Correct landing for PC. How to sit correctly and what to do if it does not work out. Correct position of the pelvis

Computer technologies have entered our lives so tightly that they surround us almost everywhere. Both at home and at work, we sit at computers, spending working hours or while away evening leisure. As for the harm from prolonged sitting in a sitting position, no one thinks about it. How to sit at the computer in order to maintain your health and not spoil your back?

To do this, to answer this question, you need to answer a few small questions:

  • How to sit in a chair correctly;
  • How long can you stay in a sitting position;
  • How to choose the right position for the monitor and keyboard.

Let's consider all these questions in order and find out how to sit at the computer and not harm your body.

Buying an orthopedic chair

In order to take a safe posture at the computer, you need to choose a normal orthopedic chair. It will ensure the correct fit and protect the back from unnecessary loads, evenly distributing them over the entire plane of the back. In addition, an orthopedic chair will support the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, as well as help maintain its correct anatomical curvature.

Sitting on a simple stool, we are forced to be in a tense position. Agree that few of us follow one simple rule - you need to sit on a chair with a straight back. As for the orthopedic chair, it will help us to sit in the correct position without straining the muscles of the back and neck.

When choosing an orthopedic chair for a manager or an ordinary employee in the office, try to pay attention to products from famous brands. Make sure that the purchased chair is really an orthopedic one - this should be indicated in the passport.

Buying a good orthopedic chair is over - now we need to decide on another issue. How to sit in a chair without exposing your back to strain? To do this, you need to follow a few rules:

  • You need to sit on a chair or armchair so that your back is close to the back - a special anatomical shape will save your back from stress and help correct bad posture;
  • Carefully select the height of the seat - your hips should be parallel to the floor, of course if it's not a knee chair, it has its own characteristics;
  • Put your feet on a low stand - do not bend them under a chair or chair;
  • Move the chair to the table so that the tabletop almost touches your stomach - this is the correct posture, which allows you to ensure the correct position of the hands and not want to slouch.

To get rid of the desire to bend over and look at something on the monitor, set it so that it is at a distance outstretched handyou have to reach it with your fingertips.

Another secret that allows you to protect your back from stress is the correct position of the neck. You should sit with your head straight, not up or down. If necessary, use a monitor stand.

How long can you sit at the computer?

There are many recommendations on this subject. Since you already know how to properly sit at a computer, we will tell you how long you can work on it without putting your back in danger. There is one simple rule - 45 minutes work, 15 minutes rest. Using this scheme, you will ensure the safety of your health. You also need to remember about the length of the working day - do not allow working late (it is best to plan your working time correctly).

Between work sessions, you don't have to sit in your chair - get up, walk around, do a simple warm-up or just breathe fresh air going out into the street. It is also recommended to do exercises for the eyes. The most effective activity is to change the focus:

  • Focus on a nearby object for a few seconds;
  • After a few seconds, look at the far wall without changing the position of the head;
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times - this will be an excellent workout for the eyes.

Your position at your desk is of great importance for your posture and overall health. By sitting for 6-8 hours five days a week, you form the habit of holding your body in a certain way. This habit determines your posture not only at your desk, but also in any other place: while driving, in training, while walking, even in a dream. And if the position you are used to is not physiological, sooner or later it will cause problems with the spine.

Perhaps, reading this, you straightened your back and decided now to always sit upright. It's great, but it won't last long. At first it seems that keeping your back straight is easy and even pleasant, but after a minute or two your lower back begins to ache, so you will very soon take your usual position.

Why is it so hard to keep your back

When you maintain a certain position for a long time, your body gets used to it. The brain begins to perceive it as natural and comfortable. This is where the main difficulty lies.

Once your brain has learned how to do things in a certain way, it is quite difficult to retrain it.

A good example is the habit of writing with one hand. Try shifting a pen to your non-dominant hand and you'll feel like an awkward child.

However, albeit with difficulty, our brain is still able to relearn and. Practice will help you form the habit of correct posture and say goodbye to pain and stiffness after a day's work. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the position of your pelvis on the chair.

The correct position of the pelvis is the basis of a good posture

The position of the pelvis on the chair is of decisive importance for the entire posture as a whole. Your pelvis and spine are like bricks stacked on top of each other. If you put the bottom brick crooked, all the rest will be skewed.

To position the pelvis correctly, first you need to find the buttocks. These are two bony protrusions at the bottom of the pelvis.

The structure of the pelvic bones

To find them, sit on a hard surface, put your hands under your buttocks, and lower your body weight onto them. You will feel how the ischial tuberosities press on your hands.

The main rule of good posture is to sit on the buttocks. Most people sit with their body either behind or in front of their buttocks.

How to properly position the pelvis

First of all, you need to feel the correct position of the pelvis. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, put your feet on the floor, the angle at the knee should be 90 degrees. This is the correct position of the legs.

First, arch your back in an arc and hold for a couple of seconds, then arch your back, bringing your chest forward and creating. After that, take the middle position.

Left - tilt of the pelvis back, in the center - tilt of the pelvis forward, on the right - the correct position

If the position is correct, it feels as comfortable as possible (first minute). The weight is located on the buttocks, the back is straight, but with the preservation of the physiological curves of the spine.

So, you have found the perfect position, but your body has been accustomed to a different position for years, so as soon as you are distracted, it will immediately return to its usual position. Of course, you can’t just do everything all day long to monitor the position of the pelvis, and the lower back will get tired out of habit. Help yourself get used to it - use a back support that will make it easier to form a new pattern.

How to help your body get used to good posture

Most often, the back of office chairs is slightly tilted back, especially if the chair is no longer new and is a little loose. In such a chair, you will not be able to sit on the buttocks and at the same time lean on the back.

Left - regular chair, right - with lumbar support

In order not to break the correct position, try a special chair with a roller in the lumbar region. On such a chair, you can correctly position the pelvis and lean your back on the roller. Due to this, the back muscles will not be overloaded, and you will stop leaning back, shifting the weight from the buttocks.

However, a good chair can be quite expensive. If you don't plan to spend a lot of money, there is a more affordable alternative - pillows and orthopedic pads.

The memory pillow compresses under the weight of your body and retains its shape. You can put it under your lower back on a chair or car seat and keep it neutral position back without a feeling of fatigue in the muscles. Such pillows can be ordered on AliExpress. The cost is about 500 rubles.

There is also a cheaper option - an overlay on a chair to support the lower back. This lightweight mesh construction, which is attached to the chair with ropes, provides good lumbar support and keeps your back from sweating. The cost is about 200 rubles.

chair pad

Correct your posture while sitting, and you will not have to spend money on the services of an osteopath and a chiropractor.

What is the right way to sit at a computer? This phrase is on everyone's lips, and it leads many into a state of increased irritation. However, this aspect of life should be addressed Special attention. The main reason for this is osteochondrosis.

Among the population, the opinion was entrenched that the disease affects older and older people. This is not true. According to the national recommendations of traumatologists, the disease begins to form at the age of 18-20. Its first signs can already be detected at this age, after a proper examination. Of course, sooner or later, osteochondrosis develops in every person, however, one group of the population experiences discomfort in the spine as early as 30 years old, and the quality of life of the other does not decrease until old age.

Proper landing at the computer will not save you from osteochondrosis, as our spinal column is faced with heavy loads every day. However, it will significantly slow down its formation, since modern man spends at least several hours a day with this technique.

Several factors play a role in the development of spinal diseases. The first is human physiology. Our intervertebral discs have their own blood supply, on average, up to 20 years. Due to the constant axial pressure on the spine, these vessels are gradually overgrown with connective tissue and blood begins to flow through nearby structures (the periosteum of the vertebrae). Accordingly, the blood flow becomes less, the intervertebral disc begins to naturally "age".

Second main factor- these are long-term dynamic and static loads, which include a monotonous posture. First of all, cervical and lumbar s of the spine, as a person changes his position, by bending or unbending them. The number of movements performed by the thoracic region is much less.

To reduce the load on the spinal column, you should know the most beneficial postures, how long you can sit at the computer a day and what furniture is best to do this.

What are the worst positions?

Currently, desktop computers are less popular than mobile options (laptops, transformers, tablet PCs, and so on). Therefore, two groups of postures should be considered, depending on the device used.

Desktop computer

Stationary type PCs mean the location at the table in a chair.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to cure joints ... Read more»

In this case, the following body positions must be avoided:
  1. straightened "along the line" - prolonged extension of the spine and tension of the muscular corset increase the load on the lower back. If a person constantly stays in this position and feels back pain radiating to the leg, the probability is 64% (statistics of the Vertebrology journal) that he has osteochondrosis of the fourth or fifth lumbar vertebrae;
  2. excessively bent in the lumbar region with a tilted head is the least advantageous position, since in this case the load equally affects the neck and lower back.

What happens if you sit at the computer in these positions for a long time? The answer is unequivocal - osteochondrosis with early symptoms and a decrease in the quality of life. To prevent this, it is recommended to correctly select the height of the furniture (table and chair at the same time) and take the correct physiological posture.

Portable device

As a rule, the only factor that determines the position of the user of such a PC is the proximity of the outlet for the charger. Otherwise, he is given complete freedom to choose a pose. The most unfortunate of them are:


Affected spine

Lying on your stomach with your head upCervical - due to hyperextension of the intervertebral joints.
Sitting with a sharply lowered head (more than 40 o)Cervical - excessive flexion leads to muscle fatigue and trauma to the intervertebral discs.
"Reclining" - when there is free space between the lower back and furnitureLumbar - prolonged lack of support leads to excessive tension of the muscles of the lumbar and gradual deformation of the structures of the spine.

How long can you sit at a computer like this? Staying in these positions should be limited as much as possible, as they significantly increase the risk of spinal diseases.

Correct posture at the computer

So that a person can take correct posture he needs the appropriate furniture. It should have such a height that the eyes are at the level of the screen or monoblock. Otherwise, the user will unwittingly flex or hyperextend the cervical region.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»

The optimal shape and consistency of the backrest is also of great importance. It is important that they are somewhat concave to match the physiological curvature of the thoracic region. The back should not be too tight, as a person will not be able to take a comfortable position, which will lead to tension in the muscle corset.

After choosing furniture, you should remember how to sit at the computer correctly. Regardless of which device you use, the person must be in a physiological position. It should exclude unnecessary muscle tension and prolonged flexion / extension of the spine.

Sitting at a table, a person should sit comfortably in a chair so that there is a slight bend in the lower back and a straight neck. If there is a desire to lie down behind a tablet or laptop, all parts of the spine should have a fulcrum. The angle between them should be insignificant (no more than 20o-30o) to eliminate the load on the facet (intervertebral) joints.

How many hours can you sit at a computer? According to the journal Vertebrology, any static exercise that lasts more than an hour is undesirable. However, if you take the right posture and choose the best furniture, you can safely spend 2-3 hours. After that, it is recommended to take a dynamic break for 20-30 minutes (walk, change the position of the body several times, do a little stretching, and so on).

How much per day can you sit at the computer if you follow these recommendations? No more than 6 hours. Since a monotonous posture will still have a negative effect on the spinal column and lead to diseases such as osteochondrosis.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise a hand, step on a foot, get out of bed.

Both adults and children should remember how to sit at the table correctly. In the case of a child, improper posture can lead to spinal curvature and other serious consequences. It is worth remembering that for a developing organism to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time is a lot of stress. But even for adults, most of the daily inconveniences are associated with correct fit at the desktop. So, constant pain in the back and neck, headache and visual strain can be associated with a table that is too high or an uncomfortable chair back.

Why do parents need to make sure their child is seated properly? With a constant curved position, the muscles quickly get tired, pain in the spine appears, and scoliosis may develop. Curvature of the spine is a serious problem in itself, but it is also worth knowing that children with this disease are more likely to develop bronchitis, gastritis and pneumonia. In case of violations of posture, constipation and bloating can disturb.

What is the correct posture at the desk?

It is worth considering the rule of 3 angles: the knees under the table should form one right angle, the hips and back - the 2nd, and the arms with the elbow bent - the 3rd angle.

  • Feet should be firmly on the floor (you can use a small stand). The knees, as we have already said, are bent at a right angle.
  • The back should be completely straight and fully supported by the back of the chair.
  • Make sure that the child does not rest his chest on the edge of the table.
  • The elbows should not be too high, for this you need to choose a table of a suitable height.
  • The chair must be adjustable in height, otherwise, for a growing child, you will have to buy a chair in height every year.

How high should the table and chair be?

With a height of 110-119 cm, the height of the table should be 52 cm, the height of the chair - 32 cm;

With a height of 120-129 cm, the height of the table should be 57 cm, the height of the chair - 35 cm;

With a height of 130-139 cm, the height of the table should be 62 cm, the height of the chair - 38 cm.

If you have the opportunity to buy an improved model of a children's work table with an inclined top, this will be a great advantage. The fact is that it is most convenient for a child to draw at an angle of up to about 5 °, an approximate angle for writing is 15 ° and for reading about 30 °. If for these actions of the child it is possible to change the position of the tabletop, the neck and back will be at rest, which means that unnecessary stress on the body is excluded.

Sitting, lying, standing are taught in childhood. Lifestyle changes, diseases are acquired. Most people move less, spend the day sitting at their desk, computer. Adversely affects the spine, leads to osteochondrosis, causes pain in the back, neck. It is important to learn the correct body positions.

Learning to sit correctly

Pay attention to the furniture. We often spend time in soft, cozy armchairs. It's nice, it's bad for the spine. In soft chairs, sofas, pressure is transferred to the lower back, which means you won’t be able to relax. Choose hard furniture with buttocks for back support.

Computer chairs in which you have to sit for a long time on the call of duty, choose those that meet the requirements of the standards:

  1. Height. Adjustable, calculated individually, based on the length of the legs.
  2. Depth. It should be equal to 2/3 of the length of the hips - at such a depth it is worth sitting in a chair.
  3. Back. Adjustable, will allow you to relax, take a working position.

When sitting, it is important that the feet completely touch the floor, rest. If not possible, it will be necessary to build a footrest to maintain the required foot position. The back should lie completely against the back of the chair. Try to keep your neck, back straight, head straight, without tilting. It is important to have free space under the table so that the legs form a right angle at the knees, not sharp. Try to get up more often, stretch your legs.

Coming home, we sit on the sofa. Important:

  • Change positions more often;
  • Get up periodically, walk around the room, stretch your legs;
  • Try not to sit in front of the TV for a long time, take breaks every 1.5-2 hours;
  • Lean back to relax, take a deep breath.

Rules for safe sitting for motorists:

  1. Use hard orthopedic seats;
  2. Try not to strain your back while driving;
  3. Place a thin roller under the lower back at the bend of the back;
  4. Keep your shoulders, head straight, try not to turn around;
  5. Warm up regularly when getting out of the car.

Correct posture for sleeping

Furniture for sleeping, rest should not be soft. Choose a firm mattress with an orthopedic effect on the spine. In Japan, for the first time, they thought about what to sleep on. The floors were covered with mats, they slept on them! A similar surface is created:

  • Order a shield the size of a bed;
  • Lay the shield on top of the frame;
  • Cover with foam rubber of medium thickness (7 cm);
  • Lay a woolen blanket on top, cover with bed linen.

Rules for sleep, rest:

  1. It is better to sleep on your back with your limbs stretched out;
  2. Place a low roller under your feet;
  3. When sleeping on your stomach, put a thin pillow under it;
  4. Laying down to sleep on your side, bend your knees, put your hand under your head.

How to stand

It seems to be a simple action. Looking at people in the subway, shopping centers, public transport stops, it is clear that not everyone can do this! While standing, the spine experiences a global load, the lumbar region suffers. Correctly stand like this: shoulders, head straight, neck extended, chest straightened, legs straight.

Do the following at home:

  • Stretch your arms forward, pull up;
  • Sit down for a while while washing dishes, ironing clothes;
  • Periodically put your feet on a stand - a stepper, a low chair;
  • When cleaning the house, bend less at the lower back. It is worth squatting, kneeling, raise the work surface (ironing board), lengthen the height of the handle (mop, vacuum cleaner).

Often women wash the floor on their knees, squatting. It is important for the back to stand up correctly. Lean your hand on a chair, jamb, wall, rise. Important for those who suffer from osteochondrosis. If you warm up, you can’t sit down (on the street)?

  1. Change positions every 15 minutes. Do this by shifting the emphasis from one foot to the other.
  2. Walk around, creating motor movements - it will distribute the load from the back to different areas, muscles.
  3. Periodically take deep breaths, opening the chest.
  4. Sit on the bench.
  5. It is worth stretching your back, twisting around the axis, stretching your arms.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor
