Can I walk. Is school uniform required to attend school? Walking reduces the risk of Alzheimer's

Walking is one of the most enjoyable and effective ways keep yourself in shape.

It's one of those kinds physical activity, which can be called natural and background. Walking is natural by definition, as we learn it already in the first year of life. And we continue to walk until the last days. Walking is a background load because it is very correct and effective motor basis, on which your efforts in special training and useful nutrition rules are very successfully superimposed. Daily walks in sufficient volume, as it were, enhance the effect of training and proper nutrition.

It is no coincidence that daily walks are an integral part of the training program.

In addition, walking is much more natural and safer than running. So if you don't like or don't want to run, walk!

If you walk at least 5-10 km per day (in total), then many health problems and overweight are solved as if by themselves, imperceptibly. After all, you do not make any special efforts. You just walk around and do the most normal daily activities. Walking is a background exercise.

Walking does not burden the brain (quite the contrary) and does not require extraordinary strong-willed efforts, plus it brings great benefits, and for many people it is an incomparable pleasure. Agree, it sounds very tempting!

While walking, you do not risk injuring your knees, twisting your leg, overloading your heart. A health effect and a massive calorie burn.

How much should you walk every day?

Physicians insist that daily allowance movement for a person is at least 10-14 thousand steps. This is the minimum that ensures the normal functioning of the heart, lungs, muscles, joints and nervous system.

I purposefully measured the length of my step (from the tip of the toe of the "back" foot to the tip of the toe of the "front") and found out that it is 85 centimeters when walking briskly. Multiplying the step length by the recommended number of steps, I got the following. On the day I need to walk from 8.5 to 11.9 km.

Do I walk that much in a day? Hardly! Purposefully I pass no more than 3-5 kilometers. I have to solve many issues while driving a car or sitting at a computer. However, the overall active life, daily exercise (morning work-out+ a special afternoon workout), working with clients (I'm constantly lifting irons with them and doing a lot of other exercises) make walking a less important part of my physical training.

One kilometer in my performance is 1176 steps. I walk this distance in 10-11 minutes. Approximate speed when walking, therefore, is about 6 km per hour.

Your stride length may vary depending on your height, weight, flexibility and other parameters. Accordingly, both speed and distance may be different.

Is it so important to go exactly 10-14 thousand steps?

In my opinion, not necessarily. It can be less if the steps are large and energetic. The norm is prescribed for an average person who can barely move his legs from the point of view of an athlete. And for health, not only the quantity, but also the quality of movements matters. 10 thousand sluggish steps will not give even half of the effect that can be achieved in 5 thousand vigorous steps. A brisk step is a wide range of joint work. These are intense muscle contractions, this is an increase in the work of the heart, blood vessels, and capillaries. This is increased breathing. From a vigorous walk, you warm up well and even sweat. This is normal and helpful.

So, I suppose you understand that the banal recording of steps with a pedometer is just an appearance. The quality of these steps is also important. The better they are, the less you need.

How to count steps and distance?

There are currently no problems with this. Put on a gadget (smart watch) or turn on a smartphone with an application, and go for a walk.

I prefer to take into account the distance on Google maps. I turn on the GPS and determine my location. Then I set the route of movement, indicating the place of finish on the map. I choose to travel on foot. The system provides an approximate walking time and the exact distance. That's the whole trick. And since the choice of routes in the place where I live is not very large, I know them all by heart to the nearest meter.

You can use a special smart watch.

Or even a special reminder (a program in a fitness bracelet), constantly giving "pendels" to the overstayed owner 🙂

Clothes and shoes for walking

It is extremely important to dress for the weather. Use good quality hygienic clothing. You should just enjoy being there. A tracksuit or jeans (stretch) with a T-shirt (or windbreaker) is great. In general, it should be comfortable and pleasant in the chosen clothes. Then walks will not be a heavy duty, but a vital necessity and pleasure. You can even dress up more fashionably (fortunately, now there is no problem with this) to make it even more interesting! 🙂

When it comes to shoes, there is nothing better than sneakers. Socks must be cotton.
You can and should walk in any weather except for extreme (storm, heavy rainfall, frost, abnormal heat). In cool weather, a hat is obligatory, as the body cools down very much through the head, which can have unpleasant consequences. In the heat, it is better to use a cap, a baseball cap. Wear sunglasses over your eyes.

If you think that correct posture only matters for your health, then it is not.

No, of course, posture has a huge impact on the work of all our internal organs and sometimes can even cause serious health problems. But other than that, she is a reflection of your psychological state, self-confidence and attitude to the world. Your body language can tell others about you even more than the most lengthy speeches, and more than the most expensive clothes. But, unlike a suit, posture does not cost you money and only requires your effort and practice. In this article, we will learn simple tricks developing a posture that will become your real decoration.

Learning to sit correctly

The realities of our life have developed in such a way that we sit most of the day. And not correct position in this case, the body can become the main source of health disorders, fatigue and even bad mood. Today, the ability to sit correctly is critical issue survival.

  • Push your hips back so that your lower back is supported by the back of the chair.
  • Roll your shoulders back and down, and keep your chest expanded. Don't slouch.
  • If you are working behind a monitor, then position it so that you can watch without changing the natural position of the neck.
  • Position the keyboard so that your forearms and elbows are resting on the desk or resting on the arms of your chair.
  • To avoid knee problems, position your legs at a 90-degree angle so that your feet are flat on the ground.
  • Regardless of the correctness of your posture, please note that human body not designed for prolonged sitting. So take breaks every 20-30 minutes. It is enough just to get up and take a walk for a couple of minutes.

Learning to stand properly

Look at the people around you. Have you noticed that most of them, even very young ones, try to sit up at the first opportunity? In transport, in line, at a party, their eyes instinctively look for a suitable horizontal surface, and their legs themselves carry them there. That's right, these people just forgot how to stand properly!

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Now move the lower part of the body slightly forward to feel the heaviness of the body on the toes. Then compensate by moving your upper body back so that you feel the heaviness in your heels. Find such a balance that the weight of the body is evenly distributed. Thus, your pelvis should be slightly forward and your shoulders back. It is in this position that the weight of the body is optimally supported by the spine.
  • Pay attention to keeping your shoulders back and your chest up. Don't put your head down.
  • Don't keep your hands in your pockets - it makes you slouch.

Learning to walk correctly

In the previous paragraph, I wrote that we have forgotten how to stand. This applies even more to walking. A person walking when it is possible to pass is perceived as a freak. A person who has covered ten or fifteen kilometers on foot is perceived as a champion. Meanwhile, the ability to walk begins precisely with the correct movements of the body. And they are not that difficult, believe me.

  • Get into a proper standing position using the tips above.
  • Take a step with your foot, gently placing it on the heel and rolling onto the toe.
  • Repeat this movement ten thousand times throughout the day.
  • If you want to move to a faster pace, then bend your elbows and make auxiliary movements with them. Yes, it may look unusual, but it will help you then smoothly transition to running.

All of these tips are extremely easy to do...once or twice. The problem is to do it all the time. To do this, we need to consciously and purposefully pay attention to how we sit, stand and walk. Correct and straighten yourself. Do not ride where you can walk, do not sit down where you can stand, and do not blur where you just need to sit down.

If you do this regularly, you will see that after a couple of weeks it will become natural for you. In a month you will do it without even thinking. The world will see you differently and will be surprised at this transformation.

Walking is a natural way of moving around in space. We walk daily. But are we on the right track? The question is not idle from the point of view of the biomechanics of the body. After all, if our movements are not coordinated, we stoop, then the gait is ugly, there is an overload of muscles and joints, as a result, the spine and internal organs suffer. Dr. Alexander Ivanov talks about how to diagnose health problems by gait and learn how to walk correctly in his new article.



Man differs from other representatives of the animal kingdom by upright posture. There is an opinion that we are paying for bipedalism with diseases of the spine. A person gradually rises to his feet at the end of the first year of life. From this moment, a motor stereotype of movement begins to form - gait.

Definition of Big medical encyclopedia: "gait- a set of signs that characterize a person's walking. A number of motor components of gait are innate and are included in the complex coordinated activity of muscles and limbs in the process of movement (locomotion). The regulation of gait in humans is carried out by cortical, subcortical-stem and cerebellar structures of the brain. Gait is also associated with emotional (motivational) mechanisms of movement, which are controlled by the limbic system of the brain and cortical regulation of the statodynamic balance of a moving person. All this gives the driving an expressive coordination that reflects the personal characteristics of a given person (character, temperament) and creates a walking style. In the process of life, the gait acquires new features, which in a person are associated with the characteristics of his work activity, upbringing, etc.

To determine if you are walking correctly, take a simple test. If during a 30-minute walk at a normal pace you feel tired in your legs, you want to sit down, rest or hurt calf muscles- it means that something is wrong with your gait. Then ask yourself the following questions: with which foot do I start the step, do my hands move in time with the body while walking, do I step on the heel where my gaze is directed.

Another tip: film your walk and pay close attention to the movement of your body as you walk. This will help to see the mistakes when walking from the side and consciously correct them.


Golden Rule a beautiful walk is a healthy posture. It is necessary to keep your back and head straight, raise your chin a little - look at the level of the third floor. In this case, the spine straightens, and the diaphragm moves freely. Shoulders need to be straightened, released chest.

While walking, engage the calf muscles, for this you need to step on the heel, and then smoothly transfer the center of gravity to the toe. While walking, the feet should come off the floor - you can not shuffle and drag your legs. The feet should be parallel to each other or facing slightly towards the outside.

For an osteopath, the patient's gait has a diagnostic value. As soon as a patient enters my office, I can judge his diagnosis and understand what is bothering the person. For example, often limping on one leg indicates problems lumbar and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Move your arms as you walk - it's natural. Normally, when walking, our hands describe semicircles. Try not to put your hands in your pockets while walking, as you can walk faster with free hands.


OBLIQUE pelvis, or why one leg is shorter than the other

The pelvis plays a key role in the biomechanics of walking. The pelvis is anatomical structure, which consists of several bones: the sacrum, pubic and iliac bones. All this is covered with muscles and ligaments. The pelvis is the seat of the internal organs - the genitourinary system ( bladder, uterus, prostate) and intestines (rectum).

The pelvis is the foundation upon which the spine stands, like a tower. Violations of the structure of the pelvis leads to diseases of the spine - a violation of posture and gait. Osteopaths focus on the pelvis Special attention, correcting his somatic dysfunctions (violation of biomechanics and rhythm).

In the process of osteopathic examination, we quite often identify different length patients' legs. The difference in the length of the legs leads to an overload of the spine and joints, which provokes pain. There are true shortening of the leg (anatomical) and functional shortening. Doctor's taskidentify whether this shortening is anatomical or functional. For this, osteopathy has special diagnostic tests. In the case of a true shortening of the leg, caused, for example, by coxarthrosis hip joint or a fracture of the femur, orthopedic devices are used for correction - insoles or a heel pad. Functional shortening of the leg can be successfully corrected. Literally in one session, an osteopathic doctor can lengthen the leg and align the oblique pelvis. Due to this, the load on the joints of the legs and the spine will be uniform, which will help to avoid pain in the future.


Gait is to some extent a marker of our internal state, status, profession and so on. The manner of walking or gait (like handwriting or a fingerprint) is different for everyone, but still there are criteria for a healthy correct gait: posture, head position, coordinated movements of the arms and legs.

The gait informs the surrounding people about the mood and even about the character traits of a person. Allocate male and female gait, youthful and senile gait, gait according to professional affiliation (gait of a top model or ballerina, gait of a boss), energetic gait and lazy gait. Ideally, the gait should be light and springy.



Walking is a great way to prevent diseases of the spine and cardiovascular system. Make walking your primary mode of transportation. Use every opportunity to walk - to work, home, to visit, to the store, just walking and so on. Ideally, you need to take at least ten thousand steps a day. Forget about the elevator and escalator in the subway. To control steps, you can use pedometers and trackers in smartphones. A special kind of walking nordic walking with sticks.


The shoes and clothes you wear are important. If the shoes are uncomfortable, narrow and high-heeled, this interferes with a normal gait. Avoid shoes with flat and thin soles in everyday life - they disrupt the cushioning of the foot and lead to an overload of the spine and joints.

Choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Tight clothing, such as jeans, can interfere with the body's natural movement when walking.

Walk right and stay healthy!

Yours sincerely,

Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich— candidate of medical sciences, osteopath, neurologist, naturopath, member of the Russian osteopathic association, popularizer healthy lifestyle life and a conscious approach to health.

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Many parents, although school uniform has long become an obligatory attribute of educational life, they ask themselves: is a school uniform mandatory? Do I need to buy a uniform when preparing a child for school, or can I do without it?

Parents and teachers, graduate students have many arguments for and against. Many believe that the mandatory wearing of a school uniform infringes on the rights and obligations of the individual. Others are sure that the school uniform organizes the student, improves discipline in the classroom, and increases the level of attention in the classroom.

Why was school uniform introduced?

  1. To provide students with comfortable and aesthetic clothing in everyday school life.
  2. Elimination of signs of social, property and religious differences between students.
  3. Prevention of students' psychological discomfort in front of their peers.
  4. Strengthening the overall image educational organization, the formation of school identity.

Is a school uniform compulsory when attending an educational institution?

Since the moment Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012(hereinafter referred to as the Law) gave educational organizations the opportunity to establish requirements for schoolchildren's clothing (color, type, size, style, insignia, etc.), questions regarding the need for a school uniform became even more.

From a legal point of view, if an educational organization has introduced a school uniform, then it is a necessary condition for attending school. The duty of the student is to comply with the Charter of the educational organization and the requirements of local acts, for example, wearing a school uniform (Article 43 of the Law). Each parent who sends a child to grade 1 must familiarize himself with the Charter of the educational institution against signature. If the Charter contains a clause stating that uniforms are mandatory at school, then all students, as participants in the educational process, are required to comply with the requirements of the school - to wear uniforms.

In a situation where a student came to school without a uniform, he violated the requirements of the Charter of the educational institution. This situation should not entail such a measure as suspension from school. This is due to the fact that every citizen is guaranteed the right to education. Violations of the charter of an educational institution may lead to disciplinary action. Most often, in school practice, it is enough to have a conversation with a student or his parents so that the student's appearance meets the requirements of school etiquette.

It is worth noting here that the school must adopt a local act, taking into account the opinion of the council of students, the council of parents and the representative body of school employees, students. The introduction of clothing requirements should be made by the decision of all participants in the educational process.

Who determines what uniforms children should wear?

This issue belongs to the competence of the educational organization, which establishes the types of clothing (sports, dress, casual). Student clothing may be decals school, class in the form of emblems, ties, badges. The school may recommend to buy clothes of a certain style or color scheme, but does not have the right to demand that you buy a uniform in a particular store, indicating a specific manufacturer.

Special requirements for the form of students provided for educational organizations implementing educational programs in the field of:

  • defense and security of the state;
  • ensuring law and order;
  • customs, etc.

IN this case the rules for wearing uniforms and insignia are established by the founder of the educational organization (Article 38 of the Law).

Can schoolchildren be provided with uniforms for free?

Provision of uniforms and other clothing items (uniforms) for students at the expense of budget allocations from the budgets of subjects Russian Federation is carried out in cases and in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, studying at the expense of budget allocations from local budgets - by local governments (Article 38 of the Law). This means that some categories of schoolchildren can be provided with uniforms at the expense of budgetary funds, if this is provided for by the subject of the Russian Federation.

The decision to introduce requirements for students' clothing should take into account the material costs of low-income families (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 28, 2013 No. DG-65/08 "On establishing requirements for students' clothing"). Thus, if the subject of the Russian Federation has established strict requirements for the form, then its duties will include providing all poor citizens with such a form.

The procedure for applying for a grant depends on the region where the student's family lives. Depending on the territory, you can apply for a subsidy either at the MFC, the district administration, or at the school.

  • Clothing must match hygiene requirements to clothes for children, teenagers and adults (SanPiN 2.4/71 1.1.1286-03).
  • Clothing must be appropriate for the weather and venue. training sessions, room temperature.
  • It is not recommended to wear shoes, clothes with traumatic fittings, asocial symbols.
  • Appearance must comply with generally accepted standards of business style and be secular.

Of course, students who adhere to certain requirements for appearance, follow the rules of school life. The pros of the fact that the school introduces the wearing of school uniforms are much greater than the cons. Children need to feel that they belong to a certain group, a team. This is successfully achieved through the introduction of school uniforms.
