so on;
  • try to be careful when playing sports, especially if you have never played them before;
  • do not use sudden movements, turns, tilts, do everything smoothly;
  • it’s good to attend a school for expectant mothers at health centers and conduct classes under the supervision of a specialist;

  • studying at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the training video tutorials;
  • the room must be well ventilated before doing fitness, and the temperature should be around + 20–23 ° С;
  • exercises are best done on an empty stomach: 1-2 hours after a meal or 1-1.5 hours before a meal;
  • it is recommended to perform sets of exercises daily at a set time;
  • how many repetitions to do and what the load will be, the pregnant woman herself determines, depending on her well-being and physical form;
  • choose clothes for fitness from natural fabrics and not restricting movement;
  • watch your breath;
  • Finish with relaxation exercises.

Did you know? An excellent preventive measure against varicose veins is to frequently raise your legs above body level. You can just lie down with a high pillow under your feet. This is especially true after being on your feet for a long time.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the third trimester: video The above exercises during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy will help maintain good health, relieve swelling, and prepare for labor. However, before them, you should consult a doctor and do not overexert yourself much. Gymnastics should be abandoned if you feel unwell, and during its implementation you must listen to your condition.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, it is recommended that expectant mothers regularly do a little gymnastics. Physical exercise help prepare the body for childbirth and have a good effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman. About what exercises will benefit during pregnancy, we will talk further.

Physical exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should not include jumping or sudden movements. It is necessary to perform the exercises smoothly. Movements aimed at strengthening the respiratory and intimate muscles will also be useful. A set of exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should take no more than 10-15 minutes, and the number of repetitions should correspond to the level physical training future mother.
Moderate physical activity during pregnancy is indicated only if the bearing of the baby proceeds without complications. It is impossible to go in for sports in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • toxicosis, the presence of blood discharge during pregnancy;
  • miscarriages in the past.

In any case, before engaging in any sports, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester in the pool

Swimming and water aerobics are very useful in the last stages of pregnancy. Usually classes in the pool are conducted under the guidance of an instructor. The trainer can choose certain exercises for the expectant mother and individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of her pregnancy.

Classes usually begin with a warm-up. After that, special exercises are performed to help relieve tension from certain muscle groups and, conversely, work out others. During the course, regular swimming is also used.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester for weight loss

If the weight of the expectant mother exceeds the allowable norm, certain exercises may be shown to her. For example, fitball exercises that can be done either at home or under the guidance of an instructor. Exercises on gymnastic ball comfortable and do not cause discomfort. They are aimed at working out several muscle groups: chest, hips and arms.

We must not forget that gymnastics can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. That is why, if the expectant mother feels pain, increased heart rate, the warm-up should be stopped. It is best to give preference in the presence of contraindications breathing exercises. Although, in any case, this should be decided by the doctor.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Kegel exercises are recommended for all expectant mothers. They are aimed at training intimate muscles. That is, the main purpose of such exercises is to help the pregnant woman prepare for childbirth.
There are several Kegel exercises. Below are the main ones:

  1. "Goalkeeper". You need to spread your legs and sit down a little, putting your hands on your knees. Now, while inhaling, you should draw in the lower abdomen and tighten the intimate muscles, and relax while exhaling.
  2. "Belly dance". Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and put your hands on your waist, and bend your knees slightly. Now do circular motions hips in different directions.
  3. "Elevator". You need to sit on a chair and relax. Inhaling, draw in the intimate muscles, squeezing gradually. Relax as you exhale.

Moderate physical activity and following all the recommendations of the doctor will definitely help you give birth to a healthy baby. Easy and successful delivery to you!
