How to put a chain on a regular bike. How to put a broken chain on a bike. How to set up the correct shifting of forward gears

A bicycle chain is one of the main components of a bicycle. Many are stunned by the question of how to pull the chain on speed bike? Special skills and the presence of a special tool for this operation is not required. Actions can be performed independently, it is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

Causes of collapse or rupture

One of the most important parts of a bicycle is the chain. But even with normal driving, it can fly off or break. The main reasons for the breakdown:

  1. Damage to one of the stars transmission systems. Gear systems of high-speed bicycles are divided into collapsible and non-collapsible. Star replacement is possible in a collapsible system. The non-separable gear system is completely changed, as a set. If one star is damaged, driving is possible at speeds that have remained serviceable.
  2. Incorrect speed settings. The front and rear derailleurs have special bolts that adjust the transmission. If these bolts, then there is a possibility that when shifting gears, the chain will fly off.

Bicycle chain tension

The mechanism can be tensioned independently, both on high-speed models with gear shifting and on bicycles without them.

In order to correctly tension the chain on a bicycle, especially if it is, you will need wrenches (which usually come with the vehicle) and a little patience.

On bicycles without gears

Before you start working with this element of an ordinary bicycle, which is different from others, you should know the basic rule - you can not pull the chain to the state of the string. The normal state of this node is considered to be sagging up to 5 mm.

How to tighten the chain on a regular bike, the sequence of operations:

  1. The vehicle is overturning. In order not to damage the seat or the surface of the steering wheel, small pieces of soft material can be placed under them.
  2. The rear wheel is held on by two nuts. To work with the chain, they must be loosened.
  3. As a consequence of the movement of the wheel along the inclined grooves, it is necessary to adjust the required sag.
  4. After the recommended distance of 5 mm has been reached, rear wheel it is necessary to fix it on 2 nuts, which then should be carefully tightened. You don't have to put in a lot of effort.
  5. Too tight a mechanism will not allow the cyclist to pedal freely. Also, when the transport returns to its original state, they carefully monitor that the wheel axis runs parallel to the carriage shaft.

At speeds with gears

How to pull the chain on? The design of high-speeds provides tension to the link element by increasing the stiffness of the spring of the rear derailleur. In the event of an incorrect choice of the length of the link element and subsequent replacement, the switch will not provide the proper tension.

If there is too much slack, the chain will hit the frame and gear shifting becomes difficult. Also, you should not put too short a mechanism, tension will accelerate the wear of the entire speed mechanism.

Important! Sometimes when installing a new chain on a speed bike, you need to shorten its length, remove the extra links.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. We stretch the chain on the largest front and rear sprocket. We pull for it, moving the rear derailleur to the maximum forward. Add two links and get the optimal chain length.
  2. We transfer the chain in front to the largest star, in the back - to the smallest. Pull it up to such a position when:
    • the rear thrower frame will point straight down;
    • the switch rollers must be in the same vertical line.

How can you shorten the chain?

The chains of ordinary speedless bikes are collapsible. One of the links has a special lock. Its opening will allow you to remove unnecessary links or add new ones.
Important! Before you start removing the extra links of a one-piece riveted chain on a high-speed bike, a special squeeze is purchased.

With its help, you can carefully rivet the clamps, leave them in the required number, and then re-rivet.

There is another way to solve: in the absence of a tool, the pins on the links are turned with sandpaper. After that they are removed.

How to choose and install a chain guide

The damper is a simple structure made of metal. High Quality, which prevents the link element from collapsing. It must be correctly installed in order to function properly.

Installing the damper:

  • remove the gear shifting stars from the bike. On some models, the carriage must be removed;
  • the largest star, which will be replaced by rockling, must be installed in place of the middle one;
  • fix the structure in place of the carriage ledges;
  • lubricate all rubbing elements;
  • put on the chain and tighten it correctly.
Important! The damper should be extended towards the star so that it does not interfere with the free operation of the entire gearshift system.

By following the instructions above, you can understand how to sports bike tension the chain or do the same operation on a simpler two-wheeled vehicle.


How to tension a chain on a speed bike will help the following video.

Sooner or later, every avid cyclist has a chain failure. Luckily, there's no need to take your bike to an expensive repair shop if you can fix it yourself. The following tips will help you as soon as possible troubleshoot.


Replacing a Broken Chain

Assess the damage and try to do something. If the chain breaks while riding, roll the bike to the curb and lay it on its side, sprockets up. Inspect the chain break - most likely the chain is hanging on the sprocket, and you can easily find two broken ends. In a conventional chain, the links are connected to each other by means of a pin (pin, or cylindrical cup) holding the plates of the inner link through which the pin passes, and a roller located on top of the cup. Therefore, if you are an experienced cyclist and you carry a chain fitting tool and spare parts with you, you can fix the chain yourself and re-tension it (see Method 2). Mostly, bicycle chains are divided into three categories:

  • Chains with special rivets. Special rivets from the manufacturer are supplied with such chains. If you do not have such rivets with you, then, to repair the chain, you will have to get to the nearest bike parts store.
  • Chains with closing links. These chains have a special link with two rivets that connect the ends of the chain. If this link breaks, then you will have to replace this link in order to repair the chain.
  • Chains with "normal" links. Old, traditional chains consist of standard links, each of which can be replaced with the same (if you have a tool).

Remove the broken chain. If you find that replacing the chain will be easier than repairing it, then the first thing you need to do is remove the old chain. If it is completely torn, then just spin the pedals and it will fall off the sprocket itself. If the chain does not fall off when scrolling, then it must be disconnected manually. This can be done with a squeezer, available at almost any bike shop.

  • Splitting the chain links with the squeeze: Position the pin of the chain against the pin of the squeeze. Then tighten the screw of the pin, extruding the pin. If you plan to reuse the chain, do not remove the pin completely, but just enough to break the chain links.
  • After you have disengaged the chain, pedal so that the chain falls off the cassette. If you want to replace the chain, then remember to count the number of links in the old chain (on bikes with a rear derailleur, take into account the error). Also consider the type of drivetrain you have, as this determines the type of chain that will fit your bike. For example, a 9-speed chain is suitable for a 9-speed transmission, etc.
  • Raise the rear wheel. The next step is to thread the new chain through the rear derailleur. To do this, you will need to spin the rear wheel, which will be much easier if it is not on the ground. If you have a bike rack, or a pole in the wall to hang your bike on, take advantage of that. If you do not have such benefits, just raise back frame, placing something under it, for example, a box or a cinder block.

    Thread the chain through the rear derailleur. On most modern mountain bikes The rear derailleur is a spring-loaded mechanism that descends below the main rear sprocket. Threading a chain through this mechanism requires special attention because driving safety depends on it. Take the "mother" (the end of the chain without the pin) of the pre-sized chain, and circle it around the lower idler, and then around the upper one. If done correctly, the chain will run in an S-shape. If S turned out to be uneven, it is possible that the chain did not fit into all the grooves of the rollers, or caught on something.

    • There may be a small metal lug between the rear derailleur idlers. The chain must not touch it.
    • Some bikes, such as grouses (fixed gear bikes) or bikes with planetary hubs, do not have a rear derailleur. In such cases, simply put the chain on the sprocket and pedal as instructed in the next step.
  • Put the chain on the rear cassette. On mountain bikes, the rear cassette is a set of multiple sprockets attached to the rear wheel. Once the chain has been threaded through the derailleur, slide it over the smallest sprocket in the cassette. After making sure that the chain is securely passed through the derailleur and is firmly on the sprocket, pull it slightly.

    Thread the chain through the front derailleur. On most modern mountain bikes, there is a metal mechanism in the front sprocket area that moves the chain from one sprocket to another. Pass the front end of the chain through this derailleur. If the chain does not reach, push the rear wheel a little further.

    • Capercaillie, again, don't have a front derailleur, so just slide the chain over the front sprocket as shown in the next step.
  • Put the chain on the front sprocket. Put the chain on the smallest front sprocket. Pull it well, and check that it lies on all the teeth of the sprocket, then scroll the pedal.

  • Connect the ends of the chain. Now that the chain has been securely passed through all the components of the transmission, you can connect the ends and enjoy your rides again. Place the connecting link ("mother" and "father") in the squeeze, on the stop, which is closer to the fixing screw. When adjusting the position of the chain, move the pin to the clamped pin so that they are aligned. Tighten the link with the fixing screw. Rotate the handle to clamp the pin into the link. Constantly monitor the degree of immersion of the pin. Failure to comply with this subtlety can lead to breakage.

    • One useful tool is the c-clip (small thin piece of metal) that helps hold the two ends of the chain together. This makes the job much easier because you don't have to hold the two ends of the chain yourself. A bent paperclip can serve as such a C-bracket.

    Replacing a Loose Chain

    1. Determine where the chain jumped off. Sometimes the chain does not break, but simply leaves its usual position. Since it is still on the front and rear derailleurs in this case, no special intervention is required - all you have to do is install the chain back onto the sprocket. If the chain falls off en route, get off the bike, lay it on its side, sprockets up, and find the place to dismount. Usually the chain falls off the front sprocket but remains on both derailleurs.

      • Look for places where the chain can be pinched. Take appropriate measures before your next trip.
    2. Loosening the eccentric in case the chain is pinched. As mentioned above, sometimes the chain will get stuck between the rear sprocket and the frame. In this case, loosen the rear wheel eccentric and unscrew the eccentric nut so that the chain can be removed.

      • The eccentric is opened by unclenching a small lever located in the center of the rear wheel. Then unscrew the nut on the opposite side of the lever, and release the chain.
        • Don't forget to clamp the eccentric back before riding. The nut should be moderately tight, so that the lever is not too tight and not too loose. If the lever is too tight, loosen the nut a little and try tightening again. If the lever is clamped too easily, the nut must be tightened.
    3. On bikes with rear derailleurs, loosen the chain tension and pull it over the front sprocket. Most bikes have a spring in the rear derailleur that keeps the chain tensioned while riding. Overcoming the resistance of the spring, tension the chain so that it can be put on the smallest front sprocket. Then release the chain and make sure it is tight enough.

      • As a rule, you can now continue driving. At first, the bike may ride erratically until the chain sits in the correct position.
    4. On bikes without gears, the chain is pulled onto the front sprocket by pedaling. As mentioned above, in many bicycles, for example, in "grouse" there are no speed switches. In this case, put the chain on the rear sprocket, and, hooking it on as far as possible large quantity teeth on the bottom of the front sprocket, pedal backwards. The chain should catch on and begin to wrap around the sprocket. When the chain wraps around the last top tooth of the sprocket, it will be able to function properly.

      • Pedaling will be easier if you lift the rear wheel. To do this, you can put the bike on a rack, or put some material under it. You can also ask someone to hold the rear wheel on the weight, or, in extreme cases, just turn the bike over.
    • It's not unusual for a chain to drop from time to time, but if it happens too often, professional help may be needed.
    • If you have the opportunity, get a special tool called a chain tensioner. Buy yourself a couple and follow the instructions on the package. Typically, you will need a Phillips screwdriver and an Allen wrench of a certain size. These tools will help you maintain proper chain tension.
    • If your chain is still slack and you can't get professional help, you may need to remove a few chain links to shorten it. But, do not take on this if you do not know how to remove the links correctly.
    • Every cyclist should have basic knowledge and repair skills. In this way, you can not only save on service costs, but also not be in a hopeless situation, being away from the bike shop.


    • Braid your long hair, tuck in your clothes, and button your fly all the way down before you repair your chain.
    • It is better to use gloves when repairing, so as not to get your hands dirty in grease.
    • Do not stick your fingers into the chain, otherwise they can be injured, or lost altogether.
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    The need to remove / install a bike chain arises for various reasons. Someone regularly boils it in paraffin or wax, someone decided to carry out a comprehensive cleaning in a can of gasoline, and someone got to such a state that and it needs to be changed. How to do this is intuitively clear, but for those who are new to the operation, it is difficult to do without explanations and answers to exciting questions.

    At the crossroads of two technologies: methods for replacing a worn chain on a bicycle with speeds

    The main goal of the procedure is to unhook the old chain and connect the new one together. Before doing anything, make sure how the chain is engaged now. It either represents a single whole, or has a detachable link (lock) in its design. This is important, since the type of fastening determines the list of necessary tools and, in fact, the maintenance method.

    Lock/not lock

    So, task number 1 in how to change a worn chain on a bicycle is to find out if there is a lock. It's hard to tell on a dirty chain, so clean it up. It is not necessary to clean in full accordance with the regulations.

    It is enough to brush off the main layer of dirt from the side plates and pedal in the opposite direction. The shape of the detachable link is noticeably different from the others, and immediately catches the eye. In more detail its design can be studied in the photo.

    Release techniques

    • If there is a lock in the chain, it is enough to open it.
    • If the chain is a single unit, it is necessary to press out one of the axles (pins).

    How to change a chain without a lock on a bike with shifting gears

    In the absence of a lock, the chain replacement technology is reduced to three operations:

    1. Pressing a pin out of any link.
    2. Shortening the new chain.
    3. Setting and pressing the axle on a new bike chain.

    How to remove a bicycle chain without a lock

    First, place the chain closer to you so that it is convenient to remove it after opening and start a new analogue on the stars. To do this, it is enough to turn the rear derailleur to the extreme position (the smallest sprocket), and align the front derailleur with the third gear (the largest star).

    Squeezing the pin out of the link is much easier than pushing it back in. Select one of the constituent elements of the chain and extrude the axle in any of the following ways:

    • Tapping with a hammer through a knitting needle or a thin carnation.
    • Squeezing with a hard tip fixed on the chain squeeze bolt.

    Important! When tapping or pressing out, the back plate of the link must rest against something. For example, in the squeezing device, a special rib is provided for this. Using a knitting needle and a hammer, the bike chain can be placed on a metal substrate (for example, a rail, a weight) or a hard stone, but in such a way that the pin has somewhere to go.

    It is more convenient to squeeze at the lower level. After disconnection, it is easier to remove the chain at idle, when the pedals are spinning in the opposite direction.

    For your information. Do not press out the pin completely. It is very difficult to insert it into the outer plate. If you do not feel the position, proceed in steps: make a turn with the squeeze bolt handle, remove it, evaluate whether it is already possible to open the link. If yes, then the squeezing is considered finished, and in the case of “no”, put the squeezing device again and repeat the cycle of actions.

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    How to shorten a chain

    Usually a fresh chain is slightly longer than even a tired product. If you put it without shortening, the position of the rear derailleur will not correspond to the required one. The quality of gear shifting suffers from this.

    The easiest way to calculate the right size is to compare the lengths of the old and new chain. It is not necessary to use a tape measure, it is enough to put them nearby. Combining both ends on one side, on the other we will see a discrepancy in dimensions. Extra links are pressed out according to the method already described, taking into account the recommendation for incomplete removal of the axis from the hole.

    Attention! When removing extra links, follow the logic of their connection: the outer plates are mounted on the inner ones. External plates will not sit on similar external ones. Consider the design of the suspension: on double suspensions, the length of the chain should be enough in the position of full compression of the shock absorber.

    How to fit a new bike chain

    We will assume that all the requirements of technology, how to choose a chain for a speed bike , completed successfully. Those. in front of you is a part that fits the width of the rear and front stars and all that remains is to put it on:

    • Position the product so that the extruded pin is closer to you.
    • Run the chain through big star system in the idle direction (reverse riding pedaling) by passing it through the front derailleur.

    • Put the chain on the cassette and bypass the switch rollers according to the diagram shown in the figure.

    For your information. It is possible to press the link axis only by squeezing. When pressing, ask an assistant or fix the rear derailleur with a piece of wire so that the chain on the lower tier sags. In this way, the risk of damage to the opposite plate can be virtually eliminated.

    How to replace a worn lock chain on a speed bike

    The technology is similar to the technique of changing a bicycle chain without a lock: remove the old one, shorten the new one and put it on. And we can say that here we can’t do without squeeze - extra links need to be removed with something.

    Although here you can omit the recommendation about the incomplete pressing out of the pin - in the case of using a lock, it just needs to be completely removed. And then the alternative works 100%: the hammer and the knitting needle do their job, and nothing needs to be pressed in.

    Attention! When removing extra links, see how the lock is installed: both ends must end with internal plates

    According to the technology of replacing a chain on a bicycle with speeds, the detachable link is disconnected with special pliers. In fact, you can take hold of the castle area with both hands (preferably with gloves) and pull the ends of the chain together.

    Lock installation

    Pass the plates with the axles into the rollers, align all the grooves and open the chain in the area of ​​the lock in opposite sides holding it with both hands. Again, suitable profile pliers can be used, if available.
    To make the lock finally snap into place when there are no pliers at hand, follow the list of actions:

    • Scroll the pedals so that the lock is on the upper tier.
    • Hold the back wheel.
    • Press your foot on the pedal. The section will stretch, and the link will sit as expected.

    • Get a squeeze, even if the lock is present. The chain can break and this tool will come in handy on the way. In addition, shortening the bike chain with a squeeze is much easier. When choosing a release tool, focus on high-quality expensive models made of solid metal. The ideal option is to take a multi-set.
    • Avoid using a padlock. The thing is practical and reliable. A chain with a split link is faster and more convenient to remove for the same routine cleaning before lubricating it.
    • Do not use an old lock with a new chain. New - only new.

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    One of the most common problems speed bike owners face is chain wear or damage. In order for the bike to serve as long as possible without causing trouble, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for regular care and maintenance. By knowing how to install a chain on a speed bike, you will avoid the extra cost of repairing a specialist.

    What is the purpose of replacing the chain?

    Experts recommend changing the chain on a speed bike every time you reach a mileage of 1.5-2 thousand km.

    This is due to the rather rapid wear of the node. It stretches, which leads to increased loads on the transmission. As a result, speed performance suffers. Difficulties also arise when switching speeds. Steep climbs become impossible and the performance of the bike as a whole decreases. In addition, when throwing the chain between the sprockets, there will be no rigid fixation, and it will begin to slip.

    Determining chain wear on a speed bike

    To eliminate possible problems with the operation of a two-wheeled vehicle, you need to learn how to determine the degree of wear of the node.

    To determine chain wear, measure the distance between 24 pins. The indicator should vary from 304.8 to 306.4 mm. If this value is exceeded, the chain must be replaced.

    Replacing a chain on a speed bike: the subtleties of the process

    There are two types of chains on bikes: with pins or with locks. Chains with a lock are found only on children's bicycles. Replacing them is not difficult. Chains with pins need a special approach.

    Experts do not recommend removing the assembly using improvised devices. This may cause damage to neighboring parts. To replace the chain, a special tool is used for the connector and to connect its links - squeeze.

    When replacing a chain on a speed bike, you should follow a certain sequence:

    • setting the pin parallel to the squeeze pin
    • screw tightening
    • extrusion and extraction of the pin.

    After these manipulations, the part is removed without difficulty. Installing a new element is carried out in a similar way. Turn the bike over and remove the rear wheel. The chain is assembled directly on the frame and stretched over the sprockets. The wheel is fixed last. If necessary, the links can be removed and increased. For this, squeeze is also used.

    If you do not have confidence in your own abilities and a positive outcome of the planned event, entrust the replacement of the chain to specialists. This service is inexpensive, performed within half an hour. By contacting specialists, you can minimize the risk of damage to other important parts of the bike during repairs.

    Depending on the style of riding, the question of removing the chain arises either almost immediately after the start of riding, for example, in trials or downhill, or, after many kilometers of riding, when maintenance and replacement of the chain is required.

    Chain removal situations

    It is very important, and there may be several reasons for removing the chain:

    • Deep cleaning - it is recommended to remove all elements from time to time and clean them of grease and accumulated abrasive.
    • Damage and replacement of links.
    • Replacing a worn chain.
    • Change in length with a new combination of stars, for example, on a mountain bike.

    Wear in "home conditions" is primarily determined by stretching. A stretched chain is a cause for concern, as misaligned links severely damage sprockets and can be dangerous to derailleurs.

    It is quite difficult to note wear by eye, and there is an indicator to determine it - the length of 24 links:

    • if it is 305 mm (304.8 value for a new set), everything is in order;
    • 306.5-307.5 mm - it's time to change;
    • 307.5 mm - if the bike was still in use with such wear, then the entire set of sprockets is most likely damaged;
    • 308 mm - the value of the damaged transmission.

    Tension link example

    It is objectively recommended to service the transmission every 500 kilometers, but this value is not fixed, since 50 kilometers over rough terrain with an abundance of sand and mud can correspond to another thousand on clean city roads.

    Some people prefer to cut the chain, but the stretch is usually evenly distributed and the links can still damage sprockets that can no longer be repaired.

    Important Points

    In addition to conventional devices, there are models with a lock - a special link, which is slightly different in shape from the others, and allows you to open the link using reverse tension without using a squeeze or other tools, the main thing is to put the lock link correctly. It is not recommended to open the links near the lock, as this will reduce the reliability of the entire mechanism.

    It is very important to remember how the chain is connected to the system, cassette and switches before starting to remove it - without a little experience in mounting and dismounting it can be difficult to put it back on.

    Standard withdrawal process

    All guides describe the same order of work for removal. This will require, first of all, a small set of tools - without them it will be quite difficult.


    • wrench for removing the rear wheel;
    • pliers for holding segments and pins;
    • squeeze - a device for pressing out pins, without a lock - the most important tool in the process.


    Consider step by step how to remove the chain from the bike:

    1. We clean the links from dirt - it will interfere with each subsequent step.
    2. Removing the rear wheel is an optional step, but it is much easier to work without it.
    3. Squeeze out the pin (the metal cylinder that closes each link) with a squeeze.
    4. Disconnect one link.
    5. Remove the extreme links from the switches.

    The reverse sequence is similar - put the chain in place and assemble the structure back, riveting the pin with a squeeze, and rotating it in the opposite direction.

    Without tools

    In the absence of squeeze, you can install everything back without it. Pliers and any strong cylinder, for example, a small hexagon, will help. By carefully clamping the cylinder, the pin can be riveted in the same way as the squeeze, it just requires a lot more attention and effort.

    Models with a lock can be unhooked using a tight rope or cable. This allows you to make quick repairs literally in field conditions, for example, when the chain suddenly broke on a short hike.

    Removal of the lock link without tools


    Removing a chain from a bicycle is very easy if you have a simple tool or basic knowledge about this process. The most important thing is to act carefully, as forceful actions with extrusion can be dangerous.
