How to install Chinese nets correctly. Choosing a place to install networks. Various types of networks

Network installation methods

Most of the networks are installed from boats, boats and other watercraft. You can install both together (one rows, the second etches the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns rowing with oars, then sending tackle overboard. The second method is difficult in strong winds or currents, and sometimes, first, a cord is pulled tightly between two stakes, and only then, sorting through the cord with your hands, expose the net.

On small reservoirs, you can waddle nets, this method is especially effective in spring, in shallow water. Sometimes - for example, among the bushes flooded with spring floods, the boat cannot swim and turn around, and the fisherman sets up nets (usually of a shortened length) exclusively for wading, using a rubber suit.

In rare cases, and in hot weather, the nets are placed afloat, along the coast or perpendicular to it. The method is not very convenient and even risky, by chance you can get confused in your own network. If the net is placed afloat, rolling down from the shore to a great depth, then the bottom of the reservoir in this place should be clean enough to be able to pull out the tackle, sorting through the rebounds.

On narrow rivers (and on bays, bays and channels of significant water bodies), nets are occasionally set up without entering or swimming into the water - from two banks, by the drag method. The angler throws a thin line with a load on the other side, then slowly pulls it back after a colleague ties the line to the end of the floating line and begins to etch the net. For small and light nets, you can use a spinning rod with a fairly strong fishing line.

This method is very effective in combination with surge (botany) on narrow rivers with deep whirlpools with steep banks: two anglers, pulling a net of reduced length from shore to shore and driving fish into it, can catch a long river in a day and return with great catch.

Finally, you can throw the net into the reservoir alone: ​​the net is carefully laid out on a clean and even bank, one end of the cargo cord is attached to a stake, bush, etc., a heavy load is tied to the second and thrown into the reservoir, pulling the net along. The method is inconvenient and unreliable, the upper and lower cords can easily overlap, and you will have to get the net and repeat all over again, scaring the fish with a splash of cargo.

It is much more convenient when fishing with a net alone from the shore to use a rubber shock absorber (more on this method will be discussed in the chapter “Track”).

To catch large cautious fish (for example, salmon), the nets are sometimes not set in a straight line, but form all sorts of figures that make it difficult for the fish to get out of the place enclosed by the nets. This is mainly done by fishermen, who build real labyrinths from their long networks. Such designs are not available to amateurs (the allowed length of networks is too small in most regions). But sometimes it is useful to put even a small net in the shape of the letter "G" - so that the end of the net touches the shore and so that one part of the net stretches across the river, and the second - parallel to the shore. Naturally, the tackle is oriented so that the rising or rolling fish is surrounded on three sides; the place of the bend of the net is fixed by a stake driven into the bottom or an anchor and a buoy.

Installing networks in winter, under the ice, is a very laborious task. A lane is cut in the ice with a plow, holes are drilled in a line from it at a distance of 2–3 m from one another. Then a pole with a rope tied to its end is lowered into the lane (the length of the pole is 0.5–0.8 m greater than the distance between the holes) and is pulled with the help of a hook from one hole to another. Then the rope stretched under the ice is tied to the upper line and the net is pulled under the ice. In shallow water, in no case should the floating cord touch the lower edge of the ice or be near it - in severe frost, the increase in ice thickness is up to 10 cm per day and you can lose frozen tackle or pick it up only in spring filled with spoiled fish.

But sometimes you still have to fish at shallow depths, especially in the first ice, before the fish rolled into deep wintering pits. In this case, it is useful to measure the depth of the reservoir (not only at the ends of the established order of networks, but at several points along its length, so as not to accidentally land on an underwater hump). Then, if fishing is not supposed to be one-day, it is necessary to calculate the approximate increase in ice, using the data in Table. 2. The numbers indicated there are quite approximate: for example, muddy or brackish water freezes worse than clean and fresh water, and, accordingly, the increase in ice thickness is slower; Other factors also have a great influence: the depth of the reservoir, the strength of the current, the thickness of the snow cover, etc. We can assume that the table shows the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bunder conditions most favorable for freezing water.

Table 2. Increase in ice thickness

If, as a result of the calculations, it turns out that after some time the nets fall into the “risk zone”, the fishing period should be limited. However, predicting the temperature of the air is difficult enough even for meteorologists, and there is an old way to protect networks from freezing. Here's the one: along the entire length of the net (or in that part of it that falls on the elevation of the bottom), small additional floats are tied to the upper selection on snoods made of a thin thread 25–30 cm long. When, when sampling the net, it turns out that these floats are frozen into ice and the lines are torn - the place of fishing must be changed.

On rivers, sometimes they don’t drill a chain of holes, but use the force of the current to pull a rope under the ice, tying a buoy to it (a large piece of foam, an empty plastic bottle, etc.). This method is especially convenient along the first ice, in places with thin and fairly transparent ice, through which the buoy is clearly visible. Closer to the middle of winter, most fish avoid the current, accumulating in still-water pits.

On reservoirs where fishing is carried out constantly, it is possible in advance, by open water, lay along the bottom in convenient places several cords with sinkers at the ends, marking them with buoys. In this case, the first exit to the reservoir after freezing should not be delayed so as not to engage in long searches for buoys under snowdrifts.

For safety reasons, after the end of fishing, it is necessary to fence the lanes with clearly visible landmarks - they are cut enough big size and, sprinkled with snow, can provide another fisherman or a person who accidentally stepped onto the ice with an unplanned water procedure.

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In reservoirs where fishing is carried out constantly, it is possible in advance, in open water, to lay several cords along the bottom in convenient places with sinkers at the ends, marking them with buoys. In this case, the first exit to the reservoir after freezing should not be delayed so as not to engage in long searches for buoys under snowdrifts. Because why pull a large 50-meter tackle under the ice? It turns out that it is very primitive. First, the cord is thrown, and then the net is set along it along the floating cord. In this case, there must be enough weight on the bottom cord so that the net is not lifted by the current.

Predatory fish are more active at dawn, and therefore, it is advisable to put the net at dawn. Under certain conditions, this method of fishing can give a good catch. On rivers, the mouth of which is quite narrow, the nets are set in a constriction, throwing a cord from one bank to another. On narrow rivers, where it is possible to throw the cord to the other side, the net is put in constriction, pulling on both sides of the banks. With this method, it does not break when the load is pulled out of the reservoir.

Winter fishing has a big celebrity. Even a novice amateur can catch fish under the ice with a fishing rod, but in order to catch winter fish with nets, you need to have the skill and know some tricks. All fishing tackle is legally sold in specialized stores.

6. Also, for pulling nets under the ice, it is allowed to use a special “torpedo”, which is sold intentionally for this purpose in fishing stores. For its use, two holes are made in the ice, into one of which a torpedo will be launched, and into the other, an exit to the surface. At the end of the network, you need to tie a foam buoy or an empty plastic bottle in advance. But even this measure will not protect the shock absorber from rupture every time.

Be sure to check before casting the gear if there are other people's nets in the reservoir (use the “cat” anchor). Splashes of a heavy sinker scare away the prey, and the catch is poor. There are no sinker and float, as the fish is caught from the surface of the water. This is very convenient when there is a lot of excitement in the reservoir, when float fishing impossible. This tackle is useful for catching fish in deep pools, in places where there is no current. When fishing on the first ice, the progress of the net can be observed through it by tying a foam buoy to the tackle. Instead of knots, carabiners are installed on the tackle - this will facilitate the work. For small and light nets, you can use a spinning rod with a fairly strong fishing line.

Fishing with nets in wide reservoirs with a large length of the channel will be more effective if the tackle is placed in areas with uneven bottoms, depressions and hollows. When the license fishing season ends, the water subsides and the turbulent stream turns into a barely murmuring rivulet, - locals they collect spinners, abundantly decorating boulders that have appeared from under the water. In summer, you can find a spring in a river or lake using a thermometer. Where they are, the water freezes later, and gullies are visible in the middle of the ice.

On small rivers, nets can be set without a boat, simply by wading. In this case, the network is placed along the coast or perpendicular to it. This method is especially effective in spring and in shallow water. Wear a special rubber suit for your own protection.

By the way, they are engaged in a similar business in the sections of the rivers of the Kola Peninsula, allotted for licensed salmon fishing for spinning. True, they don’t set up nets there - the rivers are rocky, there are enough hooks and cliffs without that. When the license fishing season ends, the water subsides and the turbulent stream turns into a barely murmuring rivulet - local residents collect baubles that richly decorate the boulders that have appeared from under the water. Fishing with nets in such areas always brings a good catch. Even an inexperienced fisherman can determine the location of underwater springs.

Fishing with a net with an elastic band is very convenient in small ponds located near large cities where there is a congestion of fishermen. On rivers with strong currents, a small anchor may be needed to hold the net in place.

Botanye ”is still used almost unchanged, except that few people hollow out the tree, more often they put necks from plastic bottles. In shallow places, pike and other fish are waded from the net, in a rubber suit (“trampling”), and this technique is more effective than using only sound when “botaning”. Blocking a small river from coast to coast with a thirty-meter net, you can literally choose the allowed catch rate in just 2-3 surges. Each transverse vein is fixed at one end on the upper selection.

When installing gear, the specificity of the reservoir is taken into account, namely the bottom topography, and it is under the ice and hidden from the eyes of the fisherman. In summer, especially in extreme heat and with jumps in atmospheric pressure, the picture changes: there are fish in the reservoir, but they eat little and, accordingly, move little.

Tackle made according to the second method has less resistance when pulled into a pond. Elastic band and fishing line are interconnected by two metal carabiners. Most of the nets are installed from boats. boats and other watercraft.

In winter, in places where roach and perch are found, “kerchiefs” are catchy tackle, especially on the first ice, when the fish are still very active, and in spring thaws. In principle, in the net with the cells corresponding to its capture, the pike is caught involuntarily, as a by-catch. The net is 1.5 meters high and 7 meters long when cast from the shore. Using it, the tackle is lowered into the pond and raised.

Anglers who don’t often get to catch with a surge successfully use simple fixed nets for it, mostly three-walled or frame ones. The first mention of this gear was during the Paleolithic. With the help of nets, you can get a lot of fish, but you need to monitor the size of the mesh so as not to remove all the fish from the reservoir, including fry.

How to set up a network Video

Fishing with nets will be successful if the site for the installation of gear is chosen correctly and the installation of the nets is done with high quality. The fisherman needs to decide for himself what is better - to buy a ready-made net in a fishing goods store or to create tackle with his own hands. Then you should wait until the fish gets tangled in the net, swimming to the bait. And the more active the movement, the more catch. In spring, there are usually no problems with fish activity, fish schools move from winter camps to spawning grounds, and then feeding.

But in the nets rafted along with a slow boat or between a pair of boats, pike by and large comes across in exceptional situations. It weighs only one kilogram, which allows you to take it with you on winter fishing. You can also put nets from the shore, if the river is narrow, without entering the water. To do this, you need to throw one end to the other side, where it must be caught and secured.

Fishing with an artificial fly is called fly fishing, it is used to catch the strongest, most cunning and cautious fish. The design of this tackle consists of a fixed rod, fishing line, hook. Its disadvantages are low activity, difficulties in transportation, the need to use a rack. Nylon nets are much easier to use.

If you have chosen for the winter fishing a pond that you constantly come to, make blanks from cords with weights and buoys in advance. Immediately after the start of freezing, go to the place so as not to look for equipment for a long time under the snow. The easiest and most effective way to set up nets is with a partner from a boat.

2. Pieces of polystyrene foam or empty closed plastic bottles are tied to the upper selection of the net, the net itself is perfectly equipped with weights. A thick rope is tied to it, coming from the net, and dragged under the ice. In the water, the net straightens itself. The pole is moved under the ice, correcting its position in the intermediate holes. Before broach, a buoy from a plastic bottle or polystyrene is tied to the net. Find a small hook located at the opposite end. Tie a piece of strong rope to it for insurance. A load is tied to its lower part, and a rope is tied to its upper part.

But sometimes it is useful to put even a small net in the shape of the letter "G", so that the end of the net touches the shore and so that one part of the net stretches across the river, and the second - parallel to the shore. Naturally, the tackle is oriented so that the rising or rolling fish is surrounded on three sides; the place of the bend of the net is fixed by a stake driven into the bottom or an anchor and a buoy. In other cases, they put a small piece of fishing line, the reliability of which is half the stability of the rubber shock absorber, between the load and the rubber.

How to set up nets in the course

Installing networks in winter, under the ice, is a very laborious task. A lane is cut in the ice with a plow, holes are drilled in a line from it at a distance of 2–3 m from one another. Then a pole with a rope tied to its end is lowered into the lane (the length of the pole is 0.5–0.8 m greater than the distance between the holes) and is pulled with the help of a hook from one hole to another. The pole must be at least 50 centimeters longer than the distance between the holes. The size of the cells is selected depending on the size of the fish that they plan to catch.

It is a difficult and difficult task to choose a wet net with fish from the water. When setting up new networks prerequisite is their dryness. Fishing with a net on the river allows you not to drill additional holes. The pole will float with the current of the reservoir. With a special ice saw, widen the hole and cut out a hole of such a diameter that the winch can pass through it.

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to set them up. This statement is especially true on large reservoirs, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error it is possible to quickly find places of concentration of fish and their migration routes by trial and error. Depending on the direction of the wind, the network is set up both parallel and perpendicular to the shallows.

Many fishermen fish with rubber band donks, this tackle saves time and has a number of other advantages over a regular donk. The method that will be discussed is practically the same, only instead of a donk on an elastic band, a mesh is installed and poured groundbait wholesale in large quantities.

First of all, we will describe how to make such a tackle. A sinker is taken from lead or other metal weighing 300-500g. Attached to the weight nylon cord 1.5-3mm. The cord should be approximately 70-80cm long. Next, a small carabiner is attached to the cord, well, or an ordinary small nut. On the other side of the carabiner, a fishing line 0.8-1mm is fixed. A length of 60-70 meters will be enough. The tackle is fixed on a metal coil or wooden winding (it can be made of thick plywood) with one elongated end so that it can be stuck into the ground. After the tackle is made, a net is attached to it, 20-30 meters long and with a standard cell of 25-45mm.

A load with an elastic band is thrown at a distance of 40-50 meters. The nylon cord, to which the sinker is attached, helps to achieve such an effective throw. When casting, the sinker on the cord unwinds and is thrown into the pond. Even a person who does not have the skills of a good throw can easily and calmly perform this action. Well, for a real fisherman, this is even easier to do.

When the load settles and is firmly fixed, you will need to pull the fishing line with an elastic band towards you. After that, it should be cut off near the junction in a place with a carabiner. A net is attached to the carbine itself, at the end of which there is a fixed fishing line cut off from the carbine. Then the net, following the elastic, is lowered into the pond, the remaining excess line is wound up to avoid tangling. The network is set.

In the same way, you can install other available similar gear. By the way, after installation, you can catch fish with a regular fishing rod, while using it as bait maggot wholesale , purchased on the site. Don't forget to periodically check the installed networks. The best catch is usually at night.

The advantage of this method is that you don’t need a boat at all and you don’t have to get your feet wet. The net is pulled ashore, the catch migrates to your cage, and the net quickly and easily returns back to the reservoir. The installation site can be fed by throwing balls made from bait there. This will increase the efficiency of the catch.

Disadvantages of installing tackle without a boat - not all the places you like, due to their remoteness or inaccessibility, you can install them. In addition, there will be restrictions on the size of networks. If they are longer than 30 meters, then their establishment will already become problematic.

And finally, in order to return home with a rich catch, you need to buy worms and be able to choose the right place to install the net. It is best to place it next to grassy thickets, or reeds. As a rule, a lot of different fish feed and hide there. And the chances of a good catch for a fisherman here are much higher than in places with clean water.

There are no uniform rules governing what is possible and what is not in amateur fishing in Russia. In different regions they are different, and gear that is allowed in some places is strictly prohibited in others.

The attitude towards fixed nets in most regions is the same: you can catch them, but only after obtaining permission (or a nominal one-time license). The question is different: how realistic is it to get this permission in this particular place? How much money and time will have to be spent?

In densely populated areas, where water bodies are under heavy fishing pressure, legal net fishing is very limited. And only the one who is going to catch constantly and for sale buys permission for the net. "Fishermen for the weekend" prefer to risk a conflict with fish protection by putting one or two cheap Chinese nets ... Fortunately, the risk is not so great: perch and roach, which prevail in the catches of such random netters, are considered weed fish, and separate fines for each head caught is not credited, threatens only to part with two minimum wages for illegal fishing yes with networks.

Anglers who do not want to tremble at every rustle behind their backs and be content with perches and roaches do otherwise. For example, here, in the Leningrad region, where obtaining permits is quite expensive and surrounded by all sorts of obstacles, they go to neighboring Karelia. There, the rules are much more liberal, permission is cheaper at times, and they get it much faster.

Of course, no permit gives the right to entangle the entire body of water with nets and drain all the fish out of it. The total length of the nets varies from region to region, but not very much: where it is 30 m, where it is 50, and where it is all 80 ... And a bigger amateur, catching for himself, is not for sale, and he does not need it. If he knows how to catch, of course.

In addition to the restriction on the length of networks, the minimum allowable mesh size is also set; there are also bans on the timing of fishing and on certain sections of water bodies, restrictions on the catch rate and the minimum allowable size for caught fish of each species ...

Some catchers who consider themselves especially cunning (but in fact they are stupid and greedy) argue something like this: I’ll take permission for 2 nets, and put 10 or 15. This approach does not end with anything good - if the tackle in the pond does not have a name tag fisherman and license number, then the fishery inspection will confiscate it as poaching.

Where can I get permission to fish with nets? For public water bodies - in the republican, regional, regional and district fish protection inspectorates.

Annex 2 contains the addresses and telephone numbers of some of them, the coordinates of the rest can be found in the Basin Departments for the Protection, Reproduction of Fish Stocks and Fisheries Regulation (see ibid.).

Practice shows that it is better to apply for permits to the district inspections - officials of higher organizations are more prone to reinsurance and thoughtless prohibition.

When obtaining permission, it must be remembered that, according to Art. 34 and 35 of the Federal Fisheries Law, the permit form is a strict reporting document, must have an accounting series and number. The permit must indicate the name and other data of the fisherman, the types of fish allowed for catching, quotas for fishing, tools, methods and terms of fishing, as well as specific requirements for environmental protection in the implementation of this type of fishing.

If the permit does not meet the above requirements, then it is just a piece of paper, although with a seal, and legal troubles can happen to its owner on a river or lake.

Naturally, the permission received should not lie at home, but be with the fisherman on the pond, among the identity documents.

In reservoirs transferred to fishing societies for cultural fish farming (CHR), permission from the fish inspection is not enough - it is also necessary to obtain it from the tenant of the reservoir, that is, from the relevant society.

It is almost impossible for an outsider to obtain such permission, the charters of most societies state that members of the society who have particularly distinguished themselves in the fish protection and other activities carried out by the society (translated into Russian - members of the board of the society and persons close to them) are entitled to fish with nets.

It is necessary to say a few words about privately owned water bodies, because there is one legislative subtlety in this issue. If you dig a pond on your legal six acres and put fish into it, then catch it with anything, there will be no problems with the fish inspection. And the owner of the land on which the lake is located, after completing the relevant documents, can fish in it even with nets, even with a net, and allow fishing to other persons.

But if a river flows through private property, even if it is quite tiny, almost a stream, both it and the fish swimming in it are considered federal property. Because Art. 10 of the mentioned Law on Fisheries states that private (and municipal) property may contain fish that lives only in isolated water bodies- in stagnant ponds and lakes that do not have inflowing and flowing rivers. Which, in general, is quite logical. After all, some Bezrybny stream flowing through private property can flow into the Etched River, and that into the Klyazma, and that into the Oka, and the Oka into the Volga, and there it’s a stone’s throw to the Caspian Sea, and look like some kind of lost on the way, the beluga will accidentally enter the Bezrybny stream and will be illegally caught. In general, if the landowner at his own expense blocks the ravine of the Bezrybny stream with a dam and equips a pond, then he must first lease the resulting reservoir from the state, and only then catch beluga and other lost Caspian sturgeons in it.

Organizations and private entrepreneurs who only lease water bodies from the state cannot decide how and with what to fish: the terms of the lease agreement are consistent with the fishery inspection and impose certain restrictions on tenants. That is, a net fishing permit issued by the lake tenant may not have any legal force.

By and large, there is nothing to say about the reservoirs that are in municipal ownership. Theoretically, according to the letter of the law, the municipal council can issue permission to walk around with a pond in a village or town.

In practice, most often none of the municipal officials bother with such permits. Local residents get along just fine without them, but visitors will not be allowed to net their carp.

In reservoirs owned by the owners of agricultural land (all kinds of rural joint-stock companies, and even large farmers), fishing with permits is organized much more often, but usually gear is limited to spinning and fishing rods.

Finally, for fishing (including nets) in reservoirs located in the border zone, permission must be obtained from the Federal Border Service.

Among many anglers-athletes, there is an opinion that fishing with nets, even with permits, is an absolute evil, and the result is only possible for it: the steady de-fishing of water bodies, up to the complete disappearance of fish.

There is some truth in this opinion. But only a fraction.

Consider this on a specific example: the Leningrad region, the Luga River near Kingisepp. It is much easier for local residents to obtain a permit than for visitors, and you can fish every day, since the river is at your side, and the nets are available and cheap, and very many go to the district inspectorate for permit papers. Suppose that in a village of two hundred yards there are at least 30 fishermen with nets (in fact, more), and all of them comply with the permitted total length of the nets (in fact, not all) and do not violate the daily catch rate of 5 kg (in fact, violate) - what will we get as a result? We will get a river in the immediate vicinity of the village so entangled in nets that neither a fishing rod nor a spinning rod can be abandoned. And one and a half centners of fish that leave the river every day. Today and a half, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow... How long will it last?

It didn't take long. Several years of such fishing - and the catches of networkers began to fall. The net operators reduced the size of the mesh - the size of the fish caught fell, but the total weight of the catches recovered. However, for a short time, I had to reduce the mesh again in order to catch at least something ... and then reduce it again, and again ... The fish supervision, accustomed to the fact that all catchers here are legal, ignored these reductions.

By 2007, the mesh size on the applied networks fell from 50 to 25–27 mm. It seemed - everyone swam. After a season or two, it will reach 20 mm - and there will be practically no residential, local fish in Luga. Will not have time to spawn even once.

Everything changed overnight. In 2008, the number of networks on the river decreased significantly. And the mesh in them was already designed not for undersized, but for normal fish. And the fish appeared, in the same summer. In general, it appears surprisingly quickly if there is a sufficient food supply and there is no unrestrained fishing - it rolls down from above, rises from below, and comes from tributaries.

What's happened? Did the fish protection team come to their senses and set up video cameras everywhere, fixing the slightest violation?

No. Everything was simpler: at the Kingisepp city market, by decision of the administration, the fish row was closed, where they traded without cash registers and other unnecessary formalities. If you want fish, go to the store.

The saddened grabbers were still loitering around the apartments and yards, dejectedly wondering: is it necessary to fish? But it was already agony. The conclusion is simple: it is not nets that turn reservoirs into fishless deserts, but people who do not know how to keep in pursuit of profit.

However, back to fishing regulations.

The authors of the rules have a strange attitude towards firewalls - "TVs" and "kerchiefs". For many years, they either banned these rather harmless tackles, or did not mention them at all either among the permitted fishing gear or among the prohibited ones. (However, any default in the rules is interpreted in favor of the fish inspector, all tackle that is not mentioned as permitted is prohibited.)

Only recently have there been some changes. For example, the "Fishing Rules in the Northern Fisheries Basin", approved by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation relatively recently, in April 2007, prohibit fishing with screens only in salmon and trout reservoirs. For the rest, you can.

With nonsense, the situation is more understandable. Get permission and fish for health, just observe the permitted length of tackle, it varies from region to region from 15 to 75 m (although a 75 m rod is perhaps more correctly called a seine).

Many have a strong belief that fishing with net tools during the spawning run and spawning is strictly prohibited for amateur fishermen anywhere and everywhere. This is not entirely true. I will quote from the rules of fishing in the Leningrad region regarding the issuance of permits to amateurs for fishing with nets, nonsense and traps: “In agreement with the management of Sevzaprybvod, a permit can also be issued for spawning period for the purpose of reclamation capture of low-value fish species.

In general, before you go to a pond with nonsense or a “TV”, carefully study the rules: what is allowed in your area and what is not.

And fish by the rules.

Nets for catching fish

The thought of switching to net fishing sooner or later visits almost every fisherman. Generally speaking, in most cases it is poaching, but there are exceptions. First of all, this applies to those who have a license to catch fish with nets. These people and organizations fall into three categories. The first consists of those who carry out professional fishing, including fishing artels and other legal entities that arose on the ruins of fish collective farms and state farms.

The second category includes scientists of various specialties, whose duties include studying the behavior of various fish species, analyzing their quantity and food supply, as well as other characteristics of the biology of the inhabitants of water bodies. The third category is made up of fishermen who are private individuals and fish with a net for license and for their own pleasure.

Where to put networks

An important point in fishing with nets is to find a place. If on a narrow river or a small lake, fish paths and places of concentration of underwater inhabitants can be found quite quickly (after several permutations), then this task is not so easy to complete in a large water area. In order not to blindly catch, exposing kilometers of nets and pulling only randomly caught individuals out of the water, it is advisable to study the reservoir well and the behavior of the fish inhabiting it. The easiest way to get useful information is communication with local fishermen. They know exactly where, when and what kind of fish usually feeds, which means they actively move in the water column.

In addition, there are certain patterns that net catchers need to know. Let's list the main ones.

  1. In large and medium-sized water bodies, peaceful fish, as a rule, move towards the surf (leeward) coast to collect food washed from the bottom by waves.
  2. It has been noted that in deep waters, fish prefer to approach the shore for feeding along underwater hollows, avoiding areas with a flat bottom. It is they who need to be blocked by network orders.
  3. On hot summer days, the fish goes to various sources that saturate the water with oxygen. For example, to the mouths of river tributaries, underwater springs, springs and others. To catch her, you need to block the approaches to them.
  4. In spring, on river spills with little or no current, as well as on closed reservoirs, the nets are first installed perpendicular to the shore (one end is aground, and the other goes to the depth). From which side of the tackle the first specimens are caught, further fishing tactics will depend.

Another factor influencing the choice of location is the numerous spinning and bottom fishermen who fish from the shore. The net should be placed at a considerable distance from the coastline, where their gear cannot be reached. An alternative option is to install close to a reed wall or a continuous line of aquatic vegetation. True, today fans of spinning fishing have learned to catch even in such difficult places, using special surface lures.

The main enemies of a networker are spinners on a boat. Especially those who are too lazy to spin the reel for hours, so they came up with such a type of spinning fishing as flashing on the track (trolling). They scurry back and forth along the river, drag their wobblers behind the boat and hook the nets. They do not understand that a local resident is not catching with a net because he is a hardened poacher. Simply, he wants to provide his family with fish, but he does not have time for ordinary fishing because of the heavy employment in agricultural work. The urban spinning player who caught the net will not even try to carefully unhook the lure from it. At first, he will be sincerely indignant, they say, “they set here, damned poachers,” and then, without any scruples of conscience, he will cut his bait with a knife and at the same time try to disfigure someone else’s tackle to the maximum.

Common networking options

Most often, nets are installed from different watercraft (small boats, fishing boats). It is more convenient to do this together with a partner, when one is sitting on the oars, and the second is engaged in etching. It is quite difficult to set up a net without outside help, raking up and at the same time dumping some of the tackle overboard, especially in windy weather and in strong currents.

On shallow waters, it is convenient to waddle the net, wearing a special waterproof suit. This method is often used during the spring flood period. In a wading suit, it is easy to set up tackle, moving on solid ground among flooded bushes.

Sometimes the nets are floated, but this method is extremely inconvenient and very risky, since the fisherman himself can get confused in them. If the tackle will stand in the direction from the coast to the depth, it is desirable that the bottom is clean, without snags, stones and other hooky objects. On a clean and level area, it can be pulled out from the land by sorting out rebounds. You don't even have to go into the water.

On narrow rivers and river tributaries, nets are sometimes placed using the so-called drag method. You will need at least two people to do it. One ties a piece of twine to some kind of load and throws it on the opposite bank. A second angler is already waiting there, who removes the load and fixes the floating cord of the net at the end of the twine. Then everything is simple: one pulls, and the other slowly etches the tackle. If the mesh is short and light, even spinning can be used to install it, winding a strong fishing line around the spool.

If there is neither a boat nor a partner, the net can be installed independently using a rubber shock absorber. The principle here is the same as when fishing with an elastic band. That is, you need to throw a load with an aircraft modeling elastic band attached to it, wait until it lies tightly in the silt, pull out the elastic band (stretch), tie the end of the network to it and release it back. This method is far from the best, since there is a big risk of overlapping the lower and upper cords.

If the length of the network allows, then it is preferable to install it not in a straight line, but in a snake or in general in the form of a labyrinth. Usually fishermen catch big fish like this. Unfortunately, kilometer products are not available to amateurs (the allowed length is too small), but even with a 50-meter grid, you can make a catchy pocket in the shape of the letter “P”, in which one of the lines will be the coast. In this case, the place of the network bend is securely fixed with a deeply driven stake.

Fixed nets

Fixed nets appeared in the Paleolithic. The autochthons of the Krasnoyarsk zone of the chum salmon used a net made of nettle yarn, which not only led to the capture of fish, but, apparently, stunned the fish due to the stinging substances contained in the fibers of the nettle. The network was called unyang, measured ten meters by one meter and was kept from shifting by large stones. Unyang was caught both in clear water and during the formation of the ice cover.

Fixed nets are called gill or single-walled if they are designed to hook fish with fins or gills, two- or three-walled, and also frame nets, where the fish gets tangled in the net.

There are also combined networks. They are placed at the bottom (bottom), at a given level or at an angle to the bottom or along it.

Smooth networks

There are also flowing nets (drift nets) that drift with the current or with the wind, or are towed.

These networks are almost the same in design as the fixed ones, they differ only in the method of application. For example, a drift net can be towed by two boats floating down the river. In this mode, they catch fish going towards, that is, running fish.

This fish swims up the river at certain times of the year. Much less often they catch sloping fish with smooth nets, that is, one that, after spawning, rolls down the river. I had to observe another option for using smooth networks, on the Black Sea, near the village of Zatoka on Karolino-Bugaz. It turned out that a sand spit runs along the coast at an angle to it at a distance of several tens of meters.

Apparently, the spit was washed by rebound waves, since the depth of the sea at its maximum elevation was less than one meter. Local fishermen brought seine to the spit at the maximum distance from the shore and stretched it between the shore and the spit. Then they walked towards the narrowing of the passage between the spit and the shore, inviting hunters from among the rest on the beach to join them.

With those, they then paid with an additional part of the catch, crabs, or small fish, which at that moment were not the object of fishing. After passing to the end of the narrowing of the seine with fish, they pulled it out onto land and, in a calm atmosphere, dismantled the prey, sorting it out according to varieties and sizes. According to amateur fishermen who watched this procedure, the catch can be considered fair.

If you fish with smooth nets in the river, then you need to take into account that the section of the river should be straight, without sharp shifts and turns. The current should be even and parallel to the banks, the displacement of the main jet to one of the banks can be considered undesirable. The bottom of the river should be sandy or, in extreme cases, muddy, without holes, mounds, driftwood and snags. True, these conditions are quite rarely met, as, for example, in the case described above, when the net quite often caught on rather rare stones on a sandy bottom, or wore out on a rocky section of the bottom.

Various types of networks

There are screening, that is, different trawls and seines of various designs, such as throw, purse, botanical, muddy, and clockwork tools - nonsense and various drags. According to the names, you can determine the method of application.

Those fishing enthusiasts who want to try their hand at net fishing can be recommended to join local fishermen, as they most likely have all the necessary licenses and permits, as well as experience in using the above fishing gear, chosen by practical means for certain fishing conditions.

Netting video

Shaganov Anton. Catching fish with nets


Single-walled nets give good catches during the mass movement of fish. The catchability of single-walled nets increases in the presence of vertical veins, the length of which should be 20% less than the height of the net web in landing. The selections of the nets are made longer than the canvas, so that on each side of the net there are free ends 0.5–0.8 m long. These ends, called priukhs, serve to bind the nets in net orders, as well as to tie them to anchors, buoys and stakes . Landing networks, as already mentioned, is made with a factor of 1/2-1/3. A kapron thread is used as a landing thread. On the upper selection, the nets are equipped with floats, on the lower - with weights. The ratio of the lifting force of the floats and the weight of the sinkers is determined by the conditions of fishing. If the net is to be at the bottom, then the sinking force of the sinkers must exceed the buoyancy of the floats, which only straighten and maintain the net fabric in a vertical position. In this case, some margin of excess buoyancy is needed so that the caught fish or the current do not cause the net to sink to the bottom. Rice. 1. Gill net: - net cloth; - cargo cord; – floating cord The length of the planted net for amateur fishing is 25–30 m, the height on internal shallow water bodies is from 1.5 to 1.8 m. On large and deep lakes, nets up to 3–4 m high and more are used. Fishing rules in a number of regions of the Russian Federation limit not only the length of the net and mesh size, but also the height (sometimes it is impossible to catch tackle that exceeds 1.5 m in height). It is more difficult to catch a fish in a deep reservoir with a low net, but it is still possible, with a good knowledge of the horizons on which it rests. In this case, the nets are set with the help of several anchors and ropes strictly at a given depth, and the lifting force of the floating cord must exceed the weight of the cargo one. In fact, every self-respecting networker has a number of networks that significantly exceed those allowed by the rules - the most diverse, for all occasions. But they should be kept at home, because even a dry net lying in the trunk of a car standing on the shore is equated by the rules with being put into a pond. "Hammock" is a way of catching, and not some special tackle. It is used for fishing in water bodies without a current of large carp fish with a wide body, when for some reason there are no suitable large-mesh nets or three-walls at hand. Fine-mesh gill nets (made of monofilament) are usually exposed along the coast, at a depth less than the height of the net. Catching requires the indispensable presence of the fisherman: having put up the last net, he swims to inspect the first one. The main objects of fishing are carp and large crucian carp. Having rested in their course towards the shore in the net canvas, unable to hook on the gills due to the smallness of the meshes, these fish continue to stubbornly swim forward, shifting the net in the direction of movement. Seeing that the floating cord has moved to the shore, the fisherman comes closer, trying not to make noise, and takes out this section of the net in a special way: three meters from the fish, he raises the cargo cord to the surface, carefully, without jerking, reaching it through the meshes of the net. Then he raises the section of the net through which the fish tries to pass, pulling it to the boat, again by the cargo cord. At the same time, the floating cord is held with the other hand - so that it is near the surface parallel to the cargo one at a distance of half a meter. A crucian or carp pulled out of the water lies on the net, not entangled in it, as if in a deep hammock. By-catch - perch, roach and other small fish that have fallen into the cells of the net - are taken out, immediately swimming to the place where it got tangled (in this case, the floating cord does not go to the side, but twitches in place with more or less force). Cautious bream is rarely caught in this way - hitting the net, the fish turns around and leaves. But occasionally, at the very moment of spawning, breams begin to rub against the net, driven by instinct to facilitate the release of caviar and milk by rubbing against underwater objects. If tench is found in the reservoir together with large crucian carp, it also rarely gets into the "hammock". In my opinion, this apathetic fish, having rested against an obstacle, stupidly stands next to it and comes across by chance, if nearby a crucian starts ramming the net with the tenacity of a tractor driven by a drunken tractor driver. These single-walled nets are not a rectangle, but a trapezoid: one of the cords is shorter than the other by 5–7% of the total length. Moreover, both the cargo cord and the floating cord can be shortened. The meaning of such a refinement is as follows: a fish gets worse in a highly stretched, tense gill net, especially if the net is planted with a small coefficient, and a fast-swimming pike (for example, when fishing with a bot) breaks through a stretched net, but gets tangled in a freely hanging one. And when the nets are set along the current, it almost always stretches the net as much as possible. Therefore, when setting the order of the nets, only their short cords are connected, and the long cords lie or float freely, with a certain margin of length. Naturally, for catching fish swimming in the upper horizons of the water, the cargo line is shortened, for the bottom - floating. Secondly, such a network is less noticeable on the pond - and more likely to find it where you left it. Thirdly, when a large fish that is unable to get tangled in the meshes hits, a simple gill net at a low height partly works like a three-wall “tangle” or like a frame one: often in the morning when checking the gear, you can find that the upper selection is twisted from the bottom, and in the middle , like candy in a candy wrapper, a large carp or bream is wrapped in a net. True, in this case, a significant section of the net is excluded from fishing, and spawning nets must be checked more often than usual. They differ from the usual ones in height (5075 cm) and are used most often in spring in shallow water. There are several pluses here. Firstly, when making a net, the net fabric is saved (a standard “doll” is cut lengthwise into two or three parts) and the cost of tackle is reduced. A two- or three-walled net consists, respectively, of two or three net canvases planted on common rebounds, the main small-mesh is called a "particle", and large-mesh - "cut" (sometimes - "cut", "ryazhy") (see Fig. 2) . Rice. 2. Three-walled network ("mess"): 1 - net cloth; 2– top selection; 3 - lower selection; – side selection (pozhilina); 5, 6 - cutting; 7 - landing thread; 8 - float; 9 - sinker; 10-net bag (pocket) The piece is placed between the cuts with a large slack, for which the cuts are made 1.5–2 times lower than the piece. Therefore, the fish, hitting the particle, easily drags it through a large mesh cutting and gets into the formed net bag (pocket). As a result, in such nets, the fish not only become entangled, but also entangled. The mesh size of a particle usually ranges from 30 to 60 mm, and less often from 170 to 400 mm. The thread is less often 4–6 times stronger than that of the particle. Three-walls are made of twisted thread and monofilament (fishing line) with a height of 0.7 to 3 m. They are used on calm still water as fixed, smooth and botanical. Three-walled nets are the most catchy and durable, they are especially effective for boat fishing. Bot (tarbat, rattling) means to frighten the fish, driving it out of the reeds, from shallow water and other places, driving it into the net. The catchability of "tangles" is higher than single-walled nets, but their cost is also higher, and entangling fish is difficult and requires much more time. This is especially inconvenient in the mass movement of fish. Double-walled woven nets are designed to somewhat improve the price / catch ratio, but they are successfully caught only in those cases when the fish approaches the tackle from the side of the main canvas and drags it through a large mesh of woven fabric, becoming entangled in the resulting bag. And, exposing a double-walled "tangle", the angler should have a good idea of ​​where and where the large fish is going in the reservoir. For fish approaching from the other side, the double-walled net works like a regular gillnet. The mesh size of the robe is taken 4–5 times the mesh size of the main fabric. The height of the woven nets is determined by the height of the woven fabric in the landing. Usually, for fixed nets, the height of the pull-in row is taken 30-40% less than the height of the pull-in main web. In a properly planted three-walled net, the meshes of both rows coincide (overlap). In a frame (frame) network, the net fabric is divided into separate “windows” by veins of thick thread, threaded through the cells along and across the network. Landing of the frame network is carried out with landing coefficients horizontally and vertically, reaching up to 0.33 (or 1:3). As a result of such a landing, the network acquires a very large slack - a large bag is formed, as it were. From one side vein to the other, several longitudinal veins are stretched parallel to the rebounds, the length of which is equal to the length of the rebound. These veins at a distance of 40–80 cm from one another are threaded through the horizontal rows of meshes of the network, and the ends are attached to the side veins. After the installation of the longitudinal veins, transverse veins are installed, equal in length to the lateral veins, at a distance of 40–80 cm from one another. Each transverse vein is fixed at one end on the upper rib, passed through a series of meshes of the network and fixed at the other end on the lower rib. In places of crossing, the transverse and longitudinal veins are fastened together. The previously formed longitudinal sacs are divided by transverse veins into a number of small sacks, as if planted on the edges formed as a result of the binding of veins, and well entangling the fish, and the load is distributed over a large number of threads, which does not allow even large fish to damage the net (see Fig. 3). Rice. 3. Frame network (three-frame): 1 - net cloth; 2– top selection; 3 - lower selection; 4 – lateral selection (pozhilina); 5, 6 - cutting; 7 - landing thread; 8 - float; 9 - sinker; 10-net bag (pocket) Pozhilins are tied at the intersections and create frames that prevent fish entangled in the net from withdrawing significant sections of the net from participation in further fishing. The number of frames according to the height of the network determines its name - two-, three-frame, usually the number of frames is not more than eight, frame sizes are from 0.6 to 1 m. For the manufacture of frame networks, twisted thread and monofilament (fishing line) are used. The principle of operation of the frame net is that the fish, having passed through the window of the frame and getting into the net bag, gets entangled in it, and so much so that sometimes it is necessary to get it out of the net with great difficulty. The ram net successfully catches both large fish, which could not be grouped in an ordinary net cloth, and small ones. Frame nets, like double-walled and three-walled ones, are mainly used in river and lake fishing. They are also more successful at catching sparse fish than thick schools. However, if a fish caught in the net can twist a two-wall and a three-wall over a long distance, then only the net bag of one of the windows will twist in the frame net, and all other sections will be suitable for further fishing. The factory mesh size in frame networks is from 40 to 80 mm. Frame nets are easier to operate than three-walled nets, more durable and catchy than single-walled nets. Frame nets are especially effective in flat, gentle currents and when installed at an inclined position on shallows, using stakes, for fishing big fish - pike perch, whitefish, bream, etc. Most of the nets are installed from boats, boats and other watercraft. You can install both together (one rows, the second etches the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns rowing with oars, then sending tackle overboard. The second method is difficult in strong winds or currents, and sometimes, first, a cord is pulled tightly between two stakes, and only then, sorting through the cord with your hands, expose the net. On small reservoirs, you can waddle nets, this method is especially effective in spring, in shallow water. Sometimes - for example, among the bushes flooded with spring floods - the boat cannot swim and turn around, and the fisherman sets up nets (usually of a shortened length) only for wading, using a rubber suit. In rare cases, and in hot weather, the nets are placed afloat, along the coast or perpendicular to it. The method is not very convenient and even risky, as you can get confused in your own network. If the net is placed afloat, rolling down from the shore to a great depth, then the bottom of the reservoir in this place should be clean enough to be able to pull out the tackle, sorting through the rebounds. On narrow rivers (and on bays, bays and channels of significant water bodies), nets are occasionally set up without entering or swimming into the water, from two banks, by the drag method. The angler throws a thin line with a load on the other side, then slowly pulls it back after a colleague ties the line to the end of the floating line and begins to etch the net. For small and light nets, it is possible to use a spinning rod with a sufficiently strong fishing line. This method is very effective in combination with surge (botany) on narrow rivers with deep whirlpools with steep banks: two anglers, dragging a net of reduced length from coast to coast and driving fish into it, can catch a long river in a day and return with great catch. Finally, you can throw the net into the reservoir alone: ​​the net is carefully laid out on a clean and even bank, one end of the weight cord is attached to a stake, bush, etc., a heavy load is tied to the second and thrown into the reservoir, pulling the net along. The method is inconvenient and unreliable, the upper and lower cords can easily overlap, and you will have to get the net and repeat all over again, scaring the fish with a splash of cargo. It is much more convenient when fishing with a net alone from the shore to use a rubber shock absorber (more on this method will be discussed in the "Track" section). For catching large cautious fish (for example, salmon), the nets are sometimes not set in a straight line, but form all sorts of figures that make it difficult for the fish to get out of the place fenced with nets. This is mainly done by fishermen, who build real labyrinths from their long networks. Such designs are not available to amateurs (the allowed length of networks is too small in most regions). But sometimes it is useful to put even a small net in the shape of the letter "G", so that the end of the net touches the shore and so that one part of the net stretches across the river, and the second - parallel to the shore. Naturally, the tackle is oriented so that the rising or rolling fish is surrounded on three sides; the place of the bend of the net is fixed by a stake driven into the bottom or an anchor and a buoy. Installing networks in winter, under the ice, is a very laborious task. A lane is cut in the ice with a plow, holes are drilled in a line from it at a distance of 2–3 m from one another. Then a pole with a rope tied to its end is lowered into the lane (the length of the pole is 0.5–0.8 m greater than the distance between the holes) and is pulled with the help of a hook from one hole to another. Then the rope stretched under the ice is tied to the upper line and the net is pulled under the ice. In shallow water, in no case should the floating cord touch the lower edge of the ice or be near it, since in severe frost the increase in ice thickness is up to 10 cm per day, and you can lose frozen tackle or pick it up only in spring, filled spoiled fish. On rivers, sometimes they don’t drill a chain of holes, but use the force of the current to pull a rope under the ice, tying a buoy to it (a large piece of foam, an empty plastic bottle, etc.). This method is especially convenient along the first ice, in places with thin and fairly transparent ice, through which the buoy is clearly visible. Closer to the middle of winter, most fish avoid the current, accumulating in still-water pits. In reservoirs where fishing is carried out constantly, it is possible in advance, in open water, to lay several cords along the bottom in convenient places with sinkers at the ends, marking them with buoys. In this case, the first exit to the reservoir after freezing should not be delayed so as not to engage in long searches for buoys under snowdrifts. For safety reasons, after the end of fishing, it is necessary to fence the lanes with clearly visible landmarks. They are chopped large enough and, sprinkled with snow, can provide another fisherman or a person who accidentally stepped onto the ice with an unplanned water procedure. The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to set them up. This statement is especially true on large reservoirs, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error it is possible to quickly find places of concentration of fish and their migration routes by trial and error. But when a boundless water surface spreads around, you can blindly experiment for a long time and unsuccessfully: set up kilometers of net orders and get out of them only individual, randomly caught fish. While the fisherman, who has well studied the reservoir and the habits of its fish population, takes a brilliant catch from a single net. It makes little sense to give any advice on this issue, it all depends on the specific reservoir, on the fish inhabiting it, on the season, weather, etc., etc. However, some of the most general patterns for a net fisherman need to know: - in large reservoirs, fish always go to the leeward (surf) shore - here the waves wash out a large amount of food from the bottom and shores; less visible monofilament nets are placed in clean water in front of the surf turbidity, and the nets of twisted thread - into the turbidity itself, but not far from the border of clean and muddy water; in winter, under ice, as well as in summer heat, fish go to sources of oxygen-rich water - to springs, to the mouths of tributaries, and the paths of its approach are blocked by nets; the presence of springs in winter is determined by the later freezing of such places and gullies on the ice, in summer - by measuring the water temperature (the thermometer sinks to the bottom on a fishing line with a sinker); according to the observations of some anglers, fish in deep and large reservoirs rise to feed from the depth to the shores not along a flat bottom, but along underwater hollows - they need to be covered with nets; the underwater relief is determined either by an echo sounder or by an ordinary lot (a weight on a cord marked with knots every meter); – in spring (on lakes and slow-flowing rivers), the first reconnaissance installations of networks are made from the very shore in depth, at an angle of 45 °; further fishing depends on which part of the net and from which side the fish comes across. In addition to the course of the fish, side factors must also be taken into account: movement along the reservoir motor boats, as well as the actions of other anglers - mainly netters, spinningists, bottomers and trackers. The presence of other people's nets is checked when installed with a “cat” anchor, and motor boats are not afraid of nets, the upper selection of which is separated from the surface by a distance of 1.5 m or more. You can get rid of interference from bottomers and spinners fishing from the shore by setting gear at a sufficient distance from the coastline exceeding the casting distance (or, conversely, almost close to the line of continuous aquatic vegetation - water lilies, reeds, cattails). It is more difficult with fans to catch spinning from a boat and flash on the track - it only depends on the angler's culture whether he carefully unhooks the spinner from someone else's net, or cuts it out with a knife, while trying to disfigure the tackle harder. Much more likely, alas, the second option, there are frequent cases of banal theft of networks. However, networkers do not remain in debt. They have enmity with spinningists at some directly genetic level. There are also social moments in that enmity: a local resident living on the coast has no time to “play around” with spinning, he puts his net not for the sake of sports, but so that the family has fish on the table. And here - a "city" with a spinning rod, which sometimes costs more than a rural fisherman has earned in his agricultural enterprise over the past three months, arrives and starts dragging fish to expensive and super-catching baubles, and having hooked the net, he is indignant: "Damned poachers!" and strives to cut it up, or even pull it ashore and throw it into the fire ... News of the "pike Eldorado" is spread, thanks to the Internet, between city spinning athletes instantly, and where one has successfully caught one, ten will appear tomorrow, and twenty. They will appear and harvest a rich harvest of predators, stunned by overseas baits and super-thin fishing lines, and then leave to look for new ones. fishing spots ". And the local fisherman will remain with his net, but whether the expected fish will fall into it is a big question. As a result (at least in the Leningrad Region), local residents, near whose houses water bodies experience the greatest pressure from urban athletes, began to engage in very original fishing: they put nets not on fish, but on spinners! Sometimes there are more holes in such old tackle than there are surviving cells - it does not matter, as long as the anchors are heavier. The catch, especially after weekends, in monetary terms is much more than the norm of fish allowed to be caught. Sometimes some underwater inhabitant gets entangled in such a network - and goes to the frying pan. And the main prey is sent to the city's fishing markets, where it is sold at half price. By the way, they are engaged in a similar business in the sections of the rivers of the Kola Peninsula, allotted for licensed salmon fishing for spinning. True, they don’t set up nets there - the rivers are rocky, there are already enough hooks and cliffs. When the licensed fishing season ends, the water subsides and the turbulent stream turns into a barely murmuring rivulet - local residents collect baubles that richly decorate the boulders that have appeared from under the water. Of course, you have to clean off their plaque and replace rusted tees, but the game is well worth the candle. Moreover, sales are provided on the spot, salmon-tourist fishermen, who are thirsty for salmon, will buy prey for the next season as soon as they tear off the stock of lures they brought with them. In order for the fish to get into the net, it must move around the reservoir. And the more active the movement, the greater the catch. In spring, there are usually no problems with fish activity, fish schools move from winter camps to spawning grounds, and then feeding. In summer, especially in extreme heat and with jumps in atmospheric pressure, the picture changes: there are fish in the reservoir, but they eat little and, accordingly, move little. So the nets remain empty. In order to expel sedentary fish from their summer shelters, a surge is used. Its methods have been invented in a variety of ways, depending on the specific conditions. The classic and most frequently used one was described by Sabaneev: a three-walled net 30–60 m long is swept over an area of ​​coastal vegetation, after which pikes, tenches, rudd and other fish are driven into the net by sharp blows against the water of a “botka” - a wooden projectile hollowed out from the inside. "Botanye" is still used almost unchanged, except that few people hollow out the tree, more often they put the necks of plastic bottles on sticks. In shallow places, pike and other fish are waded from the net, in a rubber suit (“trampling”), and this technique is more effective than using only sound when “botaning”. Blocking a small river from coast to coast with a thirty-meter net, you can literally choose the allowed catch rate in just 2-3 surges. A somewhat anecdotal way of surge is used by individual Karelian fishermen. According to them, salmon and trout absolutely cannot stand the smell of sweat and other human excretions. Below the places convenient for the parking of these fish, nets are set across the river, then the fishermen go upstream and begin to catch up: they enter the river, usually shallow, taking off their boots, but remaining in socks and footcloths. Salmon and trout do not withstand the "aromatic attack" and rush downstream, falling into the net. However, not trusting their own socks too much, the fishermen throw stones into the water at the same time, and it’s hard to say what exactly is more effective here - many experts believe that the fish will get away from the unpleasant smell, generally from uncomfortable water, not downstream, but upstream. In winter, surge is applicable to small and shallow water bodies. He is especially successful in the first thin ice, on knocking and stomping on which the fish react very actively. The thick ice cover obviously dampens the sounds, and the fish in the middle of winter are much more lethargic due to oxygen deficiency, so for a successful surge, you have to drill holes and use the "boots".

Smooth nets are tackles that are structurally the most similar to fixed nets, the main difference is in the method of application. If the net in the process of catching floats down the river, stretched between two boats carried by the current, and fish are caught coming towards them, then it is called smooth, and fishing with it is called river smooth fishing.

Catching fish with nets

Many people in our country are afraid to catch with nets, regarding it as poaching. However, at the present time, fishing with this tackle is allowed, the fisherman will not violate any law. To do this, you need to understand all aspects of this type of fishing, you need to purchase this tackle that is approved for use in this area or reservoir.

A license to fish with nets is also required. For successful fishing, it is important to observe the culture of this activity and catch clearly according to the rules in places specially designated for this.

Fishing with nets in spring

For sport or recreational fishing, there is a huge variety of special tackle that meets the needs and preferences of fishermen for fishing in a particular place. Casting tackle fishing is the most catchy and simple fishing, it is this type of fishing line that experienced fishing enthusiasts advise.

This type of tackle is suitable for many rivers or lakes, with different variations of catching, a variety of fish in the reservoir. Statistics show that a fisherman using a casting net does not go home without a fish. There are many places on the Internet where fishing with nets is filmed in order to help beginners in this matter.

Set type of networks:

  • Single-walled net - simple and convenient, the fish clings to the gills.
  • Two and three-walled variety - also called frame, where the fish gets tangled in the canvas.
  • Combined, having the above features.

The main rule of a successful fishing trip is a successfully selected river, pond or other body of water on which fishing will take place; knowledge of all the secrets of throwing tackle. Having filled the arsenal with small fish, a person is ready for serious catching of large inhabitants of the local water areas.

To catch live bait, you do not need to complete a fence, you do not need a boat. Tackle can be thrown from the coast. It is worth observing flocks of small minnows or other fish, and then throwing gear.

Catching big fish is not easy. The very casting of the net can frighten the fish, because the shadow of the fisherman and tackle will be immediately noticeable. Before starting fishing, we advise you to watch fishing with nets on video.

Catching a big fish is a big success

It is better to choose a place of depression or pit of natural origin, contributing to the shelter of a person, hiding his traces of stay. Example: A successful choice for netting in the spring is a flat river bed, 1.5 meters deep, next to a tree.

Here the process of casting is no different from catching with the help of spinning: covering the net starts from the fisherman, moving towards increasing depth, completely pulling out the net cord.

Fishing with ram nets is carried out in rivers with a fast current, it is installed across the course of the water, due to which pockets are formed that receive the catch. The number of fish caught depends on the size of the tackle. The load on the line of gear is distributed evenly due to the veins, eliminating the possibility of damage by large fish.

The casting view lays very quietly on the water, limiting the visibility of splashes by fish. The tackle is thrown in the direction of the water masses, providing the rolling ability of the tackle. This type of fishing is best done at night.

Experienced fishermen are advised to learn about the possible behavior of fish in the place of fishing, then this type of net will be as catchy as possible. Example: lakes with big amount silts attract tench that lives close to the shoreline.

Large representatives of the genus are very attentive, you should carefully choose the deepest place, overgrown with roots or plants. Tip: before you start fishing, you need to clean up the clearings.

Where is the best place to fish with a net?

Catching fish with a net at the casting point, the way it is installed is a very difficult process even for an experienced angler. In the event of an unsuccessful choice of fishing location and casting of the net, the fish catch will be correspondingly low. This option works for narrow rivers, small and large ponds. Therefore, even fishing with nets with a license does not guarantee a weighty catch.

Such places require the time of the fisherman, performing test casts of gear. It is this method that helps to find successful areas that are "fish highways", places of accumulation of fish individuals.

Even knowing all the places where the fish move, the areas of its concentration, and the conditions of the pond or river do not guarantee the fisherman an impressive jackpot. The catch can be affected by various weather, natural and climatic changes, leading to a lack of bite.

However, it is worth knowing these nuances, because the experience of a fisherman should always prompt in such moments. Example: small bodies of water often guarantee the movement of fish schools to the lee side of the coast. She is drawn to the availability of food in the area.

In summer, in hot weather, the fish do not have enough oxygen, it moves to where there is the possibility of replenishing it. This can be used to install the net at the place of its movement, on the way to the mouth or near the spring.

Another factor that the fisherman needs to know is the behavior of fish individuals in large deep lakes or rivers: fish often come out to feed from deep water areas to the shores, getting into uneven areas of the coastal area. It follows from this that it is necessary to install gear in hollows.

For fishing with nets, you need to know the following patterns:

  1. In large ponds, it is better to fish on the leeward shore.
  2. In lakes or rivers of shallow depth, fish rise from the depth to the shore for feeding, using hollows. This is where networks need to be set up.
  3. Spring fishing net on slow rivers or lakes must be carried out from the shore moving to a depth, laying it at a 45 degree angle from the direction of the fish. In addition to using the course of the flocks, you need to take into account the course of the boats on the pond, the activity of the fishermen.

The netting license opens up great opportunities for fishermen, both beginners and professionals. We wish you good fishing! You should not be afraid of a fine for fishing with nets, because at the present time it is possible to get pleasure from this type of fishing, using a permit for fishing with nets.

It was considered poaching and prosecuted by law. However, today this type of activity is officially allowed if you have the appropriate license, which anyone can apply for. Net fishing requires certain knowledge and skills from the fisherman, so it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the theoretical part given in our article. Here you will learn not only how to set up nets, but also how to increase the size of the fish catch.

What to look for when choosing a place?

To catch a big catch, it will not be enough just to know how to set the net correctly. The success of such an event often depends on the place chosen for fishing. It is necessary to first study the reservoir and find the most suitable places for catching its inhabitants with nets. To do this, professional fishermen recommend paying Special attention the following factors:

  • type of reservoir and nature of the current;
  • the type of fish living in it;
  • underwater landscape;
  • weather;
  • season.

We will analyze all these nuances in more detail in the following sections, as well as describe the general patterns that allow you to increase the amount of catch through simple manipulations.

Netting on the river

Have you thought about how to put nets on the river? This fishing option is considered optimal for beginner fishermen, since it can include a variety of techniques. For example, if the reservoir does not differ in great depth, then the wading method is best suited. We just lay a wide net on the bottom and throw bait in the middle in order to lure the fish here. After that, it remains only to return to the river with two or three partners and raise nets filled with fish.

Also quite popular is the drag method, which is carried out without entering or swimming into the water. Ideal for narrow ponds or rivers with small channels and bays. We just stretch the nets in an arc from one coast to another and return a few hours later for the catch. This option is considered more difficult than the previous one, since it will require the fisherman right choice tackle for catching fish, which should be based on the size of freshwater inhabitants.

Netting on the lake

Who said that you can only fish with nets on the river. It is not uncommon for professional fishermen to set up nets on a lake or reservoir, as large species of fish often live in stagnant water. To do this, you can create a figured tackle rig, which is ideal for catching shy freshwater inhabitants. With the help of sticks, the nets are pulled into various shapes and labyrinths, which are also used in industrial fishing.

You can also throw the network yourself. This method is considered quite complicated, but very reliable. To implement it, you will have to use several weights, which must be placed at the corners of the network. Otherwise, the tackle will simply get confused in the process. We just throw each weight from the boat separately, after which we pull the tackle with the help of ropes. If you do everything quickly, then a big catch is guaranteed.

Winter fishing with nets

And how to put a fishing net under the ice? This type fishing can only be realized on a reservoir with a strong current, since it will be needed in order to pass the buoys under a thick layer of frozen water. It is best to do this on the rivers, having previously drilled several holes. Through these same holes, the edges of the network are pulled with the help of improvised buoys, which will be easiest to build from plastic bottles or foam. You must first calculate the trajectory of the buoy, otherwise the network will float in the wrong direction. The method is rather complicated, but reckless. In addition, it allows you to catch fish in large numbers even in winter.

Spring net fishing

In spring, the water level in the rivers drops significantly, so it becomes very easy for an experienced fisherman to catch a good catch with nets. It will be enough to stretch the tackle near the reeds, since it is in the vegetation that most species of fish most often live. Also, do not forget to install small buoys around the edges so as not to lose tackle, and also feed the fish with some kind of treat. The only downside spring fishing fish nets lies in the fact that almost all fish in this season begin to spawn, which is why the capture of many species in in large numbers banned even for fishermen with a license. Therefore, you will have to release a good part of the catch if you do not want to get in trouble with the law.

Summer net fishing

Most fishermen prefer to set up their nets at this time of the year by swimming as the water warms up to optimal temperature and swimming in the heat is always nice. It is worth noting that even experienced fishermen should exercise extreme caution, as there is a chance of getting confused in their own tackle. Therefore, it is best to spend this event with a friend so that he can help you in case of an emergency. To install the nets, it is best to find an open place with algae floating on the surface, so that the tackle does not float too far. Otherwise, you will have to install improvised piles from branches, which is not very convenient.

Autumn fishing with nets

In autumn, it is best to cast nets from a boat or boat, since the water level in most types of reservoirs rises significantly. It is also recommended to purchase a fairly large and strong tackle, because all freshwater inhabitants begin to stock up at this time of the year with fat for the winter and increase in size. This advice is especially relevant when hunting for predatory fish(pike, perch), as it will actively resist and tear the nets with its powerful tail. The use of a motorized swimming facility is encouraged, which will allow you to quickly walk through fish points, with a net attached to the stern. However, make sure that the tackle does not get into the motor - you will break the net and destroy the engine.

  1. In shallow waters, fish prefer to stay away from the sub-wave shore, since most of the food there is washed out by the surf. Therefore, to install networks, find a shore on which there are no waves.
  2. On reservoirs and lakes, it is best to fish with nets in places where there is an uneven bottom, because especially large species of fish prefer to live in various depressions.
  3. Before casting nets in popular places, be sure to check the water area for the presence of other people's nets. To do this, you can use a small anchor or a cat, which will also clean the bottom of excess vegetation.

We hope our article has helped you better understand how and where to set up nets. Follow the recommendations from professional fishermen, which were given just above, and you will definitely return home with a good catch. Also, keep in mind that fishing with nets is associated with small risks, for example, tackle can be stolen by other fishermen.
