Chub fish on what to catch bait. Catching chub in the spring in various ways. What to catch a chub on a float rod

We continue our traditional section Tips from experienced fishermen - today this article will tell you in detail about the chub and its fishing:

Cautiously approaching the edge of the high steep bank of the river, he looked down: not far from the coastline, at the very surface of the water, a flock of rather large broad-browed red-finned fish with a black fringe of the caudal fin was walking slowly and majestically. These are chubs - beautiful, strong, very agile, but very shy fish. As soon as I leaned out a little from behind the cliff, the flock instantly disappeared into the depths. Such a picture in summer can still often be observed on small and medium-sized rivers with clean water and fairly fast flow.

The chub is a fairly common fish in many regions of the middle and southern strip of our country. The usual weight of fish is 300-800 g, but specimens weighing more than 1 kg are not so rare, in some cases up to 4-5 kg. In summer, the chub leads a rather active lifestyle, and its permanent habitats at this time are:

  1. rifts with descending to the most,
  2. water with trees and bushes,
  3. especially with bare roots,
  4. sections of rivers at the end of the rift with snags and trees felled during the spring flood,
  5. spillways at dams and dams,
  6. piles and abutments of bridges.

He likes to stay at whirlpools, on the border between two currents, as well as between calm and fast water. In the whirlpools, it can often be found under steep trees, overgrown with trees, from which insects fall into the water - its favorite food. In places with a muddy bottom, where there is no current, it appears extremely rarely.

Chub spawning

Spawning at the chub occurs almost simultaneously with the roach, during the flowering period of the bird cherry. To do this, the fish enters small tributaries and channels. Spawning is carried out, as a rule, in small flocks, on shallow and fast rifts with a hard bottom. Caviar is not spawned in portions, but in one go. After resting for some time, the fish rolls down to the summer habitats and begins to intensively feed.

chub fish

The chub feeds on a variety of foods, and in this respect it can be classified as an omnivorous fish. It feeds on: insects, worms, mollusks, crayfish, frogs, caviar and juvenile fish, as well as everything that falls into the code from our table: even the fruits of cherries and bird cherry that have fallen into the water, he picks up. The large chub is a very voracious predator; it not only eats in in large numbers minnows and bleaks, but also grabs everything that ends up in the water, up to mice.

But in the chub in the diet, seasonality is most pronounced than in other fish. In spring, the main food for him are worms, mollusks, small fish and caviar of other fish; summer - insects, algae; in autumn - frogs and small fish.

The chub feeds mainly during daylight hours, but in the summer it is often at night, especially during the full moon. From June to August, small and medium-sized chubs constantly hunt for insects that have fallen into the water during the day. Large specimens often prefer to rest during the day, they lead an active lifestyle late in the evening, at night and early in the morning, going out to the rifts to hunt for small fish.

At the beginning of autumn, with the disappearance of insects, the chub leaves its summer habitat and moves to deeper places, where it leads a rather active lifestyle for some time. With the intensification of cold weather, it goes into wintering pits, where it stays in a half-asleep state until spring. However, in warm winters, especially in persistent thaws, it leaves the wintering pits, going out to feed on smaller places with small currents. According to the difficulty and high sportiness of catching, the chub can be safely attributed to the category of fish that are of the greatest interest to anglers. Even the sight of this fish, located near the surface, when the water also increases its size, makes anglers, especially young ones, have a great desire to catch it, but it turns out to be far from easy to do.

About the nature of the fish

Many novice anglers are confused by the fishing mentions that a chub can be caught if he does not see the angler. Indeed, the chub is bold and greedy only as long as it does not notice a person, but this is true only in those cases when the fish is near the surface of the water in a quiet stream. On fast rifts, near bridges, near fallen trees, chubs stand, as a rule, quite calmly and are not very afraid of the noise and sight of a person.

And one more general remark. A certain part of anglers, among them even more or less experienced ones, believe that it is good to catch chub only in summer. Of course, summer is a very favorable period. But, as the practice of fishing this cautious fish shows, the chub bites at all times of the year, even in winter - it is no exception. Knowing the features of chub fishing, which are inherent in each season, there is no doubt about the success of fishing.


Chub fishing in spring. This period of chub fishing begins in late April - early May and lasts almost until mid-June. It has its own characteristics in the choice of places, methods of fishing and the use of nozzles. After the spring flood, when the water warms up a little and it begins to clear of turbidity, flocks of chubs go to fattening in places with an average current, a cartilaginous bottom and a depth of 1.5 to 3 m. Often these places are exits from pits a little higher or lower than the riffles . In the early morning hours, the chub is also caught on the riffles.

Before spawning and during the spawning period, you can catch a chub almost all daylight hours, but the best bite is in the morning and in the evening. The chub is kept at this time usually at the bottom or halfway. From gear, bottom fishing rods and spinning rods converted for them are best. To hold the nozzle at the bottom, rather heavy flat sinkers are used, both sliding and deaf. Given the caution of the fish, you should not use too thick fishing lines and tie several leashes. It is better when one leash is attached to the fishing line. A fishing line with a thickness of 0.25-0.3 mm is quite acceptable, a leash - 0.20-0.25 mm. Hook number 7 or number 8.

What to catch chub in spring

Before the appearance of the May beetles, the chub takes well on the worm, the larvae of the May and dung beetles, the crayfish neck, the meat of the barley shell, and on the small minnow. This fish also takes on nozzles from dough, spools and crusts of bread. I would even say that the insect baits recommended by the authors of publications on catching chub (black cockroach, blue bumblebee, perlyanki, breadboxes) are no better than this nozzle in terms of performance.

The chub takes the bait on the move and immediately swallows it, the bite is expressed in a sharp bend in the tip of the rod. It is necessary to hook vigorously, but smoothly. With a sharp jerk, you can easily cut off a thin line.

Fishing rod with mormyshka

On the rifts, fishing is usually done from the coastal spit or wading. The most suitable tackle for such fishing is a fishing rod with a mormyshka without a float and a sinker. A rod 4-5 m long is equipped with access rings and a reel with a supply of fishing line (0.20-0.25 mm) of at least 25-30 m. then slowly pull up. It is very important that the bait is often at the bottom and halfway, as the current tends to constantly bring it to the surface. This is achieved by frequent inclination of the rod to the water. The bite is well felt by hand.

After catching one or two fish, the biting, as a rule, stops for a while. Therefore, you should immediately outline yourself nearby at least one more place for fishing. Industrial-made jigs, which are light in weight and have a small hook, are not suitable - there are too many misses during hooking and fish coming off the hook. Best of all, home-made teardrop-shaped mormyshkas 20 mm long with hook No. 6. By the way, you can catch a chub in the described way for almost the entire warm season, changing the nozzle depending on the time.

Maybug bait

One of the best baits in May is the cockchafer. The flight of beetles begins with the deployment of leaves on birches and aspens. It is best to collect them early in the morning, before sunrise, on the edges of birch and aspen groves. From a good shaking of the tree, the beetles fall to the ground. As the sun rises, the Maybugs come out of their stupor, and it becomes much more difficult to collect them. There are more beetles on low young trees than on tall and old ones. Beetles should be stored in a wooden box, which must be kept in the shade. In the box you need to put a few small branches of birch or aspen with leaves. The lid of the box must be perforated.

On the Maybug, the chub can be caught with a bottom, float rod and fly fishing. It is better to put one large beetle on the hook, small ones can be two. The tip of the hook must be bare. Some anglers tear off the hard elytra from the beetle before hooking, but, as I have repeatedly seen, the bite does not improve from this. There is also fairly verified information that the chub takes well on the Colorado potato beetle.

float rod

Closer to summer, the chub increasingly begins to appear in the upper layers of the water, and anglers switch to float rod. The fishing rod should be equipped with a reel and throughput rings, which, in the presence of a weighted float, allows you to make long casts of the nozzle and release the latter downstream over a fairly considerable distance. In addition, running gear allows you to use thin lines, which is important when catching this cautious and vigilant fish. A fishing line with a thickness of 0.22-0.25 mm, when playing, fully withstands the resistance of a chub of almost any weight. The descent must be made from 0.5m to 1m. When fishing with this tackle, many anglers fix a sinker (shot) on a fishing line 12-15 cm from the hook. From my experience, I recommend using a small lead plate as a sinker, winding it onto a fishing line above the hook ring. The absence of a sinker in the presence of a weighted float (there are also supporters of this) only leads to a decrease in the number of bites, especially in the spring-summer period, and I was repeatedly convinced of this.

When catching a chub, a bright float is not suitable, its color should be the same color as those objects that often float on the water, and the fish are used to them. Black, gray, brown are the most suitable colors. Since chub fishing is most common with a float rod, it is inconvenient to use a cage to store the caught fish. It is better to replace it with a canvas bag thrown over the shoulder on a strap. To preserve the fish, a sufficient amount of wet grass is placed at the bottom of the bag. The caught fish must be immediately shifted with grass.

Bait caterpillar

At the end of May, caterpillars appear, which are tasty food for chub. In some years, when there are many caterpillars on coastal trees, chubs are constantly near the surface of the water in those places where tree crowns lean low towards the water. Such places should not be bypassed without a thorough check. The fish here, even frightened when playing, will soon gather again. Of course, approaching such a place and casting the nozzle should be done very carefully. Often you have to not approach, but crawl and throw the nozzle, without rising to your full height.


Chub fishing in summer. By the beginning of summer, a significant number of various insects appear, and on many rivers the water is noticeably cleared after the spring flood. All this contributes to the fact that chubs begin to appear more often in the upper layers of the water and hunt for fallen insects.

Grasshopper bait

But real summer fishing of this fish does not begin with the advent of the calendar summer, but somewhat later. This is due to grasshoppers - a great summer bait for chub. They appear, or rather, reach normal sizes, only in the second decade of June. The main advantage of this bait is that the grasshopper, being a very tasty food for the chub, keeps well on the hook and allows you to perform long-distance casts, which are important for catching this fish.

Summer chub fishing continues almost the entire calendar summer. Despite the fact that the chub in summer is generally less capricious in biting than many other fish, there are still periods when it does not bite well. This is due to the intense heat in July, the massive departure of the coastal mayfly (broom) and the appearance in July of a large number of night butterflies. The latter circumstance leads to the fact that chubs begin to feed at night and, having satiated themselves, almost cease to be interested in food during the day. The most successful fishing occurs in June and August, when the summer heat begins to subside and the number of insects decreases.

As already noted, grasshoppers are good bait for catching chub. Both large and small insects can be used for bait. The chub prefers dark and non-fleshy grasshoppers. The hook for catching a grasshopper is taken straight, with a normal forearm length, with a round bend, No. 8-9. Its sting must be well honed. A large grasshopper should be put on the hook of one, small - several pieces. It is necessary to insert the hook into the body of the insect from the side of the back below the head, the sting must be brought out. Before baiting on a hook, grasshoppers should break off long legs. It takes a chub to a grasshopper, one might say, without fail and mainly at the surface or in the uppermost layers of the water.

What and how to catch a chub in the summer

Catching bottom fishing rods continues in the summer, but not as successfully as in the spring. The main tackle for fishing is fly fishing and float fishing rods. You can successfully use a spinning rod equipped with a weight float. The lead-weighted float, which can be made from cork, wood, foam, allows you to make long-range and aimed casts.

Spinning with a float-load - quite catchy tackle, which allows the angler, without special disguise, not only to perform long-range aimed casts, but also to release the nozzle downstream for a considerable distance, which sometimes allows you to catch places where you can’t fit with other gear. Very effective throughout the summer period and emotionally exciting is the fly rod. But, unfortunately, in our country fly fishing has not received the popularity that it enjoys no less than spinning in many countries.

Fly-fishing is still the lot of individual enthusiasts. Despite the fairly good theoretical calculations and recommendations for fishing, this method, which has been published more than once in the literature on fishing, fly fishing does not receive the right to be widely registered due to the lack of an industrial base. There are no good fly rods, reels, even flies and high-quality conical fishing line for sale, which is not so easy to make yourself. As a bait for catching chub in the upper layers of the water, in addition to grasshoppers, you can use almost all flying, jumping and crawling insects: butterflies, dragonflies, gadflies, large flies, various caterpillars, etc.

When catching chub with fly fishing, float fishing rods and spinning with a float-load, the best places are near rifts, near jets of water falling from dams, below and sometimes above bridges, at the downstream tip of the islands, at the edge of aquatic vegetation, under overhanging water bushes and trees, along the leeward steep bank, on the shallows, on which cattle are driven out during the hot part of the day. Very successful is fishing in places where the river narrows. You can also determine the possible location of the fish by its intense play in calm weather, in the direction of the main jet, which carries foam, various debris, and with it insects that have fallen into the water.

When fishing, both from the shore and from the boat, you should move downstream, as the fish that has escaped almost always rush upstream and scare away the fish in the already caught sections of the river. A bite at a chub in the summer is expressed in an instant, without any hesitation, leaving the float under water. The hook should immediately follow, and the longer the line, the sweeper the hook should be. In the current, grabbing the bait, the chub usually goes to the side, quickly swallowing it on the go. Some anglers use this feature of fish when fishing on so-called self-setting hooks. What is a supply? A flexible, but with sufficient rigidity, willow or bird cherry rod 2-2.5 m long is taken. A fishing line 1.5-2 m long with a hook No. ° to the shore at the turns of the river, where there are whirlpools and the boundary of weak and strong currents passes. Bait - a large grasshopper, fry or a small frog. The fishing line, as a rule, is not thinner than 0.3 mm, since sometimes quite large specimens come across. The method of fishing, of course, is unsportsmanlike and can be used along with active fishing. It often happens that three or four sets per day give a solid increase in the catch.

large chub

The essence of fishing lies in the wiring of the bait - several fry, separately planted on single hooks. The fry should be 10-15 cm from the bottom. As a rule, the depth of fishing places ranges from 1 to 2 m. Fry 5-6 cm in size, not necessarily live, are mounted by the tail part on hooks No. 9-10. It is enough to have three hooks. They are tied on short (5-6 cm) leashes, the distance between which is 10-12 cm. Above the upper hook (8-10 cm), a sinker is fixed on the fishing line. Main line 0.30mm, leashes 0.25mm. Naturally, the question arises: why should there be three hooks in the tackle? This has been found purely experimentally. most bites. I believe that it is the presence of three fish nearby that creates an imitation of a flock, inciting the predatory instinct of a chub, which has a desire to immediately grab one of them. Moreover, it is known that any predatory fish prefers to break into a flock and grab a fish than to chase one. When biting, it is not recommended to do instant hooking. Practice shows that there are fewer fish gatherings and misses during hooking if, after a bite, a pause of 2-3 seconds is made. In summer, the chub is at its best. Once on the hook, it puts up stubborn resistance, desperately fighting for its life. Playing a large chub gives the angler great pleasure, but one should not force events, since the violent resistance of the fish does not last long.


Chub fishing in autumn. The autumn period of chub fishing begins in September and ends with a noticeable cooling in October, but sometimes, with a fine October, the biting continues almost until November. Already at the end of August, with a noticeable decrease in air and water temperatures, the chubs leave the shallows and stay in deeper places with an average current. With the advent of autumn, insects become smaller, and the zhor chub in early September, as a rule, intensifies. It should be borne in mind that with the cooling of the water, the activity of the fish decreases. Biting occurs on fine days, after sunrise and some warming up of the water, somewhere not earlier than 9-10 o'clock in the morning. Often in early autumn, the chub stays near steep banks, where there is considerable depth and there is a slight current. In such places, you can fish with a float rod, launching a nozzle no higher than 0.5 m from the bottom. Grasshoppers, caterpillars, pellets of bread or dough are used for nozzles.

On a head with a frog

Good results in September are given by catching a frog. And often quite large specimens come across. For fishing, a spinning rod with a reel or a high-strength wire rod is used. An ordinary wire rod, designed for catching roach and bream, will not work. Fishing rod equipment: fishing line with a diameter of 0.25-0.30 mm, a reserve on the reel of at least 50 m, hook No. 10-12, a dim float. As a bait, ordinary grassy frogs the size of a large walnut are used, planting them behind the skin of the back. Smaller chubs usually come across on smaller frogs. The sinker is fixed 20-25 cm from the hook - this distance ensures the free movement of the frog. Fishing should be done in deep places at the beginning or end of a roll, near fallen trees, under bushes hanging over the water, below the mouth of small rivers and streams.

The frog is allowed to drift 1.5-2 m from the surface. If the bait swam 20-30 m and no bite followed, the wiring is repeated. In this way it is convenient to catch from a boat, setting it on anchors. It does not make sense to linger in one place for a long time; after a dozen unsuccessful postings, it is better to change the place. But if you find a fish stop, then you should not rush to change the place after playing one or two chub. It's better to stop fishing for a while. Frightened when playing the fish quickly returns to the place of parking or feeding. In the autumn period, this is typical for the chub. When biting, the float instantly disappears under water, but one should not rush to strike, the chub should swallow the frog. Only after a pause should you make an energetic cut. Biting in autumn often continues throughout the daylight hours. In addition to the chub, the frog sometimes comes across asp, pike and catfish.

Features of fishing in the fall - what bites, where to look, how to catch

By the end of September, when the chub practically stops pecking at float gear, you need to switch to bottom fishing rods. When fishing with bottom rods in September, the bite is much higher than in summer, but in October it noticeably decreases, although it continues almost until the appearance of ice edges near the coast. This is explained by a significant cooling of the water and a decrease in the activity of the fish. The chub stays in the pits more and only on fine days comes out to feed.

It is necessary to look for a chub in October at a depth. For wintering, he chooses the deepest sections of the river with pronounced bottom irregularities and rather cluttered. Feeding, as already noted, goes out on fine days, but does not go far from its hole. You can fish in the pit and at the exits from it. It no longer occurs on rifts, but sometimes appears on sandbanks 2.5-3 m deep with an average current. Applied nozzles: small minnow, frog, bunch of worms, cancer neck. Takes chub for bread and dough, but much worse. Good results are obtained by fishing for pieces of raw liver and chicken intestines. Most bites are observed on fine days only around eleven o'clock, when the sun begins to warm up. They are no longer as sharp as in summer, but confident enough: with a suspended load-signaling device, the line is noticeably stretched, and in the absence of a signaling device, the tip of the rod leans towards the water.


Chub fishing in winter. Not every angler succeeds in catching a chub in winter, even in places where it is quite numerous. Perhaps for this reason, a certain part of anglers believe that this fish is not caught at all in winter. However, based on my experience and the experience of other anglers, I can say that this opinion is wrong. The chub in the first ice and at the end of winter leads a fairly active lifestyle, and experienced anglers successfully catch it almost until the dead period.

Where to look

In severe frosts, it is useless to hunt for him, at this time he stands motionless in his wintering pits and is not interested in food. But in stable thaws with slight (up to - 5 °) frosts, it comes out to feed on sandbars with a moderate current and a depth of 2.5-3 m, located not far from the wintering grounds. Experienced anglers notice such places in advance even in warm weather. These are, as a rule, deep and cluttered sections of whirlpools below the riffles, with pronounced bottom irregularities and with a small current. Sandbanks, on which the chub comes out to feed, should be sought upstream above the parking lots.

How and what to fish for in winter

When fishing, we must not forget that the chub is very shy and cautious in winter. The noise of an ice drill, blows of various objects on the ice, careless movement on it can sometimes scare the fish away from the place of fishing for a long time. Drilled holes should be approached carefully and not earlier than after 20-30 minutes. It is necessary to darken the holes. In the first ice, on still transparent ice, a place in the area of ​​​​the hole must be masked. For this purpose, if you do not have a suitable bedding with you, you can almost always use the available material at hand - reeds and reeds.

On the first ice, especially on sunny days, the chub catches well on small, no more than 3-4 cm, white baubles, which make small zigzags when falling. Flashing is done at the bottom - the chub very rarely rises halfway in winter in winter. Sharp jerks of the bait to a height of more than 40-50 cm should not be done. It is better to alternate small jerks of 20-30 cm with short pauses, no more than 1.5-2 seconds. Most often, the grip of the bait occurs at the moment of the jerk after a pause.

Experience shows that the chub is the first and last ice you can successfully fish with a float rod and a rod with a mormyshka. What can be used as a bait? Fry, worm, bloodworm, caddis fry, raw liver, chicken intestines are quite suitable for fishing during this period. But I want to note that when angling fish, we sometimes encounter a bite on such nozzles, which, it would seem, should attract fish least of all at this time.

Case from my practice

Somehow, in early January, during a rather long thaw, I caught roach on one of the Volga channels. She took well on the dough, flavored with sunflower oil. During a lull in the fishery, I went in search of new places. Having lowered a mormyshka into one of the holes I had drilled, I found that the current was noticeably carrying away my light bait. I decided to look for a place where the current is smaller. But, as soon as I started to pull out the bait, I felt a small jerk. I instinctively made a short cut and felt a decent weight and jerks of the fish at the end of the fishing line. The thin (0.12mm) line stretched to the limit, but I managed to bleed part of the line from the reel in time. After a while, he carefully brought the fish into the hole and, picking it up with his hand, threw it onto the ice. Imagine my surprise when I recognized a chub in this red-finned fish weighing at least 700-800 g. Soon a bite occurred in another hole, but, having made a cut, I was not able to pull the fishing line off the reel in time, and it, having stretched to the limit, broke off. There were no more chub bites.

A day later, I came back to this place. The jigs were taken larger, and I put a fishing line with a diameter of 0.18 mm on the bait. The first chub was caught about an hour after dawn. The bite lasted until 12 o'clock. Six chubs weighing 500-800 g became my catch. Here you have the middle of winter, and a purely summer nozzle! Somewhat later, I met an old fisherman who often caught chub in this channel and, characteristically, for dough. I came to this nozzle by chance, and he came through observations and experiments. I will not prevaricate, I have not tried such nozzles as domestic cricket and cockroach, which are often mentioned by some authors of publications, and I cannot say anything definite. More than once I had to catch chub with a dough bait, and the catches, frankly, were not bad. A wise folk saying about this says: “They don’t look for good from good!”

Performed well in fishing homemade mormyshka in the form of an elongated drop (length 2 cm without hook), made of lead and silver plated. The mormyshka is equipped with hook No. 5 or No. 6. The frequency and amplitude of the lure's vibrations should be the same as when catching perch at this time. There is no need to raise the mormyshka from the bottom more than 50-60 cm, since the chub stays mainly near the bottom in winter. Most often, the chub grabs the bait at the moment of its rise. The fishing rod must be equipped with a sensitive nod, a reel and fishing line no thicker than 0.20 mm. A thicker line reduces the number of bites.

The bite at the chub in winter is expressed in a sharp bend of the nod. The hook should not be very strong, but confident enough. A caught chub at first makes quite strong and sharp jerks to the sides, but quickly gets tired and almost without resistance goes to the hole. For playing large specimens of fish from the hole, it is better to use a gaff.

Chub fishing in winter is highly sportive and requires the angler not only to physical activity(you have to make a lot of movements around the reservoir and drill holes in search of fish locations), but also a lot of patience, since even under all favorable conditions there are not so many bites. By the end of January, the chub completely ceases to show interest in food, and catching it stops until the second half of March. With the penetration of melt water under the ice, the chub is freed from winter stupor and leaves the wintering pits. It is already necessary to look for it not far from the coast with a sandy or clay bottom at a depth of 2-3 m with a moderate current.

Chub fishing on the last ice is very successful. At this time, almost all gear and nozzles used for ice fishing are used. Hungry for a long break in feeding, the chub bites well and sometimes takes the bait very greedily. Often at this time there are such specimens that you only have to dream about in the summer. It should be borne in mind that the chub at this time often rises to the upper layers of the water. Caught on the hook, it already has a fairly stubborn resistance. You should not show excessive haste when playing more or less large fish, especially if the fishing line is thin. Only after the fish is tired enough, it can be safely brought to the hole.

See also:

We hope this article will help you achieve good results in catching a chub. The following moments are revealed in it: winter, autumn, summer, spring fishing chub.

Waggler and maggot

This is the No. 1 chub fishing method. if you want to get a really good catch. Free (only from larvae or grains, without binding elements) bait from maggots, pupae and hemp is used on rivers. To catch a lot of chub without moving from one place, you need to find a school with enough fish for such fishing if fishing takes place in a long, flat section of the river, even with a decent depth, where there is a large expanse of water for playing fish. Long open areas with rows of bushes or trees along the banks are even better. This method is also suitable for fishing in gravel pits.

The main idea is to attract the chub to the spot with a regular supply of free bait and to lift the fish into the upper layers of the water, as opposed to bottom bait fishing. The amount of descent of the float does not matter as much as the way the bait is applied - little by little and often, so that a rain of larvae descending in the water column is formed. When the chub rises to catch the free-falling bait, you can play around with the depth as you wish, but if you feed properly, the chub will also find your bait well.
As a general rule, fishing starts at a depth of 1.21.5 m and gradually reduces the descent as the chub becomes more responsive to bait and active, it is not unusual that fishing can eventually occur at a depth of half a meter.

Most of the sinkers are used to fix the waggler float on the fishing line and are located around its fastener. Due to these weights, the float is lowered into the water almost to the working position. Below, on the fishing line, it remains to fix only two or three small pellets No. 8 or No. 10, which will allow the nozzle to slowly sink into the water column. On calm waters or slow flowing rivers it is better to use a waggler with a thin tip (insert), while on a fast current a straight waggler with a thick tip works better. However, this is not the most The best way catching a large, out-of-the-box chub: you might hook it, but the risk of losing thin gear is quite high.

Spinning for catching chub

  • Rod: St. Croix Avid Fast 2 m.
  • Coil: spinless, Shimano.
  • Line: braided with a breaking load of 9 or 14 kg.
  • Leash: monofilament with a breaking load of 3.5 kg if there is no pike in the pond, or Pro Leader with a breaking load of 8 kg if there is a pike.
  • Lures: various wobblers, including "fat" shapes, spinners and jig-guimans.
Chub fishing method No. 2. Spinning is a largely underestimated way of catching chub. It works everywhere: from canals to lakes, gravel pits, small and large rivers. The chub is an active predator, and they hunt it with artificial baits, simply by catching areas of the water. When you see a big bow wave following a gurgling top bait, you realize that this is one of the most impressive moments in chub fishing. As a rule, the chub is more willing to take the bait that goes high above the bottom.

During the warmer months, he often and willingly hits riding lures, and is especially partial to the Arbogast Jitterbag lure. In the cold months, baits that go in the water column become more effective, but even here preference is given to those that work at a considerable distance from the bottom. , such as the Fox Chabby Shads, work really well, but more with straight wires than with stepped ones.

Fishing with a closed feeder

  • Rod: medium feeder, 3.7 m.
  • Bite indicator: interchangeable tops.
  • Coil: Shtmano GT, GTM or small bay tran ner.
  • Line: Antares Silk Shock with a breaking load of 2.45 kg or Fox Soft Steel - 2.7 kg.
  • Hooks: Drennan Super Spade Ne 14-18.
  • Leash: Frog Hair with a breaking load of 1.8 kg or, if the bite is difficult to fix, 0.16 mm Stroft or Pro Micron.
  • feeder: Kamasan Black Sar closed.
  • Bait: 2 liters of maggot (or maggot pupae) and 1 liter of hemp.
Chub fishing method number 3. This is another fishing technique - excellent for fishing in promising spots on large rivers. Start doing casts every three or four minutes and gradually stretch the pause between them up to 10 minutes. The feeder will really be in the right place and start working if you cast across the river, put the rod as high as possible and fish under the cover of the opposite bank. Use interchangeable tips (quivertip) as a bite indicator. When fishing under the other bank, the quiver tip can have quite a bit of curve, but if you're fishing in the middle of a river or close to your bank, choose your quiver tip carefully and preferably only slightly curved.

When fishing across the current, bites are usually indicated by short pushes of the tip followed by a quick pull back with little slack on the line. Raise the rod, removing the slack in the line, and wait until you feel the push of a large chub at the other end of the line. Sounds simple, doesn't it! In fact, this is how it should be, and the more accurately you cast, the more bites you will get.

Bottom fishing with chain weights

  • Rod: Fox Avon series with 450 or 350 g dough.
  • Coil: spinless, Shimano.
  • Line: Exage or Fox Soft Steel with a breaking load of 2.7 kg or 3.6 kg.
  • Leash: the same diameter as the main one, you can put the main line with a breaking load of 3.6 kg with a leash - 2.7 kg or the main line with a breaking load of 2.7 kg with a leash -1.8 kg.
  • Hooks: Drennan Carbon Specimen No. 4 or No. 6.
  • Sinkers: block of clamping shots SSG (1.89 g) or AAA (0.81 g).
Chub fishing method No. 4. This method is used for running fishing on small rivers. The basic approach is to check for bites in a number of sections of the river, followed by alternate fishing in each of the most promising places. Mashed bread is considered the best bait, and each section of the river should receive a couple of handfuls of bread before fishing. Let's "rest" each spot and add more bait before leaving it to another so that the chub stays in place.

Look for bends, places with overhanging trees or bushes, blockages formed after flooding near sunken trees, riffles in free stretches of the river, deep places with slow flow between reed beds, depths along jagged banks, and burrowed corners with submerged tree branches. The equipment is quite simple. Use a SSG or AAA shot chain weight and the strength of the current to make the lure in front of the chub look as natural as possible. Cast across the river and let the lure descend in an arc until it stops. Make a series of casts, adding or subtracting pellet weights on the rig so that the bait gets further, sharpening or fishing. on the contrary, remained within its limits.

Start fishing in the current itself and on the last cast, let the bait, hesitating, sink very close to your bank. Your tackle doesn't need to be too fancy, only a powerful rig will allow you to take out a big chub in these conditions. You must be quiet and approach the shore with all caution. During the day, the river is fished in this way for 1.5-2 km. As for the nozzle, it should be large. Use a large ball of cheese paste, bread flakes the size of a five-ruble coin, a piece of bread crust, or a decent-sized cube of meat for breakfast.

Cage feeder and ground bread

  • Rod: Fox Avon or medium feeder, 3.7 m.
  • Bite indicator: quivertype. Coil: spinless, Shimano.
  • Line: Shimano Exage with 1.8 breaking load; 2.7 or 3.6 kg or Fox Soft Steel - 2.7; 3.6 kg.
  • Leash: Exage with breaking load 1.8; 2.7 or 3.6 kg.
  • Hooks: Drennan Carbon Specimen No. 6, 8 or No. 10.
  • feeder: a cage feeder for shallow to medium depths or a traditional open-ended feeder for deep waters and strong currents.
Chub fishing method No. 5. This method works well in winter time on large and small rivers. The cage feeder is used for feeding bread at the place of fishing. You need fresh, sliced ​​bread for this. The bread is ground in a mixer and contains enough moisture to do without additional moisture. If the bread is fresh enough, you can squeeze it in your palms and it will take the form of a dense ball. When the bread falls into the water, it breaks into thousands of tiny particles, which are carried by the current and attract the chub to the fishing point without any additional bait. The cage feeder is filled with bread, which shrinks hard enough that it only begins to erode after the feeder reaches the bottom. In deep swirling water, traditional open-ended feeders are used to limit water ingress and prevent the bread from washing out before the feeder hits the bottom. When ground bread is used, only one hook with a nozzle can really be used, and this should also be bread. You can also plant a crust of bread.

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The chub, despite its omnivorous nature and the prevalence of its habitat, is an adversary that requires certain skills and knowledge from the angler. Even observing a school of chub from the shore, one can expect a bite to no avail, since chub - one of the most incredulous species of fish.

He has only one weakness: he loves to eat, but has sharp eyesight, and, seeing the shadow of a human figure from the water, will not take the bait under any circumstances. In early spring this fish is especially active, it is in search of food after the winter months to replenish energy reserves and gain strength. Therefore, they will come to the aid of the fisherman ability to disguise, choose the right equipment and bait, the ability to logically approach the process of fishing.

When does it start to peck? Conditions

Starting from March, when the ice melts in the pond, the chub leaves its winter shelter and goes in search of food. In this period, it is pointless to look for schools of fish, but to get a bite, you can try to waddle near the shelters where the chub has a habit of hiding.

Starting from mid-April and in warmer weather (+8-10 degrees), when the chubs are already gathering in schools, you should be very careful and choose the right tackle and lures for prey fishing.

During the day, the chub changes its location in the water column., according to these movements, and you should look for it. Early morning, in the coldest time, the chub hides at the very bottom, as the water warms up, it rises closer to the surface.

In the spring, the chub can be fished throughout the day, including twilight, when the spawning chub is especially willing to take the bait.

In accordance with the weather conditions, it is also worth changing the place of fishing. In calm, clear weather, the chub bites best at the surface of the water. where he seeks food in the form of insects falling into the water. During rain, he goes into the water column, and practically does not look for food, so the bite can noticeably decrease.

Equipment - making the right choice

In the absence of experience in fishing with spinning, it is worth starting with a small and light fixture size. After a couple of fishing attempts, spinning can be replaced with a more suitable one for yourself.. The cost of spinning does not play a special role in the quality and efficiency of fishing, it all depends on the individual preferences of the angler.

The main requirements for spinning when fishing for chub are the following:

  1. spinning should provide for casting a small bait over a long distance;
  2. rings must be of high quality;
  3. length from 2 to 3.5 meters;
  4. test range 5 - 30 grams.

News. The poachers caught fish on the forbidden bait!

According to law enforcement Four men were arrested on suspicion of poaching. During the detention, the men were carrying 237 kilograms of fish caught. The fish inspectors were surprised by the fact that the detainees had absolutely no poaching equipment (nets, electric shocks, explosives, etc.). When asked how they managed to catch so many fish, the men laughed off "good bite". But during the inspection of personal belongings, one of the inspectors drew attention to the packaging with a foreign label. It contained a powdered substance of unknown origin. After the examination, it turned out that the substance is able to greatly influence the fish due to the action of special enzymes. The main property of this substance ...


Inertialess coils should be preferred, with with an average spool capacity for 150 m of line with a diameter of 0.2 and 100 m with a line of 0.3. It does not make sense to use a thicker fishing line, since the chub has sharp eyesight, and the bait on it is usually light.

fishing line

The diameter of the fishing line for fishing the chub is 0.18 - 0.25 mm. It is not worth taking a thicker fishing line, because the number of bites will decrease significantly due to the incredulity of the chub. Preferred load that the fishing line can withstand: 3-10 kg. The chub is aggressive, it is worth preparing for the loss of spinners when the line breaks.


Catching a chub with a spinning rod can disappoint many anglers. The bottom line is that most are used to fishing with spinning from the shore, and chub bites better when casting from the water without expecting a trick. Most often, he carefully watches the shore, reacts to the sound of steps and the appearance of a human figure, increasing his level of vigilance.

It is best to sit in the boat and let it move freely through the water without creating additional splashes and noise. Then the bite of the chub is guaranteed, but only if you choose the right bait.

What to catch? Since the chub is omnivorous, the choice of baits is extremely wide. Lures in this case are divided into 2 types:

  • wobbler
  • spinner

spinner the chub likes it very much for unknown reasons, his preferred size is #0 - #2. Suitable spinners from proven and high-quality manufacturers, for example MEPPS, MYRAN, BLUE FOX.

The chub likes black and gold lures the most.. Ideal for baubles Mepps in Black Furi- It is black and has orange patches. Also, the chub willingly pecks at MYRAN Panter martin Gold №3.

The size of the spinner will affect the size of the pecked fish. An angler who wants to catch a small chub should take a small lure, for a medium lure, a medium-sized lure will be needed, respectively. If you want to catch a large chub, you need to take a wobbler.

If a wobbler, then Owner C'ultiva Bug Eye. You will not regret

For a chub, wobblers of small sizes are needed, but rather large in diameter. Among such fat men are suitable: Owner Cultiva Bug Eye, SMITH Camion, JACKALL Chubby, ZIP BAITS Hiscory, KOSADAKA Roger surf, STRIKE PRO Warted Toad.

With the right choice of wobbler, there is a chance that the chub will bite immediately after casting the bait, based on the reflex. Some manufacturers produce imitation wobblers water beetle, cockchafer, or black water beetle, and they are especially loved by the chub.

Wobblers are also suitable for catching chub, copying appearance fry. The chub always bites on them, but often they take the bait small fish, not of value as a trophy when sport fishing. The choice of bait should take into account not only the size and color preferred by the chub, but also the depth at which the chub lives in a given season.

Also, a streamer will be effective in catching a chub. The main feature of this type of bait can be called the fact that they need to actively play in order for the chub to bite. You can attach several streamers at once in your favorite chub colors - black and yellow, or combine them together on a hook.

Spinner GT-BIO Cicada-Diamond - a great alternative to a real cicada

Another great bait for chub - cicada. She is extremely popular in European countries and the USA, but the domestic fisherman, as a rule, neglects it. The chub loves small, yellow and black lures, and the cicada has particularly attractive moving properties for predators. If standard lures don't work, it's worth trying out the cicada, and bites are likely even in the first seconds after casting.

In the early spring, catching a chub with a jig will be a pointless undertaking, since the predator does not like this bait. In a later period, there is a possibility that a chub in a flock will bite on a jig automatically, but this type of bait can be called the most ineffective when catching a chub.

3 ways to increase your fish catch

There are many ways to increase your fish catch, but the most effective ones are the ones. Below, the editors of the site share with you the 3 most effective ways to increase your catch:

  1. . This is a pheromone-based supplement that activates receptors in fish. ATTENTION! Rybnadzor wants to ban this bait!
  2. Less effectively work out any other bait with flavors, it is better if they contain pheromones. But it's best to use novelty 2016 — !
  3. Learning different fishing techniques. For example, it is written about spinning postings.

Choosing a place for fishing chub

In different seasons, the chub behaves differently. His behavior and preferred baits are also determined turbidity of the water and the depth of the reservoir, the amount of vegetation in the water and on the shore. During the day, the chub is in different layers of water: anglers find it either at the very bottom, or in the middle thickness, and sometimes at the very surface.

spring fishing takes place in water that is still muddy after winter, when the chub leaves its shelter after the cold period and actively moves in the reservoir, being in search of food.

by the most effective way fishing will be bottom fishing, because the chub itself at this time feeds mostly on worms that fall in large numbers from the banks when the water melts into the reservoir. Therefore, it is best to catch on a worm, dragonfly larvae, leeches, medium-sized fry.

Fishing in the spring has two sides. From one, the chub this season willingly takes almost everything that comes in its way due to hunger, so bites are extremely frequent. On the other side, in spring, the chub does not gather in flocks and spreads throughout the reservoir, so finding a place for fishing is not so easy.

For anglers armed with spinning, there is a catching tactic in early spring, when the bait is thrown to the bottom of the reservoir, and then slides along the bottom under the influence of the current. The prowling chub will find the bait and bite on it.

Tactics and methods of angling chub

The chub requires special patience and care from the angler. It is good when the angler has thoroughly studied the reservoir and is perfectly familiar with all its features..

Otherwise, it is necessary to try all known methods of casting on different parts of the water, and only then draw conclusions about the very effective method fishing.

The most common way to fish chub in the spring is wiring tactics. When finding the approximate habitat of the fish, it is necessary to lay the sinker at the bottom, the float should be shifted to the tip of the rod. With the right choice of location and the right disguise, the bite will not keep you waiting.

After the ice has melted in the pond, it's time to fish the chub for spinning:

In March

Here the tactic of catching the chub is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to find a fishing spot, it should be located next to a rift and have at least one hole at the bottom (at least 1.5 m deep);
  2. The bait for the chub should have a small weight, no more than 2 grams, so a long cast will not work;
  3. On the shore, it is necessary to behave as quietly as possible, because the chub reacts sharply to sounds and movement. You can also try to get up at a shallow depth, which will increase the chances of a bite;
  4. The casting is done with the expectation that the current will carry the bait into the pit, where the chubs most often stop;
  5. After the bait has been carried by the current to the right place, she needs to play a little, on fixed target the chub will most likely not pay attention.

In April

Chub fishing is similar to March, since in these months the fish are still moving away from the winter period and behave in approximately the same way, not gathering in schools and increasing energy reserves, devoting most of their time to finding food.

In May

And here the chub begins to move in the pond to spawn. During this period, the chub can be fished throughout the day, as he feeds around the clock. The choice of a fishing place in May is carried out according to the basic laws of chub fishing: sections of riffles, pits, sunken snags, places with hard ground.

As a snap, you should choose fairly heavy sinkers., as fishing will take place mainly at the bottom.

baited all the same worms, leeches, larvae will serve, and after the appearance of the May beetle, it will be taken with appetite by the chub.

When casting you should keep the bait at the very bottom or in the middle water column, so it will need to be periodically pulled up - the current constantly strives to throw the bait to the surface of the water.

May chub fishing is also similar to April and March, and you can use this fishing tactic throughout the warm season. The main key to success is right choice fishing spots and camouflage.

  • The chub perfectly sees what is happening on the shore from the water, one must approach the reservoir carefully and try not to make loud sounds;
  • Too bright floats cause suspicion in the chub, and he will not peck at them;
  • The large-sized chub is most active in the evening and at dusk;
  • Chub's favorite bait is white bread mixed with;
  • Effective fishing on a float is possible only when baiting several places in a pond at once;
  • After several fish caught, you should change the place of fishing;
  • The chub prefers to keep various kinds of shelters: pits, flooded trees, etc.;
  • Catching the cockchafer requires a long cast with a long bait swim;
  • Bottom fishing tactics require playing with bait, choose the lightest equipment;
  • With insufficient experience in spinning fishing, it is required extra workout, since this method of fishing provides for the most accurate casts.

Instead of a conclusion - video

Video about spring chub:

Very often, fishermen speak of the chub as a capricious and very shy fish, which is quite difficult to catch. But it is not so. A fisherman who knows well all the weaknesses of the chub will be able to catch him without much difficulty. It is easiest to catch this fish at the end of spring, the main thing is to know where and what to catch chub in May.

Chub Features

The chub is a rather large, strong and beautiful inhabitant of the freshwater rivers of Europe. The most prominent individuals of this species reach a length of about 80 cm and weigh more than 8 kg. The fish belongs to the semi-predatory, its diet includes bottom mollusks, insects, larvae, caterpillars and midges that are in the upper layers of the water, as well as algae that have grown on snags and mud.

The body of the fish has an elongated cylindrical shape, which allows it to swim at great speed even with a rapid current. Its habitat is rivers of medium and small sizes with fast-flowing water. It can be both flat and mountain water bodies. Chub prefer fast currents and sandy or rocky bottoms. It is most often found in rivers with rapids, rifts and turns in the channel. This fish is very fond of hunting under cliffs or banks, with trees or shrubs hanging over the water, from which caterpillars, midges or other prey often fall. The chub loves very much in early May to refresh itself with May beetles, which just at this time begin their flight.

This fish is very wary of the presence of people, so when fishing it is undesirable to make noise or use flashy gear. This will scare away the fish and you will not get the desired catch.

Choosing a fishing spot

As already mentioned, the chub is a very shy and distrustful fish with excellent eyesight. Seeing the fisherman, he will prefer to retire, despite the alluring nozzles. Therefore, it is better to catch it near the coast, where there are trees and bushes behind which you can hide. In the absence of such shelters, it is advisable to place yourself near the river so that the sun is not behind you: bright rays illuminating your silhouette will tell the chub about your presence. If the fish does not notice anything suspicious, it will boldly swallow the bait.

It should also be borne in mind that the chub loves places with a fast current and often lives in rapids, river bends, channels between islets. Especially this fish loves the places where the currents meet, where the water is most saturated with oxygen. But if you are fishing on a large river, then it is worth remembering that the chub prefers the outback, located near the coast, with calmly flowing water.

Since spawning of the chub occurs at the end of April, at the beginning of May, after a week's rest from spawning, the fish begins to eat, which greatly facilitates fishing for fishermen. But despite the pickiness of fish in food, you need to know exactly what to catch chub in May, and what gear is best to use.

How to catch a chub with a float rod?

Great Chub Tackle - The rod must be very powerful as the fish are desperately fighting for their freedom, and if you manage to pick up an individual weighing 2-3 kg, then a weak rod will not withstand the onslaught. The fishing line can be 0.18 mm thick. Since the spring river is full of different hooks after high water, be sure to use a leash. Depending on the baits and baits used, select the appropriate hook (7-12).

When equipping tackle for a chub, use floats that allow you to fix structures in fairly fast currents. They should not be heavy and exceed the weight of 10 g, as splashing may scare the fish and there will be no catch. The carrying capacity of the float depends on the depth at which fishing is planned.

If fishing takes place in shallow water, you can use a nod instead of a float. The fly-fishing rod has one difficulty: since the fish bites very carefully, this is not always possible to recognize.

Spinning on a chub

A chub is caught well in May for spinning, which can be anything, as long as it has a small weight. Its length can be from 2 to 3.5 m (depending on the size of the reservoir where you will catch the chub), and the test - 10-30 g. A longer spinning rod makes it possible to maneuver, leading the bait downstream, and allows you to bypass various obstacles. Also, the chosen spinning rod should be convenient to throw light lures over a long distance.

It is best to equip spinning with an inertless reel. It is preferable to use a medium capacity spool that can hold 100 m to 150 m of monofilament having a diameter of 0.18 mm to 023 mm. When using, you need to remember about its extensibility, so you need to hook the fish after pulling the fishing line. If you use it, then its diameter should be minimal - up to 0.11 mm. When using braid, a rather strong blow will be a signal that the fish has settled.

Spinning is the most suitable tackle for wading fishing. Since the chub is often located at the bends of the rivers at the end of May, it is very convenient to catch it by going a certain distance from the shore, closer to the feeding place. The water during this period is quite warm, and the fisherman will be able to combine swimming with fishing. You can use special equipment to avoid getting wet.

How to catch a chub on a donk?

Donka is also an excellent tackle for catching chub. It is especially good to use it when fishing in early May. For tackle, you need a good hard bit that can withstand a heavy load: after all, a chub can be quite large, and a weak fishing rod simply cannot withstand the pressure when fishing. There is an opinion that a bite will not be visible due to a hard rod. But this problem can be easily solved by using conventional signaling devices. A chub donk is also good, having a special tip that will help you easily see the bite.

It is better to choose a reel to match the rod. It must be powerful and fit in size. It should also be quite comfortable, which will allow without unnecessary problems catch a big fish. It is better to take a fishing line for tackle with a diameter of about 0.25 mm, and a leash - about 0.2 mm, up to 60 cm long.

Since fishing for chub in May takes place in places with a stone bottom with snags that have settled after high water, it is better to use a flat sinker for the bottom. It passes well between stones and various obstacles, which will avoid hooks. Such a sinker will fix the equipment, while allowing the leash to move freely, which is extremely useful when catching chub.


Good fishing for chub in May is possible with correct use bait. It can be in the form of glued balls or loose. For balls, it is better to use maggots or their larvae and peck everything with special glue. If the chub is at a depth, then it is worth adding a little gravel to the balls, which will allow them to reach the bottom. You should not use too many live maggots, they will destroy the balls and float to the top.

As you know, the chub loves specific smells, so adding bone meal or blood to the bait will greatly increase its effectiveness, which will allow you to lure the fish to the right place.

It is very good to use bait made from cereals. It's easy to prepare. You will need:

Barley - 2 glasses;

Millet - 1 glass;

Cake - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Salt and sugar to taste.

To prepare cereals, you need to mix and pour water 1 to 2. You need to cook until the water disappears completely. Make sure that the porridge does not burn: the smell can scare away the fish. After cooling, crackers are added to the porridge and as a flavoring agent.

How to catch the cockchafer?

In May, the chub is well caught on the cockchafer. But this period does not last very long, so it is advisable to use the weakness of the fish to the insect in time.

After the departure of the May beetle, there are no problems with catching it: the beetles still swarm near the trees. They can be easily caught on the fly with a butterfly net. Put them in a container with holes for free air circulation. To bait a beetle on a hook, you need to pierce the back with a sting between the wings so that it comes out of the abdomen. Such baiting will not allow the chub to feast on the bitten off part of the beetle. The sting must be outside.

Since the chub prefers sinking beetles, the bait should be systematically recast. This will improve the bite.

In the spring, the chub bites well on the May beetle for about a week, just after the insect takes off. Then he starts to sort out the bait. Therefore, it is so important not to miss the right moment.

The best baits for catching chub

Since the chub can be called omnivorous, the bait can be very diverse. After high water, when the water has not yet completely cleared, the chub is well caught on worms. He also does not disdain baits in the form of offal, liver, pieces of sausage or sausages, pieces of fish or stale meat, maggots and shellfish. Can serve as bait and processed cheese, various insects and their larvae, frogs. It is good to use leeches as bait. Special attention should be given to grasshoppers, which are also a delicacy for chub.

If you have not yet decided what to catch chub in May, you can use vegetable baits. Boiled potatoes, peas or barley are good for this. The chub is also caught on bread, in particular on the crust. Some fishermen claim that sometimes the fish simply ignore the most the best baits choosing a crust of white bread.

When catching a chub, you need to take into account that although he is an omnivore, his preferences can change quickly, and it is impossible to determine exactly what he will like at a certain moment. When going fishing, it is better to take several types of bait with you. It also happens that in one place the fish will bite well on the maggot, and in the other - choose pearl barley. You can determine what the chub is best caught on by systematically throwing a variety of bait.

What wobblers are best used when catching chub in May?

Many fishermen, wondering what to catch chub in May, tend to choose wobblers. Their diversity allows you to choose the most suitable species. In May it is very effective to use Salmo Tiny. small size, made in the form of a beetle. He is very attracted to the white predator, not indifferent to insects. The chub bites especially well in May on wobblers of this type during the departure of the May beetles, when they are the main diet of the chub. Since such wobblers can be sinking or floating, it is better to choose the first option: the chub prefers sinking beetles.

Chub is caught well in the spring on Smith Camion SR wobblers. The chub just go crazy when they see him. Even not very active fish often rush at him. Thanks to the balls located inside, when hitting the water surface, the wobbler makes a sound that attracts fish. He captivates the forehead with his wobbling game. Replacing native barbless hooks with classic ones will significantly reduce the number of unsuccessful hooks.

It is not bad to use ZipBaits Rigge 35F wobblers for catching a white predator. It is very good to use when fishing on riffles or in other places with a rapid current. The bait can be cast over fairly impressive distances, despite its small size. The wiring of this wobbler can be uniform or jerky-aggressive.

There are many other fairly effective wobblers. To decide which one is best for you, you should ask local fishermen or chat on fishing forums with fishing masters. They will advise you exactly the bait that has proven itself well during their fishing.

Time of day to fish

Fishing for chub in May coincides with zhor, so the fish are quite active throughout the daylight hours. As soon as the first rays of the sun begin to warm the water, there is an active movement of fish, which can last all day. Most likely, the effectiveness of catching this white predator depends on the weather. Chub is best caught in sunny, calm weather. A light breeze blowing from the shore also has a positive effect. The fish, in anticipation of blown off insects, begins to move more actively.

Some fishermen mistakenly believe that in very hot weather, the lobster will stop pecking. But they are wrong. On such days, the fish simply change the place of feeding, and when casting in different areas, you can still find a place where the bite will be quite intense. Good fishing at sunset.

As for it, it can also be quite good. But it should be borne in mind that the limited visibility should be compensated by the fisherman's instinct.

The chub is a strong fighter!

The chub is a very strong fish, and fights in the water to the last, just not to fall into the hands of a fisherman. Even on the shore, you need to be careful with this predator, especially when removing the hook. A dodgy fish can return it to you, and your fishing trip will end with a visit to the surgeon.

After catching a fish, it is better to keep it in a net in the water. Do not wear it, weighing yourself down with an extra load.

Given all the above recommendations, even a novice fisherman will be able to master catching a white predator. Fishing for chub in May will allow you to replenish your collection with a wonderful trophy in the form of a lobe. The main thing is to believe in yourself and know all the habits of this fish.

Greetings dear anglers. As you can see from the title, the topic of today's article is catching chub in the spring. Fishermen have not yet fully studied the behavior of this fish, today I will tell you my observations and share some secrets of catching chub in the spring.

In general, this fish has always puzzled me. The chub, as it were, interferes with catching other fish, and does everything to attract attention to it. At the same time, when you specifically hunt for chub,
catches are not so great. So, let's figure out what's what, and how to achieve good catches of this strong handsome man in the spring.

When the chub starts to peck

After the ice melts from the rivers, the chub leaves the wintering pits and begins to feed before spawning. It does not feed immediately, but approximately 1-2 weeks after the reservoir is freed from ice.

This process with a gradual increase in temperature intensifies, and already in the third week of April reaches its peak. In April, chub is caught on spinning and donk. Chub spawning, like most fish in the middle zone, occurs at the end of April.

The spawning of the chub is lightning fast, it takes him 1 day, where he gets to the spawning grounds much longer. Before spawning, the chub gathers in flocks, and each flock may spawn at different times, depending on the spawning site.

In this regard, anglers think that the chub is small, or it bites badly. In fact, there is always a chub, but the peak of its biting occurs in mid-May, when all individuals have spawned and have been ill.

Where to look for chub in spring

If you know the spawning features of the chub, you can accurately calculate its location in the reservoir. The fact is that eating before spawning, the chub gradually moves to the spawning grounds. It spawns in small tributaries of the river, making its way through the spring stream of water to calmer and well-warmed places.

In this regard, it is possible to determine the approximate location of the chub. The closer the end of April, the closer the chub to the tributaries, and the more concentrated the chub near the mouth.

On sunny days in April, chubs up to 700 grams are near the shore almost all day. This is explained very simply, the chub's favorite food is insects falling from trees.

During the day, when the sun warms, insects that have not yet fully awakened fall into the water. The chub lies in wait for them near bushes and hanging trees. Large individuals stand further from the coast about 10-20 meters, and it is useless to catch them during the day.

In the morning and evening hours, the chub moves away from the coast and searches for food at depth. During these hours, it is better to catch chub with bottom gear. Usually catches of large individuals are observed in the morning and evening.

How to catch chub in spring

In the spring, the chub is not very active, but fans of this fish find ways to catch it with almost all tackle. In this article, we will not consider float fishing, as it is relevant in the summer.

The float is caught in May, but I already wrote about this in the article "", and I see no reason to repeat myself. Let's start with the most common spring tackle for chub.

Donkey fishing

Donka for chub works only before spawning, therefore, in April. Best time Donkey fishing is early morning, until about 900 am, and evening fishing after sunset until 2300.

The best baits are large worms, as well as large insect larvae, such as the larva of the cockchafer.

It is best to mount this tackle on the rod. Since chub bites are very aggressive, the shock-absorbing properties of the rod will come in handy. You can also use a donk on a reel, but in this case you will have to tie the reel to the coastal bushes.

As I said, fishing is carried out mainly at dusk, so the use of bite alarms is prerequisite. For a donkey with a rod, fireflies are best, and bells are suitable for a reel.

Since the water is still cloudy, you can use thick fishing lines. It is important to remember that the thicker the line, the more it will be carried away by the current, and the casting will not be as far as with a thin line. It is important to find a middle ground here, but you shouldn’t grind with a fishing line, I generally don’t recommend putting a fishing line thinner than 0.3 mm on the bottom.

Braided lines can be used for a rod donk, but in this case, the rod must be flexible, no matter what breaks when strong blow. Donka with a reel must be equipped with a monofilament line for better shock absorption.

The coil can be both inertia and inertialess. In the case of an inertial reel, the casting will not be so far, but the probability of breaking the rod during a bite will be less. Putting such a reel on a ratchet, the chub, when biting, will easily pull the fishing line off the reel, and you, in turn, will hear a crack, and there will be no need for an alarm.

If long distance casting is required, a spinning reel must be used. In this case, it is necessary to correctly adjust the friction clutch. The most versatile coil, will be spinning reel with a baitrunner.

donkey rig

Equip donks with the most in a simple way. To do this, a flat load is tied to the end of the main fishing line in order to exclude the influence of the current. A leash is mounted above, approximately 40-50 centimeters from the load. Since the chub never stands at the bottom, this type of rig is the most catchy, and thanks to the high position of the bait, you will completely eliminate the bite of the ruff.

The leash should be thinner than the main line by 0.02mm, in this case the rigidity of the main line and the leash will be approximately the same, and the likelihood of overlap will decrease. The length of the leash depends on the strength of the current. The stronger the current, the shorter the leash, but not shorter than 30 cm.

There may be several leashes, in which case the chances of catching a chub will increase significantly, but the likelihood of entangling the gear will also be high. You can read about attaching additional leashes in the article "".

Tactics for catching chub with a donkey

When choosing a place, the angler must remember that the chub loves clean areas of the reservoir. These can be stone embankments and areas with a sandy bottom. In spring, the chub does not tolerate the silty bottom, and does not stand in such places.

It is very important that there is a stream of current in the chosen place of fishing. The rig is thrown as close to the stream as possible, but not onto the stream itself. If the river is navigable, the most the best place for fishing will be near the fairway.

Having found a fishing spot, you need to fix the fishing line so that you don’t lose the point at dusk. Donka is thrown into the chosen place and signaling devices are installed. In the case of a rod, the signaling device is placed on the rod. If you are fishing with a reel, the bell should be placed on the bush to which the reel is tied.

Spinning fishing

In the spring, spinning fishing is carried out during the daytime. An ultralight spinning rod is best suited for a spring chub, since it is not interested in large baits at this time.

In the spring, the chub is caught on small wobblers and turntables. From wobblers it is worth taking models similar in shape to small roach. Wobblers imitating ruff and minnow also work well. The color of the bait should be dark. The spring chub is very shy, and tries to avoid noisy baits. In this regard, it is worth choosing wobblers that do not make noise.

Wobbler wiring should be almost uniform, with small pauses. In the spring, the chub is weakened, and fast wiring does not interest him. Quite often, bites occur when the wobbler stops.

From turntables, red colors with black splashes work well. The best turntables on the chub in the spring there will be long and comet models from meps, and their numerous copies. Turntable wiring should be slow. If there is any obstacle at the place of fishing (a log or a large stone), it is necessary to make small pauses in this place, allowing the current to play with the bait.

This type of fishing is probably due to the fact that the chub does not want to chase the fry after wintering, but it will definitely try to drive away a competitor that has stood nearby and can grab its food.

Look for the chub below the tributaries and directly next to them. Usually in such places there is a lot of oxygen, which the chub always needs, and especially in spring. The coastline also needs to be caught by drawing the bait along the coast. Particular attention should be paid to places where tree branches hang over the water.

Sometimes, being near a tributary, you can notice a plume of air bubbles. It is these places that the chub loves in the spring, and you need to catch the entire area where the bubbles float.

Well, actually, all respected anglers. As you can see, it is possible and necessary to catch a chub in the spring. Don't forget to subscribe to new articles and leave your comments. I will be very happy if you tell us your observations on catching chub in the spring, and, as they say, no tail or scales for you, dear readers!
